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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from vampelf.
Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:13 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:11 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:11 (11 Years ago)
1870 - Did Tina quit? XD

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:10 (11 Years ago)
1868 *head-desk*

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:09 (11 Years ago)
1865 - no problem....just try not to do it in the future! ;)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:08 (11 Years ago)
Grrrr.....No double posting!


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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:07 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:05 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:04 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:03 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:03 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 07:01 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/11/2013 06:54 (11 Years ago)
okay since he spammed I'm posting for #1842

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Posted: Thu, 14/11/2013 08:06 (11 Years ago)
~Why not just pin the thread (or sticky it) :p

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Posted: Thu, 14/11/2013 06:36 (11 Years ago)
I just sent in my entry! I made it for a "contest" on GPX+.net for last year's Christmas "BAUBLE" competition (which I sadly didn't win anything in)

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Posted: Wed, 13/11/2013 19:30 (11 Years ago)
Day 3- sent lillipup on scour mission to forest for 6 hours (before bed)
Day 3- (11/13/2013- 11:30am) Sent fire pig on scour mission for 5 minutes (two times)
Day 3- Finished hot spot in scour mission with 100% on level 1 (upgraded to lvl 2)
Day 3- Sent lillipup to forest for 2 hours
Day 3- I wonder where I can get some honey for the tree on route 53

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Posted: Wed, 13/11/2013 07:38 (11 Years ago)
Day 3- (11:32pm) can't sleep
Day 3- got a fire type egg from lab
Day 3- hatched ryhorn & kricketot & moved them to box 1 "recently hatched"
Day 3- got 2 more Pokemon eggs
Day 3- (11:37pm) trying to fall asleep as I drool on my left arm....

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Posted: Wed, 13/11/2013 07:25 (11 Years ago)
1575. - go read & post in my journal!

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Posted: Wed, 13/11/2013 07:09 (11 Years ago)
Day 1- (11/11/2013) registered, completed walk through & got starter egg + 5 more eggs
Day 1- 5pm (pacific standard time) hatched starter (tepig) & named it "fire pig"

Day 2- (11/12/2013) 12pm (PST) hatched shinx & named it "kolink"
Day 2- 12:15pm hatched another 3 eggs!
Day 2- clicking spree for 3x interactions (trying to get dedenne)
Day 2- got an electric type egg
Day 2- fed kolink a berry and realized it works better than training for exp

Day 3- (11/12/2013- 11:00am) realized electric type egg was a legendary (Zapdos)
Day 3- got to 648/2000 interactions & I give up!
Day 3- bought 2 more boxes & named them
Day 3- hatched a bunch more Pokemon & got a bag to do scour missions
Day 3- sent fire pig to hot place with bag for 2 hours (trying to get something cool)
Day 3- sent fire pig back on scour hunt for 5 minutes (about 10 times) & got berries
Day 3- sent lillipup on scour hunt in forest for 6 hours
Day 3- went to sleep at 11:12pm (PST)

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Posted: Tue, 12/11/2013 22:39 (11 Years ago)

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