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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:40 (8 Years ago)
"I'm glad to hear that, really. I am doing well." She spoke gently, her heart on ease a bit more about his condition. She wanted to wait for Erebus before she started explaining their assignment. She hoped Kuro and him were close though.

Her face reddened from embarassment as he mentioned specifically to her that he was fine. He knew I was acting weird...That's embarrassing! I need to become better at hiding my awkwardness! Though I am glad he said it with such calmness, it truly does make me believe he is alright. "Okay Collin, I believe you. Is it alright if I wait for Erebus before I read the assignment?"

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:28 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:17 (8 Years ago)
He is acting normal, that's good. He must be okay, or at least he is acting like it... She smiled gently at him as she greeted him, "Hello Colin. How are you?" She noticed him run his hand over his eye, an eye patch protecting him. She hoped his eye wasable to be saved, though if it were not, she knew he would be able to make the best of it.

"Ah, he went to go get Erebus. I sure he would want to know that you were awake." She paused, having a mental fight with herself over if she should mention the mission yet or not. "Um, master Virginia has an assignment for us. I haven't exactly read what it is about yet, we wanted to wait for you..." Welp that was great, I probably should have waited. There is no telling how long it will take Erebus to get here...Why must I get awkward sometimes? I just never know what to say to comfort people when they get injuried...

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:01 (8 Years ago)
It took Aurora a couple of minutes to walk up to the recovery room, her nerves growing with each step. She had no idea what all did happen to Collin, or how he would react once he woke up.

She stopped at the door to the room, taking a deep breath to calm her heavy nerves. Once she was ready, Kuro and she walked through the door, unprepared for the sight in front of them. Collin was sitting in an upright position, his hands limp in front of him. He looked a mix of defeated, enraged, and lost.

Aurora said nothing as she walked over to the side of his bed. She glanced at Kuro, sending him a silent message that he understood quickly. He ran out of the room, his goal to find Erebus and inform him somehow that Collin had woken up. She stayed and clutched the paper in her hand, wiling to wait in silence for however long she felt was necessary. Aurora had no clue what to say to Collin in this situation, and she felt herself becoming awkward with the silence.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 04:48 (8 Years ago)
Aurora awoke to a blaring sun glaring into her eyes, causing her to instinctively sit up and run her eyes to block out the light. Once her eyes adjusted to the daylight, she looked around at her surroundings. "Where is this place? I don't remember ever being here. Actually, I don't remember anything..." As she tried to think of her past, to bring any memories to the surface, her head started to ache, and Aurora muttered an "Ow...".

She was surrounded by an open field, with forests lining one side and a stream jutting through like a crack on a sidewalk. Nearby, the faint sound of a beastly roar could be heard every now and again. Aurora was startled by the noise, panic flowing through her veins. If I am attacked right now, I'll die! I have no weapons...Wait, what is that?!

She noticed out of the corner of her eye a sword, gleaming from the sunlight. She hurriedly picked it up, the feeling of the cool metal surface strangely familiar. She felt more confident with a sword in her arms, even if she had no recollection of being able to wield one to save her life.


My, what a silly little creature. She is just sitting there, as if she has no idea what to do. Maybe I should go greet her, and make sure she stays away from any Ligers. A griffin, adorned with blood red fur spotted at the tips with ebony, fluttered down from his perch in a tree to welcome the human back from being unconscious. She was excited to greet him, screaming out her thanks at his appearance from "out of the blue" as she had said. After she finished freaking out, the griffin sat down and watched her as she slowly tried to stand. Her legs fell from under her, and he used his wings to support her until her legs got used to the idea of walking. She mumbled out a surprised "t-thank you..." as she regained the use of her limbs.

In a gentle voice, he heard the girl say, "Would you like to come along with me?" He had a hard time believing anyone, especially thisbmere human, would want to travel with him, but it made him happy to be wanted for once in his life. He nuzzled her head as a sign he agreed. "Then I shall call you Drake! How does that sound?" Hmm I do no mind the sound of that name, I shall allow her to call me that.

((If this post is not good, or should be redone, just let me know! ^^))

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 03:50 (8 Years ago)
Aurora gripped the paper in her hands as she watched Erebus walk off to his personal training room, his rage evident through his posture and destination. She herself was a bit angry that they couldn't go, but she also understood the reasoning behind it. They couldn't have two more wizards injuried, if something happened.

"I'm going to check up on Collin." Was all she said as she headed off, intending to wait till her fellow ice wizard woke up, unless he was already awake. As she walked away, she handed Kuro the bone to chew on. He happily took it, the sounds of his teeth knawing were all that filled the air.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 03:41 (8 Years ago)
Thank you very much!! I will update you when I can get the picture working! :)

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 02:14 (8 Years ago)
Show hidden content

Name; Aurora Nightingale
Tamed creature(s) (Only for Sealers); Drake (later on in the rp, is it possible to get a second creature? I saw in the rules that the max was 2).
Ancient (Only for the mods and admins); N/A
Age(12-20 *For the humans*); 18
Appearance; ~Here~
Weapon; The sword in the pic
Sealer(human) or Creature; Sealer
Power (Only for creatures); N/A
Gender; Female
Crush; Open
BF/GF; Open

