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CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 30/06/2018 04:53 (6 Years ago) |
Recolor: Please try Kirlia [base] as Spiritomb. Fusion: Please try Pikachu [base] as Whismur. Accessory: Please try Kricketune with a top hat. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 30/06/2018 04:39 (6 Years ago) |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 30/06/2018 04:32 (6 Years ago) |
@Miizyu, Nice idea. xD
@Hopelin, Cyndaquil though. >:'D I have had weirder. O.o
@Bratmatsu, The Zangoose looks awkward, I love it. xD Let me know if you perhaps wanted Zangoose to look a little more... interested. x'D
@super_rishi, I can't help but feel like I missed something with this, but... I hope I didn't.
@ShadowGamer_75, No problem!
@-Eifie, I adore how this came out, nice pick!
@Corona_Ayameko & MODDEDFYRE, Hm... the shop was closed. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 30/06/2018 04:16 (6 Years ago) |
Always so worried about being late, you're perfectly fine. xD Mkay! Silhouettes: Tan Darkrai, maize Yveltal, crimson mega Gengar, amber Genesect, magenta Tyranitar & smoke mega Garchomp. Recolors: Diancie [base] as Xerneas and vice versa, Manaphy as Regigigas and vice versa & Noivern as Victini and vice versa. @Expresso, I think that was your nickname, I forgot rip. xD I love them all, but I agree that the Tangela feels a bit janky. Honestly, I'm not sure how to critique, kind of a weird Pokemon. ;w; Datas: Yellow Herdier, orange Carbink & pink Carnivine. Revamps: Shuckle, Hoothoot & Tauros. @Mil, Ye! You're the one that couldn't get a link to work? What were you working on, I highkey forgot. orz [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 06:28 (6 Years ago) |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Thu, 28/06/2018 06:04 (6 Years ago) |
@Charizard, Wow, I love the recolors so much. ;w; Yeah, silhouettes are disgustingly easy, so the only way I can make it challenging is to give you odd colors. xD But people order things that aren't common a lot of times, so it's nice practice. I think you're ready for an exam, honestly. But only if you're comfortable with it. If not, I can give you more assignments. Whichever you'd prefer. @V, Datas and pokecharms are looking a lot better, nice! I feel like more little sun ball thingies could have been added to the sunny Castform. I really like the windy one. @w@ Datas: Green Mismagius, turquoise Corsola, brown Crustle, orange Trevenant & gold Talonflame. Eggs: The Oddish line, both Vileplume and Bellossom, as well as Wooper. Pokecharms: The Mareep line, including the mega Ampharos, as well as a shiny Rotom [normal form] [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Mon, 25/06/2018 06:46 (6 Years ago) |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 09:40 (6 Years ago) |
Yes score- I have an intense love for sneks and I may have... showed it,, a tad. maybe. Idk- I have certain months I tend to do that. I should do it more often, honestly. Thanks for the compliments and whatnot, and glad you liked it! But I also just noticed I got the colors mixed up on the horns. I fixed that real quick, oops.
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 07:16 (6 Years ago) |
@MetalHeadKendra, I really like this one, hello. I'm bias for the colors though. And sky snek. The cloudy danger noodle. The squirmy spec nope rope.
@Miizyu, I don't know why I had such a rough time with the placement, but I finally got it to look nice to me. Happy with the outcome, so hopefully you are as well.
@xX_ya-y33t_Xx, Username change confused me a bit, but I got there eventually, lol. You forgot the username: part in the form too, so make sure you fill out the full form next time. :] [[Also there is a difference in the Sneasel genders. The feather on the male is longer.]]
@sylveonlover30, Gijinka took awhile, but I think it was worth it. =D
@CharizardGod, No problem, come back when you can!
@LordCharizard, I laughed so much at that, oh my.
