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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2023 21:05 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie flinched as she heard a voice whisper to her. She turned around. It was that boy that could control people's emotions...Kaden, was it?

"Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, eh? Haven't read that in sometime. It's as good as I remember, I suppose, judging by your aura."

"I...uh..well, its a really good manga...and the anime is better, though." Jackie said, giggling a little as she whispered back to Kaden.

"I s'pose I don't make as much sense, waffling on about 'auras'-"

"I should stop talking. I'm Kaden, you?"

Jackie blinked a few times. It was true that she didn't really understand what Kaden was talking about with the auras and stuff. She smiled as the boy introduced himself and extended his hand out to her.

"I'm Jackie, Jackie Ness. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled sweetly.

"I saw your demonstration. Super cool. I'm stuck with the lame ability to sense emotions and control them. Hence the 'auras.' It's lame, I know."

Jackie flushed at the small compliment. Kaden liked her power demonstrations? "I-I don't think my powers are that interesting...but yours were amazing! Controlling emotions are incredible! I loved your demonstration the most, to be honest." Jackie beamed with a bright smile.

"I guess the best I can do is to make that snitching rat over there to burst into tears."

"Acually that might be a good idea now that I think about it-"

Jackie laughed a little. "Honestly. Who knew we had a bundle full of joy as a snitch? Honestly, I wish I could've put a zipper on their mouth and close it tightly." Jackie scoffed. She looked at Kaden and smiled.

Her first possible friend here. Kaden was a cool and chill guy to be around.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2023 03:00 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


As Jackie did her assignment and soon finished it, she put her pen down and glanced at the other students with boredom. She placed her blue bag on her desk and pulled out her pocket knife and began to spin it around her fingers.

She caught a glance of that bubbly person...what was their name again....Keiki? get up from their seat and return their assignment and another student's assignment to the teacher. But right when they did, they seemed to tell the teacher something..

"The black haired boy over there is sleeping. I heard him whisper some horrible things about the other students-"

"I thought you should know."

And with that, Keiki grinned and left back to their seat..

Jackie grimaced. A snitch? Great...she had to be careful around Keiki, it seemed that they had a thing for being a tattletail. For some reason Keiki worried her.

If Keiki told on people for misbehavior....was it possible that they would tell other people's secrets??

"Dammit Jackie, you're hopeless. I need to stop overthinking." Jackie sighed to herself. She glanced at the teacher and her bird. She wondered if the teacher had cool abilities as well as her and the students?

For now, she put her pocket knife back in her bag and pulled out a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure manga from her bookbag and began to read where she left off with a small smile.

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Posted: Fri, 17/02/2023 03:43 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie watched as the materials and gifts were passed to each student. She couldn't help but smile. These gifts were quite adorable.

She looked down at the cards passed down to the students, and the top of the card had the words,

"Tell me about yourself."

Oh? Jackie put a hand in her chin as she began to think. What was she like? To her, Jackie was a lot of things. She didn't really know how to explain herself in the shortest way possible..

She wondered if she could possibly make some stuff up? Or just partially tell the truth..

Jackie took of the cap on her pen and began to write, in cursive, on the paper..

"I'm Jackie Ness. I love reading books and doing my makeup in my free time. My stepsister is Marina. I love her dearly. I like quiet and peaceful environments. I love listening to music. It helps me focus and relive my stress. I hate loud, weird, and annoying people in general. I am the daughter of Hades and I am Half-Japanese, Half-Haitian. I am 16 years old as well.


I'm also a Ange-

"No...not yet. I'm not ready to let others know yet...only Marina should know....and nobody else...so far." Jackie whispered to herself.

She crossed out her unfinished word.

"I am also a Ange- person that likes to do my hair in cute styles. I like shopping for cute clothes as well. I suppose that is all."

Jackie frowned a little as she finished writing her little 'About Me'. She closed the pen and put it down, taking one of the macaroons from her gift bag and began to eat it.

Her eyes lit up. It was delicious! Jackie happily ate as she waited for the other students to finish so they could move on..

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Posted: Mon, 13/02/2023 23:22 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


After consuming whatever the hell she got at lunch, Jackie immediately left the lunchroom.

She pulled out her map to see what class she would have next...a teacher named Dr. Grimm?

"How fun, Jackie thought to herself dully.

She made it to the class, seeing a few other students that had arrived before her. She didn't greet the teacher.

