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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~Vie~.
Posted: Mon, 23/08/2021 15:31 (3 Years ago)
Can I have one too? ^^

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 21:02 (3 Years ago)
How much would a mega venusaur be worth?

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 20:57 (3 Years ago)
Is the Kyogre available in trash box 3? Ik you said no legendaries but since it's in the trash box i was wondering. If it is can I have it? If not, can I have Galarian Rapidash and Tsareena from box 3? Thank you ^^

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Posted: Wed, 18/08/2021 19:54 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 11:43 (3 Years ago)
Ok, thank you 😊

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Posted: Tue, 17/08/2021 11:00 (3 Years ago)
How much would a shaymin or a shaymin sky be worth?

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Posted: Mon, 16/08/2021 20:18 (3 Years ago)
Reported :)

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Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:14 (3 Years ago)

I want to adopt some ‘mons.

Username: ~Froakie~
Which Pokémon(s) and from which boxes (Please state them clearly): A Dragapult breeding pair from box 1
Will you set up the PT, right? Otherwise-: Yes ^^
Other: Can the Dragapult breeding pair be perfect please? and thank you!!

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Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 20:09 (3 Years ago)

Hey Pichu! I want some free pokemon!
Username - ~Froakie~
Pokemon - An Applin breeding pair, preferably perfect
Gender (if i have multiple) - Nothing
will you set up pt? - Yes
anything you wanna say? - If the breeding pair isn't perfect, that's ok, but I'd like it if it is ^^ and thank you!

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Posted: Fri, 13/08/2021 01:05 (3 Years ago)
Hi! can I have the Raikou, the Shaysola and the two Shaymin from the second Auction/Trade? Will give two breeding pairs ^^

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Posted: Fri, 13/08/2021 00:59 (3 Years ago)
Username: ~Froakie~
Pokemon: Froakie
How many: 1
Others: Thank you Carribean ^^

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 18:21 (3 Years ago)
Hi, can i have the Morpeko pair please? Thanks ^^

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 20:07 (3 Years ago)
I fully support this <3

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 18:42 (3 Years ago)
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: ~Froakie~
What do you have and how many?: 1 regirock
PD or Nuggets?: pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: yerp
Total: 10k pd
Anything to say?: Thank you ^^

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 18:37 (3 Years ago)
Hey Ren, can I have some Pokemon?
Pokemon: a Dedenne breeding pair (preferable perfect)
Gender/Nature/Link (if I have multiple): Nothing, but I'd prefer the breeding pair to be perfect.
Other: Thank you ^^

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Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 14:31 (3 Years ago)
Clicking :D

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Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 14:04 (3 Years ago)
clicking :)

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Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 13:07 (3 Years ago)
Soup! I have a Regi for you!
Username: ~Froakie~
What do you have and how many?: 2 Regirock, 1 Regice and 1 Registeel
PD or Nuggets?: Pd
Do you understand that I can't send less than 50 nuggets?: Yes
Total: 40,000 pd
Anything to say?: Thank you :)

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Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 12:51 (3 Years ago)
Oh sorry, I must have misread it. I'll send the female as soon as possible. Sorry again ^^'

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Posted: Thu, 29/07/2021 02:02 (3 Years ago)
@tristan999 accepted! Np and sending trade ^^

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