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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:43 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Screeches

Marshadow: NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Out of Marshadow's shadow rises Darkrai.

Darkrai: Uses dark void, which cannot be dodged

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:41 (1 Year ago)
Marshadow: locks RainbowStar's soul in an old lamp (sound familiar? Grants wishes and locked in a lamp?)

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:39 (1 Year ago)
Marshadow: Even if you're resistant your now cursed. Uses Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:36 (1 Year ago)
Marshadow rises out from RainbowStar's shadow

Marshadow: Who DARED to eat the poison?!!

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:32 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Realises what he's done. Nooooooo OMD I AM SO SORRY NOOO RAINBOWSTAR!!! If you survive, you'll have nightmares till the end of your days. Your shadows will haunt you forever... The poison isn't normal... It gives you hallucinations as well.

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:27 (1 Year ago)
More poison lands on stark (please dodge last-second)

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:26 (1 Year ago)
Some poison accidentally lands on RainbowStar

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:23 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Anger at uncontrollable level. Sprays poison everywhere. You lied!! YOU LIER!!!!!

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:07 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: WHAT DID YOU DO TO SYLVIE, IVY!?!?!?!?!? Darkstalker=Livid (probably had anger issues)

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 23:04 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Getting real angry

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 22:33 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Starts getting very angry and annoyed

Everyone please read this pokedex info about Umbroens:

When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at its opponent's eyes.

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 21:58 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Here's another question. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO IMITATE SYLVIE!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 21:50 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: What's your signature move?

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 21:43 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: *secretly followed Ivy in the shadows the whole time* No she's not. Ivy's lying!!

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 11:50 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: uses dark void. Leah is how asleep

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 11:47 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: Rings flash suddenly, brighter than the sun

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2023 11:25 (1 Year ago)
Darkstalker: *Materialises out of nowhere* !?!?? What is this place?

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Posted: Wed, 08/03/2023 20:31 (1 Year ago)
Name: Darkstalker

Pokemon: Umbreon (Shiny)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Blue rings that can flash and dim on command. Rings can be as bright as the sun, and fur that even light can't escape (like a black hole)

Backstory: Was kidnapped and genetically modified, using the tiniest amounts of Gengar, Ampharos, Shadow Rider Calyrex, Lunala, Marshadow and Darkrai's DNA making it a unique member of it's species. Has mysterious links to Darkrai, Marshadow, Lunala and Shadow Rider Calyrex....

Move set: Spectral Thief, Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Astral Barrage, Nightmare, Moongeist Beam

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 19:33 (1 Year ago)

Missing Kanto please

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 00:18 (1 Year ago)

Event plushie please

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