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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 05:14 (28 Days ago)
"Shut up. I just don't like it when you steal my playthings. Because you do. Don't deny it."

Trixie let out a quiet sigh, hair turning back into a light brown, eyes going red again.

"I don't know. I targeted him cause he seemed fun to mess with. But now I'm really invested. And Kendo refuses to help me, because your goody-two-shoes of a sister has him on a leash. I mean, I have a stash of love potions from that princess brat, but... I want to do this fair."

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 05:00 (28 Days ago)
Trixie pouted.

"...Fine. But you better not have ruined my fun. And you better not touch him, Blissy."

She said, looking back at her.

"He's mine. He just doesn't know it yet. Okay?"

Her sunny disposition faded away to a more natural, bit grumpier one.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 04:32 (28 Days ago)
Trixie smiled up at him, sweetly.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong. I'm not busy at all."

She glanced back at Bliss, a pout forming, as Ayran turned away

"Aw, are you focused on her? Are you scared of her? Are you not scared of me? Are you not focused on me? Why, am I not interesting enough? Huh? Am I not? Answer me, Ayran."

She smiled, reaching out to yank him back towards her. She was deceptively strong, for that small frame. She grinned, forcing him to look her in the eyes once more.

"I never said we should play together. I don't know where you got that notion from. I said that I'll have some fun. And I will."

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 01:20 (28 Days ago)
"Mister Leonidas. Don't you think it's rude for you to suddenly take away Sir Ayran like this? After all, we were in the middle of a private conversation."

Trixie smiled cheerfully, jogging to catch up to Leonidas. She gave her best ditzy little girl smile.

"I really do hope I can keep him for just a moment longer. After all, you interrupted us, may we please finish our conversation?"

She smiled as if she hadn't been talking crazy psycho a minute before. Without waiting, she wrapped her hands around Ayran's arm, yanking him away.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 00:36 (28 Days ago)
Trixie twirled to face the second voice.

"Bliss? Oh, hey, girl! Where've you been?"

Trixie smiled cheerfully. She was back in sugary-sweet twintail ditzy Trixie mode, it appeared.

"Have you met Ayran? He's been so nice to me. Led me into this secluded, rather empty part of the hallway too, just to talk!"
Kendo smiled.

"Other family? There's Trix, and her big brother, my aunt, my uncle... that's about it, really."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 23:54 (28 Days ago)
That's just it, sir. I'm not insane. You aren't either. And I think you know it. I'm just a girl who likes to have some fun."

She blushed slightly as Ayran yanked her towards him.

"Wow~ I didn't know you were so handsy, Sir. I like that. Don't worry. My only plan is to, I suppose, slowly watch you break apart."

She paused, when Leonidas spoke.

She turned to look at him.

"Oh! Hello, there! What do you mean? No's a no? What an odd thing to say. I'm not forcing dear Ayran into anything."
kendo leaned back in his chair.

"Mm. It did go fast. I just wanna go see my little sister again. You haven't met her yet, have you, Mona?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 11:23 (29 Days ago)
"My therapist says I'm a perfectly normal person-type human."

She said, hands dropping to her sides.

"You talk quite the big talk, sir. But you aren't quite as good in the head as you pretend either, right?"

She smiled up at him, poking his forehead.

"Why don't you stop pretending? You're like me. Takes a psycho to know a psycho. Right? So why don't you just give up? We could have fun. Wreck this place up tomorrow. My big cousin is boring. He doesn't want to have fun with me. But you might. Right?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 10:42 (29 Days ago)
"I wanna see you crack. I wanna see you break."

She giggled, a hand resting on his cheek.

"I want to see how you react when I finally get you to really like me, and then I shatter your pretty little soul to pieces."

She laughed.

"I'm fascinated how people like you react to me."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 09:28 (29 Days ago)
"Is that so?"

Trixie suddenly got to her tip-toes, pressing a gentle kiss against Ayran's cheek. She pulled away after a moment, smiling, hands still behind her back. She smiled sweetly as she could.

"Well, if I'll never see it, then I can mess with you as much as I want, right? It's just two days."

Trixie said rather cheerfully. She fished a hair tied out of her pocket, tying her dirty-blonde hair into a messy ponytail.

"No reaction? Oh well. More of a challenge, I suppose."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 09:03 (29 Days ago)
"Haha~! You caught me! Oops! Shoulda watched this big mouth of mine. I'm so silly."

She raised her hand in mock surrender., hair flickering into a dirty-blonde, red eyes back to green.

"You know, you're awfully cute with that expression. So angry. Do I piss you off? Good."

She paused at his words.

"But I want to see you break. Snap. You act so perfect. It'll be so fun to watch you break."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 08:50 (29 Days ago)
"I dunno. You just seemed fun to mess with. Is your social battery drained? I'm so sorry. I feel so awful for that."

She rocked back and forth on her feet, smiling up at him.

"I hope I'm not tiring you."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 06:13 (29 Days ago)
"Oh! Yes, of course!"

Oh, this was too much fun.

'Lathiel' followed Ayran, smiling cheerfully, skipping as she walked.
"don't worry about it, Mona. It's nothing important."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 05:13 (29 Days ago)
"Sorry. I can tell you're trying to... make a distinction. But that format only works in the, uh, text-based roleplaying forum we're being written on, person I don't know."

Kendo's eyebrow was raised, fingers locked with Mona's.

"I can practically smell the, uh, bad grammar wafting off you. My bad, G. Souse me, please. We really need to get to class. Have a good day!"

With a snap, Kendo teleported himself and Mona about 10 feet down the hallway.
"Oh, yes, I did! I was just hoping we could, uh... talk?"

She shifted slightly, fingertips of her index fingers pressed together. Her gaze was on the ground.

"U-uh- you don't need to, but-"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:57 (29 Days ago)
'Lathiel' turned to face Athena. Ugh. What a bore. These people were ruining her fun.

"And? And what, miss?"

'Lathiel' tilted her head.

She smiled.

"I just trailed off in the middle of my sentence, miss."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:43 (29 Days ago)
"...I can't believe that girl."

Kendo shook his head, taking Mona's hand.

"Let's go. To history, I mean. We're busy too, right?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:29 (29 Days ago)
"Sir, sir Ayran, wait a second!"

'Lathiel' stopped right behind Ayran, smiling wide as she could.

"I'm sorry about my cousin. He likes to mess with people- and-"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:22 (29 Days ago)
Kendo eyed Ayran's retreating form, chuckling to himself. Trixie was glaring up at him.

"Now, you, 'Lathiel', you chose an interesting one."

"Why'd you do that? You big bully."

She huffed, following Ayran after a moment.

"Go die."


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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:06 (29 Days ago)
"Lathiel Richards. It's a pleasure!"

She stuck out a hand, grinning cheerfully.

"Who are you, sir?"

She asked, smiling innocently.
kendo narrowed his eyes. Then, he smiled, wrapping an arm around 'Lathiel'.

"L? What I didn't know you joined this place. Sorry, Ayran. This is my cousin. On my mom's side."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 03:43 (29 Days ago)
"Do you wanna go and look?"

He asked, tilting his head.

"I'm fine with it if you do."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 03:35 (29 Days ago)
"Let's go to history."

He responded.

"That sounds nice, right?"
"Wow, what's going on here?"

Trixie, now in a different - but still rather short- package, glanced around, at Ayran and Sydney's tussle.

She walked straight up to Ayran, tilting her head.

"What happened here?"

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