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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Queenie-Chan184.
Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 05:25 (10 Years ago)
"I guess so.. But I want my Beloved Garchomp out of the Ice!" She whimpered and quickly slumped onto the grass next to Halen.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 05:19 (10 Years ago)
Pyro flailed at the Ice wall. Taking like a total drama queen. Which she can be.. And then signed as she petted her Beloved Garchomp's face.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 05:18 (10 Years ago)
She took a deep inhale of the scent of the flowers. Sighing happily as she peered down on them. Giggling as she plucked one.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 05:02 (10 Years ago)
Pyro shrieked once she saw her beloved Vaporean being KO'd by the Tyranitar. She couldn't handle it any more. She sent both of her Garchomp and Gardevoir to finish off the Metagross.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:59 (10 Years ago)
Nina saw how much power Joe has and maybe he can have more? She doesn't know to be honest. But quickly she crosses herself under the sleeping pokemon to the other side.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:51 (10 Years ago)
Her ears flickered as she heard him comment about the sky. She nodded eagerly and smiled back at him. "Yeah I sure agree on that!"

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:50 (10 Years ago)
Pyro's Garchomp had some serious injuries, but haven't fainted yet. She command her Garchomp to Dig underground, Commanding her Vaporean to use Ice Beam at the Enemy Garchomp.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:49 (10 Years ago)
Nina walked cutely on her two feet. Humming about and giggling, walking down the bridge also. Looking up to the sky for a moment.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:44 (10 Years ago)
"Garchomp use Flamethrower on Metagross! And My Staraptor!" Pyro command then growled in loss because of her Staraptor.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:42 (10 Years ago)
Nina looked the way That Joe pointed out, nodding as she agree. She smiled towards him and started to go ahead first!

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:40 (10 Years ago)
"Attack my darling's~!" Pyro said as she sented her beloved pokemon into the fray.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:38 (10 Years ago)
Nina tilted her head and started to think. Some shivers went down her spine just thinking and what would happen if to go Lavender Town. "Celadon it is~!"

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:26 (10 Years ago)
She chuckled some, snuggling softly up to him. "Nah it's fine. Let's just explore ja?"

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:26 (10 Years ago)
Pyro shruged. Fanning herself as one of her arms were crossed under her chest. Looking around as she waited. "I guess so"

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:21 (10 Years ago)
Nina let out a kinda happy sigh as she crossed her arms. Looking at him. "You better take care that temper of your's sooner or later you know."

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:19 (10 Years ago)
"I can't agree more as you say Halen!" She agreed quickly as she can as she saw the troops march there way to Illusio.

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 04:18 (10 Years ago)
Nina's ears perked up as she heard Joe, She knows that he Didn't took The Nidoking's surrender so much. Maybe up for blood then? Seems so. Nina quickly acted as she stopped the blade's course with both of her hands. Cringing and panting. "Joe stop! He already Surrendered! Come on snap out of it!"

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 03:55 (10 Years ago)
Nina blinked once she was sat down. Pouting for a moment, but she started to watch Joe and That Nidoking fight. She scratched her cheek for a moment as she watched. "Joe can be dangerous when angered.."

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 03:49 (10 Years ago)
Nina growled from her throat, looking back to the Nidoking, with a mean look on her face. She had heard enough. "I'd advise you to shut your maw mate. Because you really mess with my best friend here."

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Posted: Wed, 11/06/2014 03:44 (10 Years ago)
Her ears flickered as she heard him. Nodding and giggling softly. "Sure! That sounds like a great idea."

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