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Posted: Thu, 25/07/2024 09:15 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ sorry must have overlooked, but Dududunsparce is 70k DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Annihilape (hard): 600 pd
total:600 pd

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 18:12 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Landorus: 50k pd
Cursola: 700 pd
200 pd off
total:50.5k pd
50k: 3 dragon gems (45k) + 2 fairy gems (5k)
500 pd remaining

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 12:04 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Zigzagoon (Galarian) (easy) + everstone: 400pd
total:400 pd
Note: I'll take off 200 pd for your next order since you payed 600 instead of 400 :)

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 10:21 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Zygard (Cell Form):20k pd
Zygard (10% Form):25k pd
total: 45k pd
20k pd: 1 dragon gem (15k) + 2 fairy gems (5k)
25k pd: 1 dragon gem (15k) + 20 grass gems (10k)

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Posted: Wed, 24/07/2024 08:10 (6 Months ago)
Sorry for inactivity yesterday, but ready to pick everything up now!

1) depends on the gems you want to trade for Aurora
2) 10 grass gems = 5k pd (1 gem= 0.5k pd) so that's supposed to be 20 or you need to add some other gems (worth 5k total)

@fututregurl trade is up! NO OFFER(CANCELED)
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
dragonair (special): 1.5k pd
total:1.5k pd

@ExquisiteEevee okay that's fine! I'll cancel the trade then :)
also offered/trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
6* Eevee: 4.8k pd (6*0.8k)
4* eeveelution: 6k (4*1.5k)
total:10.8k pd

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Posted: Tue, 23/07/2024 08:10 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ Aurora is 40k pd

@AssassinKoen trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
5* Rokkyu: 25k pd
total:25k pd

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 19:36 (6 Months ago)
@PurpleThickFeesh trade's up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
2* red pair: 2*17.7k pd
total:34.8k pd

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 17:22 (6 Months ago)
@~Moonlight~ trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Larviprop + everstone: 5.2k pd
Pupibot + everstone: 5.2k pd
Mecha Tyranitar: 5k pd
total:15.4k pd

@PuprleThickFeesh trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
2* gold keys: 31k pd
total:31k pd

@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Zygarde (50% Forme): 30k pd
Fuecoco: 1k pd
total:31k pd
dont know what gems you want to use so check out stonks

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 16:37 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE
Show hidden content
Celebi: 15k pd
total:15k pd
dragon gem: 15k pd

@evrondc trade is up! DONE
Show hidden content
Slowpoke (Galarian)(Hard): 600 pd
Hoopa (special): 1.5k pd
Quaquaval (starter): 1k pd
total:3.1k pd

@AssassinKoen trade is up! DONE
Show hidden content
Lycanroc (dusk): 1.5k pd
total:1.5k pd

@PurpleThickFeesh trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Unown R & I: 6k pd (2* 3k pd)
4* Purple pair: 65.6k pd
Red pair: 17.4k pd
pink pair: 16.2k pd
brown pair: 17.6k pd
total:112.8k pd
Note: there is no Unown N in the boxes

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 15:32 (6 Months ago)
@~Moonlight~ trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Solar Eevee: 11k pd
total:11k pd

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 14:50 (6 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up and sent a PM! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Diancie (Emera): 10k pd
total:10k pd
10 grass gems: 5k pd (10*500)
2 fairy gems: 5k pd (2*2500)
Note: other gems mentioned not needed :)

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Posted: Mon, 22/07/2024 13:31 (6 Months ago)
@ExquisiteEevee trade is up! CANCELED
Your receipt:
Show hidden content
Growlithe (Hisuian)(rare): 800pd
Voltorb (Hisuian)(medium): 400pd
total: 1.2K pd

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Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 13:02 (6 Months ago)

missing if possible :)
(if not fave is good too)

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Posted: Tue, 16/07/2024 12:19 (6 Months ago)
restock, few prize changes and reopening after 7 months XD

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Posted: Sun, 31/03/2024 07:31 (10 Months ago)
Missing or favorite please :)

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Posted: Fri, 29/03/2024 20:54 (10 Months ago)
Missing if possible otherwise a favorite :)

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Posted: Tue, 26/03/2024 15:17 (10 Months ago)
Missing if possible otherwise one of the favorites :)

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Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 06:41 (10 Months ago)

Title: pkmn codes

Emera Event Pokémon

MissingNo. - 00no

Catercream - 10i
Metacream - 11i
Buttercream - 12i

Narichu - 172n
Naruchu - 25n
Raizumaki - 26n

Satichu - 172s
Satochu - 25s
Raitoshi - 26s

Pikachu Belle - 25cb
Pikachu Detective - 25cd
Pikachu Libre - 25cl
Pikachu Pop Star - 25cp
Pikachu Rock - 25cr
Pikachu Scientist - 25pd