Jackie chose a random seat and tossed her bag beside her. She sat in her desk with a small smile.

Jackie just hoped this class wouldn't be a pain, or that nothing boring or bad would happen.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2023 21:06 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie rolled her eyes when the student called her pretty. Oh please. But she didn't really know if it was sarcasm.

She was slightly taken aback when the girl suddenly took her hand rather forcefully. She looked up to her with narrowed eyes.

"I'm always glad to make interesting friends."

Jackie pulled her hand out of Isla's grasp. "Yeah, thanks I guess. I'm heading to the lunchroom."

"Oh, and...I don't make friends with weirdos. Although some of you people here might be an acception, though."

Jackie grinned, and with that, she went inside the cafeteria.

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 21:19 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


"What do I want? You're the one that bumped into me, so I'm offering a helping hand." Jackie almost sneered. Attitude much.

"I can leave you to sit on the ground if you don't trust me. Heh." Jackie said, then blinked in suprise at her slightly rude comment.

"Forget I said that." Jackie sighed.

She was momentarily distracted as she identified the girl. She wondered what abilities that she had..

She was probably one of the late new students too.

Jackie shook her head a little. "Anyways, may I help you up?"

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Posted: Tue, 31/01/2023 03:10 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


As Jackie walked to the lunchroom, not paying attention, she bumped into another student.

Jackie stumbled a little, but didn't fall as she kept her composure.

She felt her eye twitch. "Already bumping into people on the first day? What is this, a Netflix High School series???" Jackie thought angrily.

She looked around, making sure none of her belongings fell out of her bag.

"Now for this random.."

Fixing her teal cap and dusting herself off, she spoke.

"Yo, you good?" Jackie said, letting a hand out to the student.

Jackie blinked in suprise. She hadn't seen this student before as well.

Probably a late new person...

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Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 13:08 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie smiled at Marina'a bubbly energy.

"It's good to see you too, Marina.

"Good luck with making new friends! Luckily nobody has been mean, but if anything happens, tell me immediately!"

"Oceanic skull creatures? How interesting!"

"No, I haven't met my dorm mate yet. Hopefully they're not a pain."

"My room is fine. It reminds me of home."

"Things have been alright so far, Marina, but, tone down on the energy, okay?"

Jackie giggled a little with a smile.

"We should be heading to the cafeteria now. I don't want to starve on the first day." Jackie said and left to the lunchroom.

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Posted: Thu, 19/01/2023 03:39 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie wandered around until she eventually found Marina. She smiled.

Avoiding the students around her quite quickly, she ran up to Marina..

And gave her a warm hug.

"Marina! I didn't know we were going to be at the same school!" Jackie beamed.

"I hope nobody has been mean to you so far or anything? If anyone is bothering you, let me know!"

"If you met your dorm mate yet, hope they're not rude or disrespectful?"

"How was your day so far, though?" Jackie said happily.

She hadn't seen Marina in a very long time, so seeing her now was a fun little reunion!

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Posted: Tue, 17/01/2023 23:37 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie was in the middle of reading her manga when she suddenly flinched at the sound of the announcment for lunch.

She groaned, a little angry. She was on the best part! Or, maybe she can just bring the book with her. Yeah!

Smiling, happy with herself, she got out of her bed and grabbed her blue hand-bag and left her dorm.

Jackie wondered if this was the part where she could possibly make new friends, or, unluckily, enemies?

Or she could just meet Marina. She was the only person she knew well, and, she was her step sister/sibling after all. So why not just communicate with her first?

Or, maybe the purple-haired girl? She did seem interested with her performance....

Or, people that seemed nice to her?

Jackie sighed and looked for Marina before going to the cafeteria.

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Posted: Thu, 12/01/2023 03:32 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie grew tired of walking and admiring the structure and designs of the school, so she decided to stop by to her assigned house and dorm..

Seeing the one of the houses labeled "Cremini", she sighed and walked over to it.

Jackie saw her name engraved in one of the doors. A little excited, she grabbed on the golden doorknob and opened the door..

Jackie smiled at how cozy the roomed looked. And, literally everything was nice and neat, just how she liked it.

There was a window next to her mattress with light blue curtains, with white transparent cloud designs on it. The bed had a few dark blue and white pillows and a floofy blue blanket. Jackie was smiling widley and almost squealing in happiness.

