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Searching for: Posts from Froakiemander.
Posted: Tue, 27/08/2024 21:04 (5 Months ago)
due to losing my phone at a theme park :D and not having access to my laptop (3 day trip starting tmw) i wont be active till Saturday (maybe Friday night) so ordering here is at own 'risk' and you might wait for days :')

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Posted: Tue, 27/08/2024 21:01 (5 Months ago)
trade with @spiritwolfy = DONE

@futuregurl trade is up!
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Cosmog: 4k pd
Aerodactyl(special): 1.5k pd
everstone: 200 pd
total:5.7k pd

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Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 05:52 (5 Months ago)
Trade’s up!
Here’s your receipt: DONE
Show hidden content
5x Unown: 15k pd
total:15k pd
15x flying gems: 15k pd

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Posted: Thu, 22/08/2024 12:43 (5 Months ago)
Putting up trade!
Here’s your receipt: DONE
Show hidden content
Galar Meowth (rare): 800 pd
Galar Mr. Mime (rare): 800 pd
Girafarig (medium): 400 pd
Dunsparce (medium): 400 pd
4x everstone: 800 pd
total:3.2k pd

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Posted: Wed, 21/08/2024 15:53 (5 Months ago)
trades are up!
@evrondc here's your receipt: DONE
Show hidden content
2x Alolan Meowth (rare): 1.6k pd
Galarian Slowpoke (hard): 600 pd
Muk (medium): 400 pd
Vileplume: 2k pd
Lycanrock (Dusk): 1.5k
4x evolution stones: 6k pd
total:12.1k pd

@Yummy~ here's your receipt: DONE
Show hidden content
7x Unown: 21k pd
total:21k pd

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2024 20:12 (5 Months ago)
@Yummy~ dududunsparce has already been purchased

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2024 13:09 (5 Months ago)
@-ShiningRayquaza- setting trades up! I noticed I overlooked the weather balloon stock so i dont have any sorry
here's your receipt (1): DONE
Show hidden content
Gracidea: 5k pd
Yellow meteor: 1.5k pd
total:6.5k pd

here's your receipt (2): DONE
Show hidden content
3x furfrou(hard): 1.8k pd
Oiknologne(medium): 400 pd
Litten(starter): 1k pd
Mantine(medium): 400 pd
Goomy(hard): 600 pd
Panpour(rare): 800 pd
Growlithe (Hisuian)(rare): 800 pd
Voltorb (Hisuain)(medium): 400 pd
Dududunsparce: 50k pd
Rotom: 2k pd
2x Darumaka (Galarian): 5k pd
Scizor: 2.5k pd
2x Corsola (galarian): 1.4k pd
2x Castform: 2k pd
Jesterig: 10k pd
Selunar: 7k pd
Shelcasso: 5k pd
Blossomly: 6k pd
Eldium: 5k pd
Gingergoat: 7k pd
Sawsbuck (Easter): 8k pd
Hawaiian Beartic: 10k pd
total:127,1k pd

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2024 19:44 (5 Months ago)
trade done :)

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2024 12:04 (5 Months ago)
trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Mabostiff(medium): 400pd
Cyclizar(rare): 800pd
tptal:1.2k pd

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2024 06:32 (5 Months ago)
Trades are up! BOTH DONE

@Leicester_For_Life here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Swirlix (medium): 400pd
Inkay (medium): 400pd
Goomy (hard): 600pd
total:1.4K pd

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2024 17:21 (5 Months ago)
yeah sure, I'll change it now :)

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2024 06:21 (5 Months ago)
@MoYz trade is up! DONE
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Aquargo: 14k pd
Swelluhodo: 5k pd
Winter Camerupt: 5k pd
Candaria: 7k pd
2x Lumiday: 10k pd
Pumpkabowl: 10k pd
2x Ribambour: 12k pd
total: 63k pd

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Posted: Wed, 14/08/2024 19:57 (5 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade’s up! DONE

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Posted: Sat, 10/08/2024 08:41 (5 Months ago)
@ spiritwolfy13 I don’t have a Dome Fossil..
I do have a Dino Fossil if that’s what you meant?

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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2024 20:38 (5 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! Please use the form next time, I will ignore the post if not
Here’s your receipt: DONE
Show hidden content
3x weather balloon: 9k pd
total: 9k pd
Payment in gems: worth 9k

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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2024 07:30 (5 Months ago)
@Yummy~ setting up the trades now (I’ll put it up separately)
Also I prefer Flying gems (1k each)
Here are your receipts:
Show hidden content
Weather Balloon: 3k
total:3k pd

Show hidden content
Aurora: 40k
total:40k pd
2 dragon gems: 30k (2*15)
10* flying gems (?): 10k
Note: flying gems are not certain

Also can you start using the form again please, thanks

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2024 09:08 (5 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! CANCELED
Check the receipt:
Show hidden content
10x Brown pair: 176k pd (10 * 17.6k)
total:176k pd
not sure if payment stays in dragon gems and pd

@AssassinKoen trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Sala da Menci: 5k pd
total: 5k pd

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2024 21:47 (5 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 02/08/2024 11:52 (6 Months ago)
@evrondc sorry notification got buried DONE
Trade is up!
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Dugtrio (medium): 400 pd
Machamp (medium): 400 pd
Hitmonlee (rare): 800 pd
Tangela (hard): 600 pd
Mr. Mime (Galarians) (rare): 800 pd
Dragonair (special): 1.5k pd
3 everstones: 600 pd
total: 5.1k pd

@Retrio trade is up! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Aquageist (Goldeen): 40k pd
total:40k pd

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2024 18:34 (6 Months ago)
@ExquisiteEevee trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Unown L: 3k pd
total: 3k pd

@Retrio trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Satochu: 10k pd
Tom Nook: 4k pd
Cocktaillion: 6k pd
total: 20k pd

@evrondc trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Crystal Aggron: 11k pd
total: 11k pd

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