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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Intak.
Posted: Sun, 30/04/2017 10:22 (7 Years ago)
1. Gray Fullbuster [Fairy Tail] 19 *SAVES*
2. Gareki [Karneval] 14
3. Noiz [Dramatical Murder] 19
4. Tien Shinhan [Dragon Ball Z] 13
5. Chuuya Nakahara [Bungou Stray Dogs] 25
6. Ryoga Hibiki [Ranma 1/2] 9 *DEFEATS*
7. Shinichi Kudo [Detective Conan] 13
8. Kei Tsukishima [Haikyuu!!] 14

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Posted: Tue, 18/04/2017 13:46 (7 Years ago)
I'm not going to write the story of my life here so I'll just cut to the chase. I'd like to trade the following items for Pokefarm Q Zophan Canisters and Gems. It's a long list so I'm mostly putting it in different spoilers:


-2.5 Million PD - Make an offer


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-25 Dragon Gems - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-266 Bug Gems - 2 Gems
-116 Dark Gems - 2 Gems
-335 Normal Gems - 3 Gems
-385 Ground Gems - 1 Gem
-507 Grass Gems - 1 Gem
-145 Electric Gems - 2 Gems


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-2 Strange Ornaments - 20 Gems/10 ZC
-12 Relic Coppers - 10 Gems/5 ZC
-3 Relic Silvers - 20 Gems/10 ZC


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-1 Cold Rock - 100 Gems/50 ZC
-1 Hard Rock - 100 Gems/50 ZC
-1 Light Rock - 100 Gems/50 ZC
-31 Star Pieces - 50 Gems/25 ZC
-1 Enigma Stone - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-1 Resolute Stone - 80 Gems/40 ZC


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-3 Jaw Fossils - 15 Gems
-7 Claw Fossils - 15 Gems
-5 Dome Fossils - 15 Gems
-4 Root Fossils - 15 Gems
-2 Sail Fossils - 15 Gems
-3 Aromr Fossils - 15 Gems
-2 Cover Fossils - 15 Gems
-2 Helix Fossils - 15 Gems


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-2 Red Orbs - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-3 Blue Orbs - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-2 Green Orbs - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-1 Enigma Pearl - 25 Gems
-3 Gracideas - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-1 Refrigerator - 20 Gems/10 ZC
-1 Drill - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-1 Washing Machine - 20 Gems/10 ZC
-4 Reveal Glasses - 40 Gems/20 ZC
-1 DNA Splicer (White) - 30 Gems/15 ZC
-2 Sky Plates - 15 Gems
-1 Zap Plate - 15 Gems
-1 Mind Plate - 15 Gems
-1 Flame Plate - 15 Gems
-1 Icicle Plate - 15 Gems


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-2 Black Boxes - 50 Gems/25 ZC
-11 Gold Keys - 10 Gems/5 ZC
-10 Pink Keys - 8 Gems/4 ZC
-23 Dark Blue Boxes - 8 Gems/4 ZC
-14 Light Blue Boxes - 8 Gems/4 ZC


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-1 Shiny Venusaur - 140 Gems/70 ZC
-1 Shiny Charizard - 120 Gems/60 ZC
-17 Shiny Weedle - 60 Gems/30 ZC
-2 Shiny Beedrill - 60 Gems/30 ZC
-33 Shiny Gastly - 60 Gems/30 ZC
-1 Shiny Haunter - 60 Gems/30 ZC
-2 Shiny Chinchou - 120 Gems/60 ZC
-4 Shiny Van Bagon - 400 Gems/200 ZC
-1 Shiny Rokkyu - 250 ZC
-1 Shiny Palpitoad - 100 Gems/50 ZC
-1 Shiny Seismitoad - 100 Gems/50 ZC
-1 Shiny Mimikyu - 200 Gems/100 ZC

Mega Ables:

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-13 Mega Able Beedrill - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-1 Mega Able Pidgey - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-1 Mega Able Pidgeot - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-24 Mega Able Haunter - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-1 Mega Able Sceptile - 180 Gems/90 ZC
-1 Mega Able Gardevoir - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-1 Mega Able Camerupt - 180 Gems/90 ZC
-1 Mega Able Salamence - 200 Gems/100 ZC
-1 Mega Able Snover - 180 Gems/90 ZC
-1 Mega Able Abomasnow - 180 Gems/90 ZC