@AngellTale, Lol I see that copy/pasted form. xD I'd prefer it if you copy/paste the forms from the first post. If you copy/paste someone else's, you might forget to edit parts of it, like in your case, the username. And then you can just copy their passwords. It's not that I'm saying that you did that, but it probably happens in general. I wouldn't know, and I'm just a bit weary about it. >v< @omega_mew, It's alright. If possible, get someone fluent in English to help you. Or if you just don't understand the form, someone could help you understand it. Whatever the case may be, if you want, you could even message me and I'll help you fill it out properly. ^-^ [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 07:13 (6 Years ago) |
I'm sorry, I can't accept your form. In the rules, it tells what prerequisites means. Rule 10, specifically. If you don't know what something means, you can look it up? But critique means telling you what you did wrong and how you can improve. But I have that in the form because some people may get offended. [Even though critiquing isn't supposed to offend you, but help you acknowledge a problem and get better.] But I want to respect the wishes of others, so it's in the form. Forum or PM means, do you want to learn privately? Or here in the forum? Some people get shy and/or not very confident. So private lessons help some students feel comfortable. The main reason I cannot accept your form is because the password is incorrect. Also, try not to double post, okay? >v< @Charizard, [MEGA SQUINT] I don't see anything wrong when comparing. xD I really like how they came out, actually. The colors are pleasing to me. Recolors: Mienchao [base] as Magmar, Mandibuzz [base] as Weavile, Crogunk [base] as Basculin [any color] & Garbodor [base] as Crawdaunt. Silhouettes: Mauve Seviper, hot pink Reuniclus, peach Hawlucha & yellowish green Tangela. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Wed, 13/06/2018 05:08 (6 Years ago) |
Man... those are precious to me. Especially the Krooks, but I just love those Pokemon, so I'm bias. xD Loving them! Recolors: Mamoswine as Greninja and vice versa & Hitmonlee as Whimsicott and vice versa. Silhouettes: Dragonair, Vespiquen, Bewear & Venomoth. For the colors, use one color from their shiny forms. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Mon, 11/06/2018 06:19 (6 Years ago) |
The 00:00 to 12:00 slots are closed rn, come back at 12:00. :> Also, side note, those aren't official, are they? I don't recall them. I do recognize some of the characters. If they are not official, make sure you get permission/post proof off it. And secondly, They're too small for a team. All the other Pokemon would be huge in comparison. xD [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Mon, 11/06/2018 05:14 (6 Years ago) |
This sona was fun. :> I believe I already contacted you about separate forms next time, so I won't go further on it.
@Oddbot, Oh boy. I decided on putting it on his hat, since he already had like a little hat design there that was round like the Mega Stone.
@totoparty, I love the mint sprites. ♥
@RandoMan246, Sorry if these aren't to your liking. Pickier orders tend to be more difficult. So I hope you like them. Also sorry! I forgot to PM myself to, ahh. xD
@LordCharizard, No problem, hon. C:
@MetalHeadKendra, Yeees, give me more cookies!
@omega_mew, Not only did you post when I was clearly closed, but you also didn't get the password right. If this happens again, I'm going to have to put you in the warnings. ^~^' [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 08:29 (6 Years ago) |
I think they're fine? You forgot to recolor the charms again. x'D But awesome otherwise. Hm... datas are typically one color, but I really don't see why they can't be multiple. Not sure how to rate that honestly. :o Pokecharms: The Gothita line plus Seviper. Eggs: All of the Castform forms. The official ones, not the PH. Datas: Tyranitar with purple, Bouffalant with gold, Froslass with lavender & Golbat with red. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 06:35 (6 Years ago) |
I think the only issue is the black checkered shading and the fact that there are a lot of black outlines on Pokemon that aren't black/dark grey. like for example, the Kabuto, you'd add more dark brown & yellow outlines. The older sprites had pretty much all black outlines, since they only used four colors for them, including black and white. Hence the checkered shading. But the newer sprites have a full variety. Revamps: Tangela & Magby. Datas: Brown Jellicent & green Zorua. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Sat, 09/06/2018 06:04 (6 Years ago) |
It's really okay, take your time with them. They're all great, however the shading on Victreebell's leaves [the grey] is backwards. [Dark part is light, and vice versa] Easy mistake, but it's alright. Silhouettes: 4 Pokemon, three with the secondary colors, and one black. Recolors: Krookodile as Krokorok and vice versa, Ninetales [base] as Pyroar [both genders have the same palette, so it doesn't matter] & Hippowdon [base] as Magcargo. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Fri, 08/06/2018 06:32 (6 Years ago) |
The eggs are alright, but I feel like they need more? Like ears/fluff for Tuff, and tail for Finneon. Pokecharms and datas improved nicely, great job! Datas: Ferrothorn, Medicham & Togetic. Please use colors that match their shiny forms. Pokecharms: Shiny Mightyena, Garchomp & Armaldo. Eggs: Lucario, Hawlucha & Palpatoad. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Fri, 08/06/2018 06:03 (6 Years ago) |
You're supposed to shade it anyways? xD But friend, the data looks great. I compared it with the og sprite, and it's just fine~ Revamps: Kabuto & Omanyte. Datas: Dark blue Phatump & purple Phanpy. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Thu, 07/06/2018 03:19 (6 Years ago) |
Those colors are my weakness, I love them. xD Very nice job! Basic Recolors: Rhyperior [base] as Salamence, Eelektross [base] as Raichu & Victreebel [base] as Yanmega. Silhouettes: Jumpluff, Rotom (wash) & Stoutland all in different shades of orange. [Read more] |
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,900 |
Posted: Wed, 06/06/2018 04:09 (6 Years ago) |
You forgot to outline the eye fluff, but fine otherwise. Rattata looks great! Data: Pink Kirlia. Revamp: Snubbull. @Charizard Lol, I'm really not sure why it's being obnoxious and not working. But the link works, and that's really all that matters. xD I don't see any issues with it, and I like how the Aurorus came out. :> Silhouettes: Red Tangrowth and Violet Conkeldurr. Recolors: Poliwrath [base] as Chandelure & Carbink [base] as Sableye. [Read more] |