Clawfa - 173d
Clawfairy - 35d
Nessy - 36d

Witch Vulpix - 37w
Magic Ninetales - 38w

Igglybath - 174b
Jigglybath - 39b
Wigglybath - 40b

Sproutlett - 50s
Sproutrio - 51s

Mewton M. Meowth - 52gc
Mewton (Coinflip) - 52gd
Mewton (HoL) - 52ge
Mewton (Treasures) - 52gf
Mewton (Lottery) - 52gh
Mewton (Golden Slot) - 52gj
Mewton (Hangman) - 52gk
Mewton (Concentration) - 52gl

Lepreowth - 52p
Perchaun - 53p

Cuddlithe - 58p
Arcaddly - 59p

Autumn Abra - 63a
Autumn Kadabra - 64a
Autumn Alakazam - 65a
Mega Autumn Alakazam - 65am

Surfer Machop - 66s
Machotide - 67s
Beachamp - 68s

Dark Ponyta - 77h
Cursed Rapidash - 78h

Slowyore - 79s
Yorebro - 80s
Mega Yorebro - 80ms
Yoreking - 199s

Gomaseel - 86d
Ikkakugong - 87d

Obsidianix - 95o
Obsidialix - 208o
Mega Obsidialix - 208mo

Dr. Crazee - 96c
Prof. Madno - 97c

Solorb - 100s
Eclipsode - 101s

Disguised Exeggcute - 102h
Disguised Exeggutor - 103h

Cubone (Hylian) - 104z
Marowak (Hylian) - 105z

Derpatung - 108d

Jolly Jr. - 439j
Sad Jr. - 439s
Mr. Moody - 122m

Princess Smoochum - 238p
Queen Jynx - 124p

Toraros - 128t

Swampras - 131s

Santa Birb - 132sb

Sugar Shock - 446h
Candy Belly - 143h

Coccooot - 163c
Nocnoc - 164c

Pichu (spiky-eared) 172e

Spring Mareep - 179s
Spring Flaaffy - 180s
Spring Ampharos - 181s
Mega Spring Ampharos - 181sm

Summer Mareep - 179su
Summer Flaaffy - 180su
Summer Ampharos - 181su
Mega Summer Ampharos - 181pm

Autumn Mareep - 179au
Autumn Flaaffy - 180au
Autumn Ampharos - 181au
Mega Autumn Ampharos - 181am

Winter Mareep - 179w
Winter Flaaffy - 180w
Winter Ampharos - 181w
Mega Winter Ampharos - 181mw

Blossomly - 438a
Applewoodo - 185a

Woopice - 194s
Quagschnee -195s

Plagekrow - 198p
Dr. Honch - 430p

Unown Flake - 201zz0
Unown Flake - 201zz1
Unown Flake - 201zz2
Unown Flake - 201zz3
Unown Flake - 201zz4

Jesterig - 203t

Pumple - 213p

Teddiursa (Misdreavus) - 216m

Slugua - 218o
Aquargo - 219o

Shaysola - 222s

Santa Bird - 225sc

Rudolph - 234r

Zombeagle - 235s

Dirndltank - 241o

Larviprop - 246e
Pupibot - 247e
Mecha Tyranitar - 248e
Mega Mecha Tyranitar - 248em

Shadow Lugia -249s

Torcharch - 255r
Combowsken - 256r
Robin Blaze - 257r
Mega Robin Blaze - 257mr

Tailluchi - 276a
Swelluhodo - 277a

Festival Ralts - 280k
Festival Kirlia - 281k
Festival Gardevoir - 282k
Mega Festival Gardevoir - 282km

Super Shroom - 285m
Super Breloomio - 286m

Easter Slakoth - 287e
Easter Vigoroth - 288e
Easter Slaking - 289e

Nosepharos - 299l
Probolight - 476l

Crystal Aron - 304c
Crystal Lairon - 305c
Crystal Aggron - 306c
Mega Crystal Aggron - 306cm

Plusle (Flirty) - 311f
Minun (Flirty) - 312f

Wailmer (Babylonian) - 320a
Wailord (Babylonian) - 321a

Winter Numel - 322w
Winter Camerupt - 323w
Mega Winter Camerupt - 323mw

Ferrerocoal - 324f

Space Spinda - 327a

Cottonblu - 333c
Candaria - 334c
Mega Candaria - 334mc

Gooseboarder - 335s

Selunar - 337s
Solastra - 338s
Eclipseon - 338se

Frosty Kecleon - 352f

Keggleon (blank egg) - 352a
Keggleon (all special eggs from 2018's Easter Egg Hunt) - 352a0, 352a1, [...], 352a19