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-1 Articuno - 600 ZC
-2 Moltres - 600 ZC
-3 Lugia - 20 Gems/10 ZC
-1 Regirock - 10 Gems/5 ZC
-1 Regice - 20 Gems/10 ZC
-1 Registeel - 30 Gems/15 ZC
-1 Raylong - 80 Gems/40 ZC
-2 Shaymin - 30 Gems/15 ZC
-10 Kyurem - 30 Gems/15 ZC


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I can breed most Events (only excluding 2-3 that need a Ditto) for 20 Gems/10 ZC each, rare gender is 30 Gems/15 ZC each.
I have 1000+ hatched Events (mostly Van Bagon + Evos though) in this box.


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-1 Mega Stone - 250 ZC
-84 Super Honey - 10 Gems/5 ZC

I am NOT interested in Fairy Gems. Also, I'm not really interested in Shinies, Albinos, Credits or Summons. Thanks for your time~

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Posted: Tue, 11/04/2017 14:07 (7 Years ago)
1. Gray Fullbuster [Fairy Tail] 14
2. Dante [Devil May Cry (series) ] 9
3. Kousei Arima [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso] 11
4. Tazuna Takatsuki [Hand Shakers] 13
5. Chuuya Nakahara [Bungou Stray Dogs] 20
6. Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! on Ice) 18 *SAVES*
7. Jonathan "Jojo" Joestar [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure] 7 *DEFEATS*
8. Shinya Kougami [Psycho Pass] 16

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Posted: Mon, 10/04/2017 10:53 (7 Years ago)
This just happened to me. I panicked and answered lampent and it was obviously wrong. Has anyone else had this happen to them too?

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Posted: Sun, 09/04/2017 14:47 (7 Years ago)
1. Gray Fullbuster [Fairy Tail] 12
2. Dante [Devil May Cry (series) ] 11
3. Kousei Arima [Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso] 11
4. Tazuna Takatsuki [Hand Shakers] 13
5. Chuuya Nakahara [Bungou Stray Dogs] 17
6. Tetsurou Kuroo [Haikyuu!!] 30 *SAVES*
7. Jonathan "Jojo" Joestar [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure] 15 *DEFEATS*
8. Shinya Kougami [Psycho Pass] 15

Ok, so, if I understand this right, since Tetsurou enders the Hall of Fame, I add a new character.
The new character is Yuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! on Ice).

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Posted: Fri, 24/03/2017 20:11 (7 Years ago)
Ethan started eating the sandwhich, thanking Amy for making it. When he had finished it, he stood up and went to Amy again. "That's why we seem to be in the age of 25 with 30, we were about level 40 or something. Oddy and Mina look like teens. They were about level 25, not to mention Kadabra's and Oddish's levels and current age. It makes sense, but I'd like to research it more. I'm gonna search for an old library around here, could you watch after Kadabra while I'm gone?" He whispered to Amy. "Oh, and before I leave, we must create nicknames for Oddish and Kadabra while in this world, we don't want anyone to find out who we are and who we were." He added to his speech.

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Posted: Wed, 22/03/2017 14:07 (7 Years ago)
Username – Konohamaru
Name – Ethan
Pronouns – He
Reference & Species– Ethan has purple hair, matching his deep blue eyes. The shape of his face is kind of circular. He's about 1.75 meters tall and doesn't weigh more than 65 kilos. He's merely 19 years old. Normally he would go to the gym day by day, so he's (a bit) muscular. And before I forget to mention it, he's a human. If you need more details feel free to tell me.
Notes – He has bionic eyes. With it he can scan footiprints and control machines. Electromagnetic fields can block his scans.

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 10:57 (7 Years ago)
Ethan fed the little guy a sandwich. He tried recalling everything that happened back in the Pokemon world. Suddenly, he stood up and walked to the kitchen. "Amy, we have a little problem here. He can't be this young. Do you remember when he was an Abra? I don't think Kadabra used to be this young. Do you think the Devolution Potion lower his.... age?" He whispered to Amy.

