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Searching for: Posts from Pikablu.
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 07:02 (9 Years ago)
Shouldn't the new legendaries be added to the wiki?

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 06:13 (9 Years ago)
Clicking Minnia

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Posted: Wed, 06/05/2015 16:08 (9 Years ago)
Clicking Viper.....

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Posted: Mon, 04/05/2015 15:42 (9 Years ago)
We know that there is a need of clicks to everybody.... But I feel bad to say that some people get too many clicks and some newbies don't get any....
Also I see a lot and lot of Notifications asking for interactions which makes the notifications page quite long...
So I decided to make this thread and with the permission of Yoru, I finally started this...

Party- Click the User Above You

All you need to do is click the above your's party.... and you get assured click of your own party.
This is different from Mass-click list because you click the user's storage boxes which is always tiring and also includes the clicking of useless pokemon like UFT.... This is much quicker and gives you quick level-up of your party.

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Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 07:52 (9 Years ago)
Sending and please send something I don't have....

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Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 07:48 (9 Years ago)
Sending and please send something I don't have

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Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 08:22 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, no support.
I don't like it because PH isn't a site of artists like tumblr and deviantart... so this would be of no use actually unless it has a special function to do... I think an event like this would be good but no support for permanent feature.

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Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 08:13 (9 Years ago)
Support for the reasons stated... It will be easier for people with laggy comp and slow internet like me a lot.....

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Posted: Tue, 28/04/2015 14:38 (9 Years ago)
Send and please send something I don't have....

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 16:15 (9 Years ago)
Send and please send something I don't have.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)
Hmm. Since I am hunting I can't go to the safari Zone.... Wait.. are there caterpies in the safari zone...???

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 15:46 (9 Years ago)
Send and please send something I don't have.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 14:54 (9 Years ago)
No Support...
They are arranged in the Pokedex Order and and it would be quite hard to find pokemon like this.... specially for people with thousands of Pokemon....

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 14:30 (9 Years ago)
Send, and Please send something I don't have.

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Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 12:59 (9 Years ago)
And the winners are :-----

The winner of the consolation prize i.e. any plushie of 50 DP or less is.....

The winner of the third prize i.e. any starter of your choice is.......

The winner of the second prize i.e. any one between a Mega-Charizard X and Mega-Charizard Y is.....

And the winner of the Grand first prize i.e. the Shiny Magikarp is.....

Prizes will be sent tomorrow and day-after tommorow.....
Everybody who joined will get a plushie of 10 DP.

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Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 12:45 (9 Years ago)
Sure. Thanks for joining.
Good Luck.
And the winners will be announced in a few mins....

The contest ends NOW!!!!
No more applications will be taken....
Winners will be drawn in a few minutes.

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Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 12:42 (9 Years ago)
I think I should finish it because it is going to be too long....
Finishing it early....

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Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 05:35 (9 Years ago)
Sure, Thanks for joining.
Good Luck.

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Posted: Fri, 17/04/2015 15:51 (9 Years ago)
Username :Pikablu
Number : 14

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Posted: Fri, 17/04/2015 15:39 (9 Years ago)
Sure, Thanks for joining.
Good Luck.

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