Zomppet - 353z
Banettenstein - 354z
Mega Banettenstein - 354mz

Chocoluv - 370c

van Bagon - 371a
Shelcasso - 372a
Sala da Menci - 373a
Mega Sala da Menci - 373ma

Mr. Bagon - 371s
Sir Shelgon - 372s
Lord Salamence - 373s
Mega Lord Salamence - 373ms

Raylóng - 384l

Polestar - 385s

Tom Nook - 399n
Tom Nook (Seller) - 399s

Pachirisnow - 417s

Driflamp - 425l
Lifghtblim - 426l

Valenfloon - 425v

Easter Buneary - 427e
Easter Lopunny - 428e
Mega Easter Lopunny - 428me

Heartomb - 442v

Rokkyu - 447s
Lucario-sensei - 448s
Mega Lucario-sensei - 448sm

Hippopotain - 449f
Hippowtain - 450f

Gloweon - 456b
Lumiday - 457bd
Cosmoneon - 457bn

Primal Dialga - 483p

Seatran - 485w

Aurora - 488c

Aqua - 494a
Bold - 494b
Chef - 494c
Hoggy - 494h
Nappy - 494n
Rainbow - 494r
Staid - 494s
Timid - 494t

Pharraloin - 0509p
Kleopard - 0510p

Simisage (Waiter) - 512w
Simisear (Waiter) - 514w
Simipour (Waiter) - 516w

Nightmare Munna - 517h
Nightmare Musharna - 518h

Flower Boy - 546m
Groomicott - 547m

Flower Girl - 548m
Lillibride - 549m

Scaractus - 556s

Sandwebble - 557s
Sandcrustle - 558s

Rodeo Scraggy - 559c
Sheriff Scrafty - 560c

Solgilyph - 561p

Easter Ducklett - 581e
Easter Swanna - 582e

Snowling - 585ch
Snowbuck - 586ch

Knight Axew - 610k
Baron Fraxure - 611k
Sir Haxelot - 612k

Hawaiian Cubchoo - 613h
Hawaiian Beartic - 614h

Mikofoo - 619m
Mikoshao - 620m

Goleros - 622v
Cupilurk - 623v

Steamo - 633s
Zweipunk - 634s
Teslagon - 635s

Fiesta Larvesta - 636s
Fiesta Volcarona - 637s

Easter Bunnelby - 659e
Easter Diggersby - 660e

Messenger Fletchling - 661m
Messenger Fletchinder - 662m
Messenger Talonflame - 663m

Scattercube - 664su
Spewbrella - 665su
Cocktaillon - 666su

Vivillon (Pride) - 666zp

Flabébé (Sakura) - 669s
Floette (Sakura) - 670s
Florges (Sakura) - 671s

Flabébé (Eternal Flower) - 669az
Floette (Eternal Flower) - 670az
Florges (Eternal Flower) - 671az

Skugar - 672s
Gingergoat - 673s

Furfrou (Santa) - 676sa

Maneki Espurr - 677m
Maneki Meowstic - 678m

Violedge - 679m
Harplade - 680m
Caello - 681m

Anniversary Gift - 685a

Dralucha - 701v

Tendenne - 702v

Wreafki - 707e

Anniversary Cupcake - 775a

Orryrm - 840o
Flapperine - 841o
Orake - 842o

Pumplin - 840p
Gourdle - 841p
Pumpkintun - 842p

Eiscue (Love) - 875v

Snowrex - 898s


Bulbasaur - 1ret
Venusaur - 3ret
Charmander - 4ret
Charizard - 6ret
Squirtle - 7ret
Blastoise - 9ret
Rattata - 19ret
Pikachu - 25ret
Zubat - 41ret
Tentacool - 72ret
Gastly - 92ret
Haunter - 93ret
Gengar 94ret
Koffing - 109ret
Magikarp - 129ret
Articuno - 144ret
Zapdos - 145ret
Moltres - 146ret
Mew - 151ret

Chikorita - 152ret
Meganium - 154ret
Cyndaquil - 155ret
Typhlosion - 157ret
Totodile - 158ret
Feraligatr - 160ret
Sentret - 161ret
Hoothoot - 163ret
Togepi - 175ret
Marill - 183ret
Girafarig - 203ret
Delibird - 225ret
Stantler - 234ret
Lugia - 249ret
Ho-Oh - 250ret
Celebi - 251ret

