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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 18:56 (4 Years ago)
i did three times as a kid and recently moved again for college. i dont really remember my first time moving since i was so young (only about 2 or 3 years old), i moved again when i was 5 and i dont really remember much about that either. i do remember not wanting to leave when i was 6 though, even though i hated all the dust and dirt where i lived.
im still trying to adjust to where im at now but i honestly hate it here. too rural for this city boy

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 18:31 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 08:08 (4 Years ago)
1 am post before i go to sleep but

newbury comics live at san fran we have obtained the goods over here at pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=kiszkas

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Posted: Sat, 14/11/2020 03:45 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/11/2020 03:48 (4 Years ago)
Yesterday (well, 1 AM in the morning today) I found myself on a sort of binge for Humble Pie content. Not demos or live stuff just... photos of the band. Very boring to the average person. Interesting to your average fan. More specifically, I spent about an hour looking through photos of guitarist Peter Frampton because somebody I follow on Instagram shared a post about being in love with the man that I thought was hilarious and relatable but lets pretend my bisexuality isnt showing. I truly love Peter Frampton and Humble Pie. I've got a bunch of their albums, 4 shirts pertaining to them, and I've seen Frampton in concert 3 times. But since I last saw him perform I don't really think I've actively acknowledged his music. Sure, I've listened to Humble Pie's Town and Country and self-titled record in recent time but that was when I was doing something else and merely wanted them for background noise. Highway driving isn't the same listening experience as being able to sit down and really pay attention to what you're hearing.

Maybe "acknowledge" isn't the right term to use here. I paid enough attention to both albums to be able to sing along some to them and to hit the rewind button on my car stereo on some songs just to hear them again. I think I feel more detached. My love for this material is still here. In fact, I think I love Town and Country more now than before, even with the album disrupter that is "Ollie Ollie." I just don't think I same level of attachment towards this material now than I did when I was about 14/15 which wasn't that many years ago. I have the same feelings towards Rush now as well. I still listen to them when they come up on my Spotify shuffle but I'm not actively sitting down to listen to 2112 or Permanent Waves like I used to.

Before I decided to write this I put on Peter Frampton's 1979 release, Breaking All the Rules. That's my favorite album of his. It's so different from the rest of his material, even his later stuff. It has that distinct late 70s sound to it, the kind that's built off of strong repeating guitar riffs and equally strong voices to compliment. The kind of rock that borders on being power pop at points. Cheap Trick's Heaven Tonight and Dream Police are good examples of this. It's an album that sounds like neon signs flickering while you walk past them alone in the dead of the night of a city. Listening to this album again made me realize my love for this man's music and my love of this album. I love the presentation and how coherent it is without all the songs sounding the same. I love the driving sound of it all. I especially adore the cover. It's a very simple image, but I think it encapsulates the tone and sound of the record fully.

This whole thing was longer than I hoped for it to be, but there's no way I could express my feelings in a small amount of words. "It's good" doesn't cut it for me when I have so much to say. I dunno if anybody really cares to read any of these posts, but these are meant more for me to have all my thoughts published in one place. If you've read anything I've posted, dope. Thank you.

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Posted: Fri, 13/11/2020 02:01 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 11/11/2020 05:11 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 10/11/2020 16:13 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 09/11/2020 17:11 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 08/11/2020 04:34 (4 Years ago)
listened to two new albums recently so ill touch upon them briefly here

first album i listened to was ...I Care Because You Do by aphex twin. i kinda regret skipping over Selected Ambient Works Vol. II because this album was a more difficult listen than Selected Ambient Works 85-92. it leans more into a drone sound than an ambient one and there are less melodies on this album unlike 85-92. it was still interesting but i dont see myself going back to this one anytime soon. maybe when i listen to more of aphexs twin discography ill give this record another listen. it just doesnt resonate the same to me as 85-92. also, the album cover is absolutely horrifying. i love it because it is creepy but no lie i would turn the cover around if it was sitting behind my record player.

second album (which i listened to earlier today) was "Heroes" by david bowie. gonna be completely honest here, i may like classic rock and i may like the glam rock genre, but i havent listened to much of david bowies discography. i dont even own any of his albums (though i would love to own a copy of Ziggy Stardust someday). i listened to Low back in october since its in a trilogy that consists of it, heroes, and Lodger. i was expecting this one to similar to low with how it contains more instrumental tracks than it does vocals, but heroes has more vocals on it. there are a good sum of instrumental or mostly instrumental tracks on here however. i enjoyed this one more than low and i think the production has a lot to do with that. this record was produced by tony visconti and it shows. his work with t. rex (oh hey, one of my faves) gave them a very full sound and was very polished, but there is at least one track i can think of that has a similar roughness to heroes ("Tenement Lady"). heroes has a very similar semi-polished sound where the vocals and instruments can really reverberate at times and i LIVE FOR IT. and robert fripps contributions to this album? MWAH. THAS A CHEFS KISS BABY HOOOOO YEAH--
im not just saying that because i like king crimson, i genuinely think robert fripps guitar on this album adds to its memorability. its very powerful, which is something i can say is consistent with his quality of playing with king crimson

