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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 11:09 (3 Months ago)
Jing Yu's smile dropped some what. He looked at his cold and expressionless sister in front of him and can't help but reminisce the past.

Back when everything was so easy, where both of them were smiling.

Jing Yu smacked himself in the face.

What with the lamenting! This mood doesn't suit him at all!

If their parents knew their conditions here, they would be greatly disappointed in them! How could he ever drag the family's honor down with him!

He must stay strong and never look back!

He clenched his fist determined.

Jing Yu grabbed Li Yu's wrist and turned right down the hallway, rambling like before.

"Y'know what, I don't feel like eating the same old cafeteria food.. say why don't we use the allowance that our parents sent to us for once and treat ourself out? And while we're at it, we'll go get our graduation outfits going too!"

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Posted: Thu, 20/06/2024 09:26 (3 Months ago)
"You're fine?! Now that's the greatest lie I've ever heard in fishkind!"

Jing Yu gasp offendedly, with a hand over his chest. He tailed after his twin sister like a lost puppy. Over the distance, he repeatedly nagged and worried over the other, whether it would be her diet or the amount of sleep she got.

"I can see eye bags! Oh dear! Since when did my most beautiful meimei gain eyebags? Don't tell me you're getting bullied!?"

Jing Yu exclaimed in shock.

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 15:45 (3 Months ago)
Jing Yu huffed and reached over and ruffled her hair as he complained.

"This is the third time this week where you forgot! No wonder you looked like you lost so much weight— wait! Did your arms get slimmer?"

Jing Yu gasped in shock as he grabbed the others arm as if it were delicate glass as he examined it. His eyes angled down from its usual bright crescents and his lips pointed downwards in a worried line.

"I understand that it's hard to get used to a new environment, but don't forget your meals! If you're worried about anything, look at your gege! Your gege almosted got trapped in a toilet bowl and yet I'm still living to this day!"

He lept down from the windowpane and sat to the desk opposite of his little sister with his chest puffed up all proud.

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 11:43 (3 Months ago)
All of the sudden, the window pane beside Liyu bursted open. In front of the warm reddish glow of the sunset is a blinding individual.

His black military cloak fluttering behind him with the wind alongside his unruly dark brown hair that seemed to glow a matching red with the sunset. The fellow's eyes seemed to glow a warm orange for a second and his smile lit up the shadow filled room. His gaze wandered for a moment before resting on a desk.

"Howdy Liyu, my dear little sister! I heard from a little fishy you haven't been keeping up with your meals lately?"

Jing Yu tsked and crossed his arms against his chest.

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 08:31 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 00:28 (3 Months ago)
Perhaps the one minute of pure stillness was the best he could do before doubts starts to succumb in his mind. In the order of his eye, he saw Sydney break down the door.

Just as that happened, something light and soft fell on his lips. It was as light as if a butterfly has landed on his lips. But it wasn't a butterfly, but an untamable lick of fire.

But as the dashing figure galloped away . The moment of absolute silence lasted, until it didn't.

As if a pin has been dropped, time continued moving onwards and so did it for the people in the room as well.

As time continued onwards, he felt something was wrong. His eardrums were ringing, his head felt like it was being split open from the inside out, as if something was digging into him. The world started morphing in his vision.

Nauseous, Ayran's vision starts to blur, and the last thing he saw was the smile of a person he least wanted to see.

"F*ck you."

Ayran grinned brightly as blood dripped down his chin. He has to gain at least one thing from today, so let him have the last word.

The he was out.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 11:55 (3 Months ago)
Ayran tugged on his wrist, surprised at how his wrists was unable to budge at all. His eyes widened slightly and his mouth was agape open as he watched his fingertips unwillingly touch the lump on her throat. It was as if he could almost feel the fragile beating of the heart right beneath the skin.

...He didn't know what to do.

He tried to take a step back, but there wasn't any space to. He wanted his hands to be away from her, but wasn't strong enough to do so.

If anything, he didn't want to be in any close proximity to her at all.

But he has no power to do so.

At that moment, rapid thumping of life beneath his fingertips felt particularly enticing. It was something so small and brittle, as if he could just.. crush it and stop it forever.

Ayran bit his lips, his expression cracking apart. Everything was going according to her plan, and he hated it.

"I hate this.. I don't want this... please stop this.. this has to be stopped...This will be stopped."

The more Ayran murmured under his breath, the more reverent his speech became and the more confident he became in what he said will come true.

Ayran's molten gold eyes that were previously described to be growling, was actually glowling

A tremor past through the air.

All of the sudden, the space quieted down.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 11:28 (3 Months ago)
Complete! :D
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"I don't hope, nor do I believe. I know."

Ayran Herpich


[Year: (1-5)]

Vice Prefect for Quetzalcoatl

Ayran stands at a good height of 6'2, with a slender yet not too muscular build. He has barely shoulder length metallic golden locks that slightly covers his droopy molten gold eyes. The messy locks are occasionally held apart with a pin or hairclip.

Ayran wears a white frilled blouse, over a black vest with gold linings and small golden chains. Paired with waist high leather pants, combat boots with have good grip and a pair of black gloves that are fingerless on the thumb. His whole appearance is a mix of simplicity and wealth, plus practicality. Not too extravagant that it attracts attention left and right. At least that was what he thought.

Despite how much he enjoys to be left alone, his bright, always shining platinum blond locks seems to attract attention left and right. Quoted by certain students, it is said that his molten gold eyes seems to make people swoon whenever he fells into deep contemplation.

