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Searching for: Posts from Axolotter.
Posted: Thu, 21/10/2021 16:03 (3 Years ago)
Hey, hey! Stop fighting! *Separates them with a magic barrier*

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 22:28 (3 Years ago)
*Picks up Dusk with magic, who is now surrounded in a cloud of sparkly energy* Yeah! This place is like a resort, except for when the herons & storks show up...

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 22:06 (3 Years ago)
I actually don't trust this place very well, either. I have NO IDEA how I got here!

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 22:02 (3 Years ago)
Hissssssssssssssssssssss! Welcome to my snake pit (name for a group of snakes) roleplay! Here's the sign-up:


Any nicknames:




Species of snake:




Any interesting facts:

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 22:02 (3 Years ago)
You have them too, you know! You use this kind of magic! *Disappears into water's reflection and reappears out of reflection on wall* Like that!

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 17:55 (3 Years ago)
Oh, cool. *Keeps playing with water axolotl and starts tickling it*

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 17:52 (3 Years ago)
What the heck is a glow squid? Also, Dusk, I have no idea how I got here either.

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 17:42 (3 Years ago)
*Also starts playing with water star* Ooh! I can do it too! *Makes axolotl replica out of water and it starts swimming around in the air* See?

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 16:58 (3 Years ago)
I mean the squarish one looks familiar. You aren't very familiar, though.

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 16:32 (3 Years ago)
You're in a huge tank. You look like something familiar...

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Posted: Wed, 20/10/2021 13:21 (3 Years ago)
You were transported here from somewhere! *Appears in reflection in water and turns back into an actual axolotl* I'm not actually sure how, you might've stepped on a transporter.

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 23:57 (3 Years ago)
Hey, I need that! *Rushes over and fixes mirror* See? *Whooshes into mirror and appears behind Dusk in the reflection on the wall* Judging by your sparkle I would say you do this a lot. Do you?

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 23:51 (3 Years ago)
I showed you mine, I want to see yours! *Holds mirror up to Dusk* I'm a very little axolotl.

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 23:35 (3 Years ago)
Watch. *Runs up to tank wall and bounces off* See? Now show me your magic. *Starts looking at self with mirror*

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 22:11 (3 Years ago)
You're in our tank! But first, show me your magic. *Makes platform of water and jumps up on it*

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 21:57 (3 Years ago)
Hi! M-my name is Alexa, but y-you can call me Alex. (Wait. I'm going to add her sisters)

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 21:46 (3 Years ago)
I'll add you in! Man, he's got a really long description...
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Name: Dusk

Nicknames: Luth, Tall, Duskie.

Age: 17 months old.

Gender: Demi-boy.

Appearance: Trolololololol. (Kidding. Will come up with an appearance later after extensive research into how these creatures can appear.)

Personality: An optimistic, friendly presence who's always there, ready to support someone at a moment's notice... But truly, deep down, is nothing more than an insecure, manipulative mess. Luther has a great deal of self hatred for himself and the world around him- in fact, hate tends to drive his every action. Hatred for those who laugh and smile at his goofy antics. Hatred for his friendly, outgoing persona. The world itself, which had driven him to conceal who he is underneath a shallow veneer. While this seems to be all there is to him... there is in fact more. He holds a deep sense of honour within, especially for those whom hate him, and would die to protect them, even if he'd wish death upon them in a quieter moment. While this might seem a tad contradictory, then you must understand that deep down, he is by no mean's a bad person- and underneath the facade of a goofball, there is another facade, of one believing that he hates others.... when in fact, he might just love them too much.

General type of magic: Dusk has a "Mirror-Gateway" kind of ability. He can swim through any section of glass and appear at another. But the issue is- he has no ability to control the area he appears in, and it can be on the other side of the tank or two centimetres off. Not a particularly useful power, though perhaps if a predator was nearby...

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 21:42 (3 Years ago)
You are all in a huge mile-long and mile-wide tank designed to look like a stream. There are reinforced plastic walls but there's no top. A friendly-looking axolotl with rainbow-colored gills walks up to you. "Hi! I'm Alex, what's your name?"

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 19:41 (3 Years ago)
I'll add you in!
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Name: Emily

Nicknames: Em

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: The rare axolotl in Minecraft, the blue-ish purple one.

Personality: Determined, optimistic

General type of magic: Controlling water, making shapes with it, etc

Backstory: A very rare breed, Emily wants to find her lost parents in the Minecraft world. She also is very lonely and wants to make friends; her only friend is a Starfish.

Any interesting facts: She was originally be from the Minecraft world and got transported to the real one.

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Posted: Tue, 19/10/2021 19:40 (3 Years ago)
Here's my first one (I might add more later in the RP):
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Name: Alexa

Nicknames: Alex, Al

Age: 4 (Little)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rainbow gills, webbing between gills for faster swimming,

Personality: Slightly shy but bouncy and high-energy

General type of magic: No specific type

Backstory: Is sometimes bullied because of her name, such as "Alexa, do my homework!", so she is sort of shy

Any interesting facts: Also uses webbing between gills for flying, likes to hop on platforms of water through the air, and loves coral bits

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