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no i do not know why i switch between italics and normal album titles throughout this

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Posted: Sat, 07/11/2020 17:58 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 06/11/2020 17:29 (4 Years ago)
hnnnnn im so mad i couldnt preorder kg its unreal

look at this
glossy cover
pretty colors
im so mad
the only reason why i couldnt order it or live at san fran was because my power went out the day these pre-orders went live. i am TILTED over this. pretty sure ato still has their san fran pressings for sale so im not worried about those. all thats left of the us copies is black wax
i am tilted

thank you for coming to my ted talk i cant wait to purchase a second-hand copy of this for $65 usd on discogs

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2020 05:07 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2020 00:08 (4 Years ago)
Today I decided to listen to Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin. It's an acclaimed electronica album that most of the music pages I follow have posted about. That's about the extent of what I knew about the album and really Aphex Twin as a whole. I don't actively listen to electronic music. I can only think of a small amount of albums that I've listened to that are electronica or have heavy electronic elements. Suffice to say, I really enjoyed Selected Ambient Works.

There was a lot of texture on tracks such as "Ageispolis", with that song in particular standing out to me for how all of the sounds phase in and out throughout the piece. "Green Calx" stood out with how oddly atmospheric it was. Something about the track made me think of a city. The splashy synth on it doesn't scream city or anything, but it just made me think of being on a light rail in the middle of the night. The track also merges well into "Heliospan."

My favorite song off the album was "Pulsewidth." It's the kind of song that you can imagine being played down a runway, or maybe it's the kind that you would hear in a fictional shopping mall. The persistent, echoing synth riff throughout the song gives it a futuristic vibe. It's very catchy.

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2020 20:04 (4 Years ago)

Title: Concerts I've attended

wip section, my memory of dates aint that great (message please do not merge into the previous one plEASE)

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King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard w/ ORB, Stonefield - Mission Ballroom, Aug 21st, 2019
The Head and The Heart w/ Fitz and The Tantrums, ENZI - Mission Ballroom, Dec 5th, 2019
Fitz and The Tantrums - Red Rocks Amphitheater, Sep 25th, 2020
(upcoming) Tame Impala - Pepsi Center, 2021
(upcoming) King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard w/ Leah Senior - Red Rocks Amphitheater, Oct 2021

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2020 19:44 (4 Years ago)

Title: Dream albums

These are just albums I'd love to own someday. This list will change a lot as I listen more and as my collection grows.

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Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica, 2018 limited edition reissue (TMR 546/TMR 559)
Mild High Club - Skiptracing (STH2373)
The Murlocs - Loopholes, AUS 1st edition (FLT-010LP)
Pipe-Eye - Laugh About Life, AUS 1st edition on cream wax (FLT-027)
Saint Pepsi, Hit Vibes, limited promo copy on cherry red wax (SP1)
Temples - Sun Structures, UK 1st edition (HVNLP100)
T. Rex - The Slider, UK 1st edition (T. REX ‎– BLN 5001)

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Yugo Kanna - Good Morning Morioh Cho, JJBA soundtrack (1000614113)
Yugo Kanna - Good Night Morioh Cho, JJBA soundtrack (1000634125)

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2020 19:33 (4 Years ago)

Title: About me

About me/my taste
My name is Ambrose! You're free to call me Kiszkas if you want, I don't care too much about usernames and nicknames. I'm an artist and have many characters/storylines based on the music I listen to. My first musical love was that of Vocaloid. I didn't and still don't have a favorite producer, but I just really liked listening to songs made using Vocaloid/UTAU voicebanks back around 2012-2014. By 2015, I started listening more to classic rock, which resulted in where I'm at now with my taste.

I don't really consider my taste eclectic since a lot of it ties back to rock. There are some weird outliers here and there, but I'm consistent with the genres I listen to. Most of what I listen to comes from the 1960s, 1970s, and 2010s.

Favorite genres: psychedelic rock, progressive rock, glam rock
Favorite artists: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, T. Rex, Temples, MGMT, Humble Pie, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Rush, The Lemon Twigs, and Death Grips
Favorite albums: yeah uh we would be sitting here all day if i listed those off ill probably just drip feed those in this thread
Vinyl records owned: 120 (2/17/2021)

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2020 19:21 (4 Years ago)
Do not reply to this thread. PM me if you want to speak.

Kiszka's Explorations into Music Listening

Welcome to my music log! This is where I'll write about any and all things pertaining to music, but will most likely consist mostly of first time album listens. I have an extensive listening history with at least 366 records I've listened to in full and have documented (as of the time of writing this). I just really like listening to stuff.

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Posted: Wed, 04/11/2020 17:20 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2020 03:36 (4 Years ago)
i wouldn't understand a thing she'd say but hey, at least she can sing well

what if isabelle from animal crossing was your substitute teacher?

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