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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 15:23 (9 Years ago)
The buizel looked at tizzy and smiled "Looks like they're already friends Hm?" Kyle said.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 15:22 (9 Years ago)
The door opened and the water around marky rushed him into the room then the door closed and the water drained then another door opened with a bunch of team darkemerald grunts standing there.

"Hm.." I left the room and looked down both halls.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 12:46 (9 Years ago)
"I..I'll try.." Rayquaza made a small weak shiny rayquaza aura and flew slowly down to the boat "Team darkemeralds planning something REALLY bad.. i know it.." Rayquaza said

"Hey Fast!" Groudon said in my head "So your still here.." "Yep"

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 12:43 (9 Years ago)
Team enemy

What pokemon has the type electric?

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 12:40 (9 Years ago)
I checked the computer it worked but barely "Professor ginco?" I saw his face but it glitched from the damage "A-.. Fas- Ar- Y- Oka-?" "Not really.. can you send over ralts?" I put hawlucha's pokeball into the teleporter and it switched then i took the pokeball that ralts was in and looked over at fe "They're an evil group.. They are trying to flood the world with kyogre and lugia.. kinda like team aqua but worse" i said.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 12:31 (9 Years ago)
"Er...? no i dont..?" The buizel said continuing to look around the room it jumped off of kyle's lap and ran around the room observing things.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 12:19 (9 Years ago)
Kyle watched the buizel break out of the rest of the egg it sat in his lap looking around the room it spotted Synthia tizzy and shrapnel and just watched them curiously.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 11:37 (9 Years ago)
Wow.. Today/Yesterday is/was EPIC

First i traded my shiny female haunter Violet + a fist plate + 20k PD for a shiny houndour
Then i gifted that houndour to marky And at that exact moment a shiny COMBEE hatched
Though it was female so i gave it to marky as a 2nd B-day Present!
And then he gave me stouty :o

Congratulations! A shiny Combee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #58)! Your PokéRadar resetted and needs new batteries.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 11:29 (9 Years ago)
"Oh! Its a buizel from sinnoh.. Dad must've caught a couple and bred them i dont remember him having any.." Kyle said looking at the buizel it blinked and started breaking out of the egg more.

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Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 01:04 (9 Years ago)
"Er.. yeah.. Team Darkemerald is attacking" I said.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 17:30 (9 Years ago)
Kyle grabbed the egg and watched it start cracking open "Woah" a small piece of the egg shell fell off and onto the floor then popped out The head of a buizel its eyes opened and it looked at kyle.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 17:15 (9 Years ago)
Kyle slowly walked across the room He went to a corner of the room and listened hearing nothing.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 17:08 (9 Years ago)
"Hm?" Kyle looked around he left caterpie on the chair and pulled out his sword.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 17:01 (9 Years ago)
"Strange.." kyle said and looked at the caterpie "Well.. your safe with us"

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)
N-No.. But.. Those zombies.. They're.. So scary.... A couple days ago me and another caterpie were running from a zombie salamence.. it could fly somehow but i had heard zombie pokemon couldn't fly.. the other caterpie... Then the caterpie started crying.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 16:46 (9 Years ago)
Kyle sighed and looked around the room "Is.. everyone alright?"

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 16:24 (9 Years ago)
Kyle picked up the caterpie that was just crying and going in circles freaking out he heard more moans and climbed up into the tree.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 16:14 (9 Years ago)
Kyle looked into the trees it was getting dark so he didn't see anything but then "Grraahh.." Something moaned in the darkness of the forest leaves rustled and kyle backed up then a zombie blastoise came moaning towards kyle he slashed at its belly but that didn't do much "Lets get in the tree!" Kyle yelled.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 16:00 (9 Years ago)
Kyle heard something rustling from a bush nearby he put his sword infront of himself and moved slowly towards the bush he then put his blade into the bush And heard a scream "CATEEEERRRR" And then a caterpie came running out from the bush.

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Posted: Mon, 09/03/2015 15:48 (9 Years ago)
Kyle sighed he was shaking and looking around "Theres probably more.." Kyle thought.

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