Poochyena - 261ret
Zigzagoon - 263ret
Taillow - 276ret

Ducklett - 580ret


Rattata - 19a
Raticate - 20a
Raichu - 26a
Sandshrew - 27a
Sandslash - 28a
Vulpix - 37a
Ninetales - 38a
Diglett - 50a
Dugtrio - 51a
Meowth - 52a
Persian - 53a
Geodude - 74a
Graveler - 75a
Golem - 76a
Grimer - 88a
Muk - 89a
Exeggutor - 103a
Marowak - 105a


Meowth - 52g
Ponyta - 77g
Rapidash - 78g
Slowpoke - 79g
Slowbro - 80g
Farfetch'd - 83g
Weezing - 110g
Mr. Mime - 122g
Articuno - 144g
Zapdos - 145g
Moltres - 146g
Corsola - 222g
Zigzagoon - 263g
Linoone - 264g
Darumaka - 554g
Darmanitan - 555g
Darmanitan (Zen) - 555gz
Yamask - 562g
Stunfisk - 618g

Growlithe - 58h
Arcanine - 59h
Sneasel - 215h

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 12:05 (11 Months ago)

Title: 🎁Advent Calendar🎄

YEAR 2022:
day1: 1x Azure Flute
day2: 10x Normal Gems
day3: 1x Rare Candy
day4: Event egg (Scorfolia)
day5: 200x GC
day6: 1x Magnetic Bait
day7: Event egg (Dace)
day8: 1x Mystery Box (Dark Blue)
day9: 1x Event Plushie
day10: 1x Leaf Stone
day11: Event egg (Groosea)
day12: 1x Mystery Box (Dark Blue) (+ retro egg in gift)
day13: 5x Poké Ball
day14: 15x Pecha Berry
day15: 1x Mystery Key (Black)
day16: 1x Mystery Box (Pink)
day17: 1x Biscuit
day18: Event egg (Sobboil)
day19: 5x Great Ball
day20: 1x Water Stone
day21: 1x DNA Splicer (White)
day22: 1x Mega Stone
day23: 1x Snowling Plushie
day24: premium upgrade (1 week)

YEAR 2023:
Day 1: Retro egg obtained! (Smoochum)
Day 2: 5x Ice Gem obtained!
Day 3: Nostalgic event egg obtained! (Polestar)
Day 4: 1x Rare Candy obtained!
Day 5: 200x GC obtained!
Day 6: 1x Magnetic Bait obtained!
Day 7: 1000x Powerorb obtained!
Day 8: almost got it :”)
Day 9: 1x Event Plushie obtained!
Day 10: Nostalgic event egg obtained!
Day 11: 1x Dragon Scale obtained!
Day 12: 1x Mystery Box (Purple) obtained!
Day 13: 5x Ultra Ball obtained!
Day 14: 15x Chesto Berry obtained!
Day 15: 1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!
Day 16: 1x Mystery Box (Brown) obtained!
Day 17: Nostalgic event egg obtained!
Day 18: 1x Biscuit obtained!
Day 19: 5x Poké Ball obtained!
Day 20: 1x Oval Stone obtained!
Day 21: 1x DNA Splicer (White) obtained!
Day 22: 1x Mega Stone obtained!
Day 23: 1x Snowling Plushie obtained!
Day 24: You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!

YEAR 2024:
Day 1: 1x Legendary egg obtained!(Ogerpon), 1x Teal Mask obtained!
Day 2: 5x Ice Gem obtained!
Day 3: 1x Mystery Box (Purple) obtained!
Day 4: 1x Rare Candy obtained!
Day 5: 200x GC obtained!
Day 6: 1x Magnetic Bait obtained!
Day 7: 1000x Powerorb obtained!
Day 8: 1x Legendary egg obtained!(Ogerpon), 1x Wellspring Mask obtained!
Day 9: 1x Event Plushie obtained!
Day 10: 1x Metal Alloy obtained!
Day 11: 1x Oval Stone obtained!
Day 12: 1x Mystery Box (Green) obtained!
Day 13: 5x Ultra Ball obtained!
Day 14: 15x Persim Berry obtained!
Day 15: 1x Legendary egg obtained!(Ogerpon), 1x Heartflame Mask obtained!
Day 16: 1x Mystery Box (Brown) obtained!
Day 17: 1x Mega Stone obtained!
Day 18: 1x Biscuit obtained!
Day 19: 5x Poké Ball obtained!
Day 20: 1x Oval Stone obtained!
Day 21: 1x DNA Splicer (Black) obtained!
Day 22: 1x Legendary egg obtained!(Ogerpon), 1x Cornerstone Mask obtained!
Day 23: 1x Polestar Plushie obtained!
Day 24: You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!

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Posted: Thu, 21/12/2023 06:52 (1 Year ago)

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