She turned and saw a white-gray desk with a large circular mirror on it, and some pastel colored tulips and roses in an elegantly designed vase next to it. There was a chair in front of the desk that had a heart-shaped light pink pillow sitting on it. Jackie smiled and hung her bag at the edge of the chair.

She then looked up and saw a small chandelier hanging fom the ceiling. Jackie already loved it now. It was like her dream room! Multi-colored LED lights were decorated on a wooden bookshelf that had Jackie's favorite manga, JJBA (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure). "It's like they know everything!!" Jackie exclaimed happily.

She happily danced around the clean wooden floorboards where a large circular light blue carpet was. Some photos of angelic photos here and there on the blue walls. Jackie smiled.

She was definitely going to like it here.

Jackie allowed herself to drop on her bed. "So soft..." she whispered with a smile.

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 22:17 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie was slightly suprised that their assigned dorms were named after mushrooms.....She had a bored expression when Khione announced the house dorms and the duos...

Jackie did raise an eyebrow when she heard she was in a house with some random named Adrik Volkov??

During everyone's first day here, she hadn't seen or really knew the person. She shrugged it off. Hopefully they would be a burden.

Jackie beamed a little at the fact that they would get to explore. Finally, some fresh air and away from everyone else.

Well, except for Marina, of course, but other than that, she didn't really care about the other students...some were interesting to say the least.

She tilted her head a little at the fact that they weren't allowed to go too deep in the forest. What was so serious about it that they had to be at a limited distance??

"When you see birch trees, turn around and walk away."

The hell??

Jackie, being a curiosity freak, was really, really filled with curiosity. As much as she wanted to explore past the birch trees, it wasn't worth getting expelled on the first day.

She wasn't going to find her dorm mate either, she was too lazy and didn't really want to see anyone else.

Grabbing her belongings, Jackie left and went outside for fresh air, and a small walk.

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 04:02 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie was slightly impressed with Eris's ice abilities. But, once the snow fell on the students, Jackie created some small fire orbs to melt them. She was most definitely not getting snow on herself. But, her cryokinesis was cool and all, but Jackie didn't find it that interesting. Although the spiritual manipulation thingy was interesting to say the least.

And as for the Emika girl with the chess pieces, Jackie found it fascinating but also boring. Jackie hid a smirk under her hand to prevent her from laughing a little. And what was with the misshapen heads on some of the chess pieces? And the gibberish with the seven deadly sins and the heavenly virtues or something...It almost made Jackie giggle.

Jackie raised her eyebrow after hearing that they would be assigned dorm mates and their assigned houses? Just fricking great. She at leased hoped she wouldn't get someone rude or really annoying, or anyone that made her pissed. So far, nobody was really that bad. Apart from that emo dude...what was his name, Idris? He was...something else.

Jackie then watched as Aoi introduced himself. She had a confused look on her face.

"I'm Aoi and I-.....I have...Inhuman strength and other stuff..."

The boy barley said anything about himself, and he didn't show his powers or anything. What was so secretive about him? Whatever, it wasn't her problem. Jackie sat in her seat bordley, blinking slowly due to her tiredness.

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 22:15 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie had watched as the students introduce their powers, and all of them were impressive...

While Miss Khione was doing attendance, she frowned a little. Why couldn't Miss Lin present her powers? Oh well...she smiled a little when she called on Mei.

She recalled the girl looking at her in amazement while she demonstrated her powers...

Seeing Mei's expression, clearly annoyed that she had to go. Jackie sighed with a small smile. She then blinked in surprise as the room began to get dark. Hell, even the sunlight through the windows began to dim until nothing could be seen at all.

Once everything was back to normal, she saw Mei on the stage, and saw the arm above sticking the middle finger. Jackie let out a little giggle, but closed her mouth after.

Jackie heard Eris's name, and wondered what her power was as she glanced at the girl with curiosity.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 23:01 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie smiled as her step-sister, Marina introduced herself and her powers rather quickly.

She was always bubbly and energetic when it came to new things...she hoped nobody would be too harsh on Marina, or she would take matters into her own hands..

Jackie smiled as Miss Khione was going through the attendance, and the houses and dorms...she wondered who would be her dorm mate?

Once Khione said the name of a student, Idris, she looked over to the boy. As she heard him introduce himself, she rolled her eyes.

Of course, the casual rude and immature boy in the school. She hoped she wasn't in a dorm with him..

