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Searching for: Posts from ola232.
Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 14:00 (9 Years ago)

Waddle Dee, sprite my Pokésona!
Pokémon: absol
Recolored?: yes the dark blue things will be light pink and white parts are still white here is hex code for color FADCDC eyes are red
Accessories: ribbon on neck
Clothing: none
Other: can you make her on spirite from platinum and pearl on this website http://pokemondb.net/sprites/absol ?
Reference: dont have

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Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 10:49 (9 Years ago)
Yuki! My Pokemon has been possessed!!
Username: ola232
Base Pokemon: lileep
Style: 1 or 2? 2
If 1 what ghost Pokemon's colors?

Yuki! My Pokemon is moving!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: absol

Yuki! My Pokemon has been possessed!!
Username: ola232
Base Pokemon: absol
Style: 1 or 2? 2
If 1 what ghost Pokemon's colors?

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Posted: Sun, 30/08/2015 16:32 (9 Years ago)

Username: ola232
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon: delcatty , absol , shiny celebi , furfrou normal , meowstic female , flareon , lileep

Username: ola232
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon: absol

Username: ola232
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon: lileep

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Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 19:40 (9 Years ago)
my pokemon is really fired up!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: lileep
Accessories: none

My pokemon is running!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: lileep
Accessories: none

My pokemon is licking my screen!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: lileep
Accessories?: none

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Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 17:06 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 11:43 (9 Years ago)
Marki! My Pokemon Is Holding An Item
Pokemon: absol
Item: gold key necklace
With Background { } Without Background {x }

Marki! My Pokemon Is Holding An Item
Pokemon: lileep
Item: light yellow balloon on petal
With Background { } Without Background {x }

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Posted: Sat, 29/08/2015 11:21 (9 Years ago)
my pokemon is really fired up!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: absol
Accessories: none

My pokemon is running!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: absol
Accessories: none

My pokemon is licking my screen!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: absol
Accessories?: none

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Posted: Fri, 28/08/2015 18:57 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 20:08 (9 Years ago)

are you still doing aj art requests ? if yes can you draw my wolf

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 15:45 (9 Years ago)
hejka i oceni ktoś mojego shaymeona ?

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 13:39 (9 Years ago)
Yuki! My Pokemon became an animatronic!
Username: ola232
Base Pokemon: Absol
Which of the characters in FNaF? mangle

Yuki, my Pokemon has an Aura around them!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: Absol
Color of Aura: dark purplish blue

Yuki! My Pokemon is a Cotton Candy!
Username: ola232
Pokemon: Absol
Style: 1, 2, 3, 4? 4

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Posted: Thu, 27/08/2015 10:23 (9 Years ago)
Username: ola232
Pokemon: finneon (can it be female ?)
Who you want to do the order: AnimeEmber
Total Payment: 1000 pd
Password: Neela

to who i need to send the pd ?

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2015 10:03 (9 Years ago)
My pokemon is running!
Username: ola232
Accessories: fluffy tail and maybe key necklace

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Posted: Fri, 21/08/2015 09:55 (9 Years ago)

Username: ola232
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon: delcatty , absol , shiny celebi , furfrou (heart hair cut) , meowstic female , flareon

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2015 10:48 (9 Years ago)
hejo i czy da sie zlapac shiny celebi z normal honey ? bo swojego zdobylam dzieki normal honey a inni mowia ze da sie zlapac tylko dzieki super honey i moge byc dodana , ma ktos castforma na wymiane ?

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 19:32 (9 Years ago)
Please evolve my Pokémon!
Pokémon ID
: 3718749
Comment (additional): thanks for evolving him

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 09:12 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 16/08/2015 08:42 (9 Years ago)
can i buy shaymin for 22 poison gems and 6 electric , 7 fighting , 9 ice , 9 grass , 7 ghost , 3 steel , 4 flying , 4 normal that will be total 71 gems

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Posted: Thu, 13/08/2015 16:43 (9 Years ago)

Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon:female meowstic , shiny celebi ,furfrou , absol

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 14:29 (9 Years ago)

I want to request an Avatar/Signature
Username: ola232
Avatar or Signature: avatar
Pokemon: celebi
Shiny (yes/no): yes
Mega (yes/no): no
Style: like the mega pidgeotto one

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