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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Alpha~Goat.
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 04:24 (6 Years ago)
Blu Was walking towards Lumiose City,battling any trainer he saw,while walking he saw Trainers battling each other,he walked over and looked from far away (not in a creepy way) he decided to watch their battle

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Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 03:54 (6 Years ago)
Name:Blu Flaron

Age (keep it around 12-14):13

Description:With a Blue scarf with a Mega stone on it

Personality:Kind,Friendly,Always up to a battle

Original region (if you’re from the Kalos region write Kalos):Kalos

Backstory (optional):TBRP

Team (please put in a spoiler):

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Rucan:LVL 48 Lucario (Male) [Mega-Able]
Moves:Aurasphere,Metal Claw,Foresight,Bone Rush

Chinchy:LVL 36 Chinchou (Female)
Moves:Spark,Bubble Beam,Volt Switch,Signal Beam

Lyph:LVL 35 Sigilyph (Female) [Shiny]
Moves:Synchronise,Aircutter,Reflect,Steel Wing

Legendary of your choice (it watches over you):Latios

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 20:42 (6 Years ago)

Rucan walked into the forest to adventure around the place

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:30 (6 Years ago)

Rucan tried thinking of what he was gonna do tommorow,he looked around the place and imagined how the old house he was in looked like.

(are we saying its night time?)

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:21 (6 Years ago)

"im gonna go outside" Rucan told Marina.Rucan walked out of the house and set under a tree.

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:14 (6 Years ago)

Rucan thought *My plan didnt work :V*

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 15:08 (6 Years ago)

Sonic was right behind Rai, he looked back and waited for the other rebels to come

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago)

"I name it....Marina shall rename this house"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 03:23 (6 Years ago)

After Rucan was finished with creating the bucket he went to the river and got some water.he came back to the house with the water bucket."what are we gonna call this house?"

SOnic is still with you :P

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 03:16 (6 Years ago)
The lie is that you never bought a premium account

Two Truths,One Lie

1.I have done a backflip

2.I stayed awake for 2 whole days

3.I Like Dark Turquoise

The Lie was:i have done a backflip (i havent done a backflip ;D)

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:59 (6 Years ago)
Rucan Smiled back and started on making the bucket. (check my last feed for a free kyreum)

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:56 (6 Years ago)

"I can make Some metal using iron defense. and then carve it into a bucket"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:47 (6 Years ago)

"lucky i brang the branches for a campfire,any way what else do we need :V"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:35 (6 Years ago)
"I hope we can still eat them"Rucan Mumbles.he looks back at Marina and gets ready to use ForcePalm but not on her

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:15 (6 Years ago)

Rucan raises his paws."Hey i definetlly didnt freeze them.i dont know who froze them but it was definatelly not me.so calm down"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 02:01 (6 Years ago)
(rai went into the forest and also went to the throne room???BRB im gonna go eat)

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 01:55 (6 Years ago)

He decided to go back,on his way he took some branches for a campfire for later.he walked all the way back while taking branches."Hey how is the house going?"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 01:42 (6 Years ago)
Rucan had collected a lot of berries but now he had to figure out how to bring them near the house.h thought of a plan.he decided to use forcepalm on the berries even though he knew some of the berries would explode.so he used force palm on the berries and they went flying towards the house.

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 01:29 (6 Years ago)

"Ok i am gonna go collect some Berries." Rucan ran towards the trees.he started Iron fist while running.he jumped at a tree and hit it three times with iron fist.He collected the berries that dropped down and put it near somewhere.he went to collect more berries

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 01:21 (6 Years ago)

"Hmm,Okay i guess.we should make the shelter near some place with water.Why did you decide to leave the rebel though :Y"

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