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Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 21:53 (7 Years ago)
(Ain't gonna give too many details tho xD)

Ethan took the right position and counted to 3 from his inside. He then started performing CPR on Kadabra. Even after 20 seconds, Kadabra didn't wake up. Ethan tried harder and harder until finally.... Kadabra's heart started beating properly again. It was a matter of seconds before Kadabra woke up too. "Phew. Amy, please bring Kadabra a glass of water, he really needs to. I'll feed him the sandwich." Ethan said and stood up, walking towards Amy. "He is barely 5 years old and Druddigon manipulated him. Poor being. We need to find out what happened to him and even if he's come to this world again. There's one way for us to find that out, we'll making him walk." He whispered to Amy, while nervously looking at the child.

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Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 21:21 (7 Years ago)
Ethan checked if his heart still beated. Kadabra's heartbeats were blurry (Idk if this is the right adjective to use). "Ok, so, we have two choices. Either take him to the hospital as soon as possible or perform CPR. Before I became a Pokemon I was taking first aid classes for a few years so I'll perform CPR." Ethan said to Amy, taking deep breaths so as to not make any mistake.

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Posted: Mon, 06/03/2017 17:57 (7 Years ago)
(Finally *o* Btw the door was unlocked, but let's say that Ethan jumped from the window)

He entered the house and ran upstairs to Amy's location, worrying for the child. "Amy! I need some help with Kadabra! We forgot him in the bushes!" He shouted while going up the stairs, getting closer and closer to Amy. He had forgotten about being hungry.

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Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 07:15 (8 Years ago)
Ethan got up and looked out of the window, only to see that... they forgot an unconcious Kadabra lying on the flowers. He unlocked the door and with swift movements he quickly reached Kadabra's location, picked him up and took him to Mina's house. He was merely a young boy, a little bit older than Oddish.

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Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 18:56 (8 Years ago)
Ethan sat down to where he was before. The feeling of guilt grew bigger inside him. Ethan started slowly and quietly tearing. "I think I just... hurt the one I love." He thought. He got up, locked the door and then sat down again.

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Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 16:36 (8 Years ago)
Ethan smiled at Amy. "Well, do you want to eat?" He said and the smile turned to an akward one. Ethan realised that this whole situation had grown akward.

(I gtg, I can't continue the Oddy - Mina part, I'll add it later, ok? ;-;)

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Posted: Fri, 24/02/2017 16:08 (8 Years ago)
Ethan got up too. "I didn't say I want to eat. There's no need to make me anything." He said, trying to save the moment.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Oddy kissed Mina's hand. "You're going to be ok, I'm telling you." He said and hugged Mina. Her mother had left the room to leave these two alone.

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Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 15:50 (8 Years ago)
Ethan smiled. "I don't care in which world I am, as long as I am in it with you. I love you, you know that?" He said and hugged Amy. This moment though didn't last for long. His stomach felt empty. Ethan sighed, as he didn't remember how to make anything to eat.

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Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 15:37 (8 Years ago)
The two left the hospital and started walking towards Mina's house. "You know, I'm really happy I finally got to feel my arms again, using them as legs got really annoying." Ethan told Amy. "But... I really miss our friends, our room, everything back in the Pokemon World. I really liked all the missions we went through, as dangerous as they were. I also miss using moves. It was really fullfilling." He added, showing the will to return to that world.

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Posted: Tue, 21/02/2017 15:25 (8 Years ago)
Ethan stopped laughing. "I think I understand what they are. Thanks." Oddy told his friends. "At least you're alive." Ethan said to Mina. "None of us could think of how it would be losing you." He added. Oddy help Ethan's hand tight so he wouldn't cry in front of the girls.

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Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 16:35 (8 Years ago)
Hello, I'd just like to update my status, I've hatched the Shiny Mega Beedrill long ago so you can remove that from the list. I'm currently gathering for Shiny Mega Gyarados, Gengar, Lucario and Aerodactyl Hunts. Also, from time to time I hatch about 200 Van Bagon Eggs to try my chance at a Shiny Mega, so you can add that to my list too ;D

By the way, even if I don't comment I always read every single post, I'm just not talkative~

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Posted: Mon, 20/02/2017 15:41 (8 Years ago)
Upon hearing Amy, Ethan grabbed Oddy's hand, who could barely walk with his new legs, and went inside the room. Oddy saw Mina's bandages. "Um... What's that thing in your head?" Oddy asked Mina, making Ethan laugh.

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