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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Fahad_Ali.
Posted: Fri, 14/08/2015 16:13 (9 Years ago)
Password (please read the rules): Lahore
Anything else?: Good luck with your life ;)

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Posted: Wed, 12/08/2015 14:23 (9 Years ago)
I want to request an Avatar/Signature
Username: Fahad_Ali
Avatar or Signature: Avatar
Pokemon: Blaziken
Shiny (yes/no): Yes
Mega (yes/no): Yes
Style: Round one.

Thank you =3

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Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 13:49 (9 Years ago)
For Shiny Slot:
Pokemon/s: (Remember only your 1st request is Free!) Igglybuff

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 16:58 (9 Years ago)
Yo Finny! Sign me up for da raffle!

What is the most effective way to get rid of an evil spirit?:Company of good and generous people (I have got many suggestions in my mind beyond this one x3)
Anything else to say?:Good luck to all

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Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 04:04 (9 Years ago)
I would like to enter!
I would love to get these nuggets for Premium
and the password is:
Thanks for the raffle

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Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 14:40 (9 Years ago)

Title: Today's topic is totally random

There were day's when T.V shows were aired on T.V with some moral lesson as main topic in them

I have seen number of Anime series and cartoons of these days,they are pretty interesting and some are funny too but they lack morality, etiquette and reality.
Some of them,no wait not some of them,I'll say almost all anime and cartoon series have some kind of inappropriate scenes and moments.

Due to the revolution in world due to internet ,these moral diseases have spread all across the world,
yet there are some advantages of web but the number of negative affects are comparatively ,lot more.

This generation is completely spoiled with such diseases.It's majority is without etiquette and respect.And I feel ashamed of saying that

In olden days people were used to live in tribes,due to that reason,love and respect between them were remarkable.On the top of that,respect of adults in children and love of children in adults was way more then it is in now a days.

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Posted: Sat, 01/08/2015 16:45 (9 Years ago)
Serah own's first Mega Audino OS

Farhaan own's first Shiny Mega Sceptile OS

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Posted: Wed, 29/07/2015 17:16 (9 Years ago)

Title: Something from history...

-removed for reason-

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Posted: Tue, 28/07/2015 16:29 (9 Years ago)

Username: Fahad_Ali
Numbers: 20, 141,117, 264, 295

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Posted: Wed, 22/07/2015 04:36 (9 Years ago)
Liked it

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Posted: Sun, 19/07/2015 03:48 (9 Years ago)
I also read the latest news on Deviantart and that is pretty disappointing,I can use other file sharing site for example 4shared.comto share my art and can make the file (of my art) private any time I want,but It won't help me in putting my art in Display.
Even tho it will take a whole new server(s) if this suggestion is implemented,but I like you Idea.
I want to see what Riako thinks about it.

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Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 08:30 (9 Years ago)
1x Machoke+Everstone 1700
2x Slowpoke 5000
1x Exeggcute 2500

10200 PD in total

Thanks for the trade

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Posted: Sun, 28/06/2015 09:14 (9 Years ago)
June 28,2015

Hello diary,I am finally back <3
It's been 3 months ,even though a very few friends welcomed me,I think it is bcuz only a very few friends know that I have returned
At least I am here with you my lil diary <3
I missed u and my friends so much,
At one point I also started crying,

Well for now I have joined Pre FSc Pre medical classes for the time being to take a head start,My matric result will be out in a month or 2,

That is all I have got to tell you my precious thought book <3

Hope to meet ya soon :)

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Posted: Tue, 24/03/2015 07:42 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 08:32 (9 Years ago)

Title: 23rd march 2015

Today was a special day
I saw parade of all Armed forces and Law enforcement departments today.
PakAirForce showed a wonderful display.
I also made this today
My master piece
Nd this my Doraemon too<3

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 12:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: March 22,2105

Made this today
Oh and this

Here we go:
Miles away
Ocean apart
Never in my sight
Always in my heart
Love is always there
It will never die
Only going stronger
A tear rolls down my eyes
I 'm thinking all the time
When the day will come
Standing there before you
Accept this Hajj of mine
Standing in ihram
Making my tawaf
Drinking blessings from your well
The challenge of safa and marwa rekandles my Iman
Oh Allah I am waiting for the call
Praying for the day when I can be near your Kaba wall
Oh Allah I am waiting for the call
Praying for the day when I can be near the Kaba wall
I feel alive
And I feel strong
I can feel Islam
Running in my veins
To see my Muslim brothers
Their purpose all the same
Greeting one another
Exalting one true name
I truly hope one day that everyone's a Muslim
That they remember you
In everything they say
Standing in ihram
Making my tawaf
Drinking blessings from your well
The challenge of safa &marwa rekandles my imam
Oh Allah I am waiting for the call
Praying for the day when I can be near the Kaba wall
Oh Allah I am waiting for the call
Praying for the day when I can be near your Kaba wall

Thats it!

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 04:57 (9 Years ago)

Mine ouo
I may make one more today xD

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Posted: Fri, 20/03/2015 11:59 (9 Years ago)
Pakistan lost against Australia by 6 wickets in 3rd quarter finals and had knocked out of tournament
Many T.Vs were broken today and that loss created a huge Chaos but I spent whole day laughing while watching live news xD

Every rise has a fall

Suggested By Lighty Luna

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 08:26 (9 Years ago)
Cute art (Y) :3
They are very cute and adorable ♥~♥~♥~♥

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Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 05:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: 19 March,2105

My second holiday:
My daily tasks:
Drink a glass of water:[x]Lol done thrice xD
Arrange bed:[x]
Take a morning walk:[x]
Cuddle the baby rabbits in Park:[x] :3 my fav
Dump dirty clothes in basket:[x]
Wash Utensils:[x]Done by maid
Wash the car:[-] Pending since 17-3-15
Almost all done :3 yeee

My todays art work

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