But, Idris's power sounded rather interesting..summoning the dead was quite fascinating.

Jackie then made an awkward face when Idris mentioned about the dead aunt torture stuff.

She didn't see that one coming. Once the boy sat down, Jackie looked away and let out a small sigh.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 16:15 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie smiled at Keiki's bubbly energy. And their power was indeed interesting!

Although the student that they demonstrated on, Jackie couldn't help but giggle. The positions, the barking, their dog-like acts, it was all funny! And embarrassing.

Jackie was suprised when she found out that Keiki's powers could drain their energy...that was surprising to say the least.

She looked around at the other students once again, seeing if they would go, or just sit there like a bunch of statues.

Jackie bordley stared at her desk, pulling out her pocket knife, making small cuts on herself and healing them after.

She also pulled out her lighter and made small fire figures on her hand. She smiled a little.

Jackie, still unsatisfied and bored, put the materials back in her bag and rested her head on the desk.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 05:14 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie was impressed with Theo's power. Technology manipulation was cool! Seeing that nobody else went, Jackie decided to get up from her seat and get this over with..

Jackie put on a smile and waved. "Hello, everyone. My name is Jackie, Jackie Ness. My abilities are being able to heal with one touch, fire manipulation, and light manipulation."

Jackie began with her first power; healing. She pulled out a small pocket knife from her blue hand bag and rolled up her jacket sleeve. She slit her wrist, showing no sign of pain as she blood began to slowly leak. Jackie gently tapped her cut, and it began to heal. She smiled a little and placed the knife back in her bag and rolled her sleeve down.

She then demonstrated her fire manipulation. Out of her hand bag once again, she pulled out a lighter. Opening the cap and lighting it, once the fire came out, Jackie used her hand to make the fire spread around her body. She then snapped and the fire faded into smoke. She closed the lighter and put it back in her bag.

She then showed her final power; light manipulation. Jackie's purple eye narrowed as the lights suddenly went out, and some lights began to flicker. The lights also went really bright, then went back to normal.

Once Jackie was done, she smiled, and she went back to her seat and sat down. She grimaced at the fact that she was half blind. During her time here, would people make fun of her? Or maybe she would be able to try and hide it with her hair...or, find an eyepatch of some sort...naw, she'd just look like a dollar-tree pirate.

Oh well...she looked around, seeing if any other students would be willing to go next.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 03:35 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


Jackie was suprised at Kitty's powers. She had fire and healing abilities like her! She smiled. Kitty seemed like a sweet person.

But, after her, who would go next? Jackie still wasn't sure if she wanted to go, even after a few people went...she was nervous, what if she messed up, or did something stupid? Or just freeze in front of everyone?

Alright, she needed to calm down....she was overreacting too much, and it was clearly eating at her.

She was still curious about everyone else's powers. She wondered if some of them had the same powers as her and Kitty?

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 22:24 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


After Jackie had entered the room a few minutes later, she saw the women and listened to her words carefully....

Introduce themselves?

Oh dear. Already? Jackie blinked a few times. She looked around at the other students around her. She wondered who would go first??

Jackie was quite nervous. If she would go up soon, what would she say? There was barley anything interesting about her, at least, that's what she thought. Miss Venti looked nice and supportive...

Jackie looked down, fiddling with her hands. It's what she would do when she was nervous...in this case, she was very, very nervous. She hoped her introduction would be good....but, who would introduce themselves first?

They also had to share their abilities a little? She was indeed curious about the other student's powers, not like it was her buisness, but, still...Jackie frowned a little at the thought. Were her own powers interesting?

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2023 23:34 (1 Year ago)

ᴊᴀᴄᴋɪᴇ ɴᴇꜱꜱ | ヘブンセンド


After she had arrived many minutes later, Jackie flinched a little at the announcment, but then walked around the school, mostly in awe with the structure and design of the building. So many students....she decided not to socialize with the other students just yet. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of strangers, or say something weird or anything..

"Why does it even matter who I talk to? I like being alone most of the time." Jackie thought to herself.

Smiling a little at the thought, she watched as the students spoke to each other, and waited at the Main Hall. She hoped her first day would go nicely, or just no inconvenience that she would have to go through..

She twisted a piece of her long black hair nervously, and her purple eye blinked a few times. Her brown skin slightly shined as the sunlight hit it. Dusting off her matching light blue jacket and sweatpants, she looked around again at the students..

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