Show hidden content

Name; Drake
Tamed creature(s) (Only for Sealers); N/A
Ancient (Only for the mods and admins); N/A
Age(12-20 *For the humans*); 200
Appearance; ~Here~
Weapon; Claws, fangs/beak, and possibly wings?
Sealer(human) or Creature; Creature
Power (Only for creatures); To control and make fire.
Gender; Male
Crush; N/A

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 01:30 (8 Years ago)
Aurora's eyes hardened and her jaw set. Before master Virginia could speak, she made her mind known. "Master Virginia, I want to go with Erebus. Kuro has a great nose and could be of assistance. And I want to help out, since I was gone when all of this happened." If I had been here, maybe Collin wouldn't be hurt...

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 01:03 (8 Years ago)
She listened silently, taking all of the information in. once the master finished speaking, she made her comments, "So...Collin, was he attacked? And did Trickester get away?" I can't believe that Trickester is working with Master Hidy...If I ever run into her, I'll give her a piece of my mind!

Kuro followed behind them, on Aurora's left side. He could understand perfectly what was being said, and the look in his eyes suggested to her that he did not like what he was hearing.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 23:29 (8 Years ago)
Aurora stayed silent and nodded, knowing she was most likely right helped her stay silent and wait for the master to fill her in fully. She chuckled as Erebus bent down to greet Kuro, but stopped short, she figured it was from the last time he tried to greet Kuro, and the wolf had been in such a mood that he bit the unsuspecting boy.

Kuro nudged Erebus's hand, showing he was in a good mood. He quietly barked his reply, which Aurora translated, "Hey Erebus! I'm well, a bit tired from our mission. Have you been well?" It still amazed her that the wolf had such an understanding of the English language, though she figured it was due to him having been around humans for such a long time.

Aurora's head swiveled as Virginia walked back in the main hall. As the master motioned for them, she made her way towards the master, knowing Kuro and Erebus would soon be at her heels.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:33 (8 Years ago)
Okay! ^_^

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:33 (8 Years ago)
Upon hearing a voice, Aurora looked up and saw a figure cloaked in black coming down the stairs. She returned his grin as she said, "Why hello there 'Shadow'. Yes I just got back, the mission was easy for us." Taking a pause to change her course of subject, she grew curious at the last words she heard. "Oh? Please fill me in then, I'm intrigued."

While waiting she thought to herself, letting her mind play around with several possibilities. I wonder what happened. Did somone attack us, or one of our members? Or is it something worse, about the guild itself?

As the guild master walked down, Aurora greeted her just as cheerily as Erebus. "Thank you guild master Virginia."

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:18 (8 Years ago)
That only makes sense and seems fair!~ :)

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 22:16 (8 Years ago)
I can try! ^_^

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 21:12 (8 Years ago)
((I hope this is an okay start, if not I can redo it!))

Aurora walked along the streets, making her way back toward her guild, the Bluewing. It had been quite some time since she had been there, several months at the earliest. Her body was tense as she carried with her a bag, full of the reward she had recently obtained from her mission. A black wolf with wings tucked on his back walked along side her. He was Kuro, her trusted friend and pet.

She stepped up to the door and opened, wondering if anyone would be home or if they were all away on missions or the like.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 21:04 (8 Years ago)
Thank you very much!

What does a mod have to do? ^_^

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 21:00 (8 Years ago)
rp name: Aurora
class of trainer: Trainer
pokemon: Charmander nicknamed Prince
type specialty(misty is water brock is rock): None
about your self: She is sweet, caring (especially to pokemon), protective, and energetic. She can be snarky, cold, and rude if someone treats her, her friends, or pokemon rudely.
appearance: Long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. She normally wears a black mini skirt, a red halter top, and black combat boots.

((Thank you! Where are all the other characters at?))

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 19:24 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 18:42 (8 Years ago)
Name: Aurora Nightingale
Age: 18
Appearance: Here, but without the tiara
Guild name: Bluewing
Rank: A
Personality: She is energetic, sweet and caring to all, loyal, and protective, especially of Kuro. During battle, however, her whole persona switched and she is cold, unmoving, and willing to fight to the death if she must.
History: She lived her life as an ordinary girl until one day, when her father was taken by some unknown men, she realized that she could use magic, though it was too late for her to save her father. Since then she has been trying to increase her strength and learn all that she can about magic, so she never has to suffer again.
Other: She can communicate with animals (like Kuro).
Weapons: A one handed sword
Magic: Lightning & Ice


Name: Kuro
Age: 10, maybe? How do wolf years work (like dog years?)?
Gender: Male
Appearance: ~Here~
Personality: He is rather laid back and an easy creature to be around, unless someone hurts Aurora, who he is very protective of. When angered, he can be very vicious and fight till the death if he musts. He also does not take fighting lightly, he will try his hardest at whatever he is doing.
History: Aurora found him one day in the forest, severly injured from an attack by a gang of hawks (that of course could use magic). She nursed him back to health and ever since, he has always been at her side.
Other: Fire and wind (with his wings) magic (Can he have dual elements too or..?)

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