*to be used as ref :)

| Charming | Charming | Intelligent | Sarcastic | Instinctual | Charming |
| Has a natural charm | DId I say charming yet? | Charming | Warm | Gentle | Kind |
| Reliable |

There is no one in the school whom Ayran doesn't know and hasn't talked to before. Due to his excellent communication skills he knows who he could trust by his side and who he should avoid. It was a wonder on why he was chosen to be in the house of Quetzalcoatl, much less the Vice-Prefect. On the surface there seems to be nothing wrong with his gentle and elegant facade. But it was common knowledge that the more bright and colorful ones disguise was, the poisonous it'll be.

Nevertheless, Ayran was fames to be Mr. Perfect across all houses and within the student body. With a coy tongue and a charming look, it is inevitable that he becomes a popular heartthrob within the student body. Not only is he extremely intelligent, but is kind, reliable and humble.

Especially towards the Prefect of Quetzalcoatl.


[Magic Type]
God does not hope. He knows.

Dual Mechanical Scrimiters that can pull a transformers transformation and turn into a mechanical bow.
*Powered by mana

Weapon Mastery - The ability to perfectly wield and bring out the greatest potential of any object. Whether it be a weapon or just something you found on the side of the road.

Charisma & Charm - Affection from every single individual he meats would naturally be higher than normal. In minor instances, if he tries hard enough, he can even momentarily blind them with his beauty. Literally.

Elemental Knowledge - Has a basic grasp of all elements and mana whether legal or banned. The basic grasp limits to just manipulating it and casting basic spells. Though with some, his knowledge is more extensive than others.

Human Anatomy - Extensive knowledge on the human anatomy. Knows enough to perform basic operations. (e.g CPR, stitches, amputations.)

Herbology - Herbs, spices, poisons. He knows it all.

Human Mask - Well versed in hiding or substituting his emotions, showing what the other wants rather than how he really feels inside. No one has cracked his mask so far, except for one. But not again.
*There's more to be listed, but since I'm under a time.limite coughcoughckendo I'll keep it simple lol

Durability is a huge a issue when it comes to weapon mastery, and there's always a limit with how much knowledge he has upon a field.

There isn't much known about Ayran's backstory to the public. On the surface, he seemingly have a picture perfect background coming from a noble family who consistently made world-class magicians. With Ayran's all around talent, he seems to be the next loud noise within the circle the moment he graduates.

And no one's looks further than that, afterall, what is there to be suspicious about a perfect, charming, and reliable Ayran Herpich?

However, no matter how much one tries to hide ones past, it'll just chase them more and more, forever haunting them in the shadows.

Once a nun was deflowered, it has sinned. It lost it's purity under the eye of God and ultimately, lost it's value. However, it's beautiful offspring took its place. With the light gold locks that resembled the Angel "Gabriel" and pure molten gold eyes that seems to charm all.

It was like a gift from God.

Kendo are you happi now? :'DD

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 07:35 (3 Months ago)
"That- Sorry? PARDON ME??"

Immediately, Ayran let go of her wrist with a repulsed look on his face. If he even had the slightest doubt of her being insane.

It sure was gone now.

Ayran spluttered for a moment loosing his cool.

"Why would you- No."

He brushed his hair back with his hand.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you??"

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 07:08 (3 Months ago)
Ayran's shoulders were tense and his jaw was taut. He almost didn't want to open his eyes, but if he didn't, he knew he'll lose now.

Should he just surrender..?

Would that make the other bored of him?

A stubborn part of him didn't want to give in. But he also knew that rationally that the game would end very soon as long as he listened to them.


Ayran gripped her wrist with a iron grip steadying his nerves. He opened his eyes and stared straight at Trixie as if he knew exactly where she was.

His eyes were cold, and the resolve was firm, the corner of his lips quirked up into a mocking smile. His voice rang throughout the room steadily without any ups or down as he reminded her.

"15 minutes left Lady Trixie."

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 02:06 (3 Months ago)
Ayran closed his eyes tightly, scrunching his eyebrows. If you looked closely, you could see a faint pink dusting the tip of his earlobes due to embarrassment.

Even as a child, he has seen girls being taught to dress.modestly and avoid revealing skin.

Never has he ever..!

Ayran suddenly flinched at Trixie's touch. Perhaps it was to due to the fact that his eyes were closed, the others voice felt like it was from a.. much closer proximity than usual.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 01:57 (3 Months ago)
"Does when you're going to get old of me count?"

Ayran was prepared to push Trixie back with force before she stepped back herself. The moment Ayran couldn't smell the sweet scene of perfume on her any did Ayran release the breath he didn't know he was holding in, in the first place.

He schooled his expressions.ignored the kiss she blew at him, not bothering to retaliate. The less he humored him, the quicker this would end.

But before he could do so, he was surprised by an unexpected voice from the bathroom.

He gasped.

T-this surely isn't appropriate right??

Isn't this too revealing??

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 01:42 (3 Months ago)
"I don't think you'll appreciate my fake curiosity Lady Trixie." Ayran smiles wryly as he leaned back as Trixie approached him. In the corner of his eye, he glances at the clock.

10:25 pm.

He put a hand on her shoulder to stop her advances from getting any closer to his personal space.

He likes his personal space thank you very much Trixie.

"Also don't say that you won't get old of me.. I'm not fun at all."

"Oh and also how long is Lady Bliss prepared to eavesdrop on the bathroom on us?"

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 01:29 (3 Months ago)
"I'm a busy man Lady Trixie."

He didn't bother to answer the question, would his answer matter either way? Or would his head fall off?

Ayran sighs and sits down on a chair opposite of the other. After a while of contemplation, he realized that there was no way he'd ever understand a person as deranged and inhumane as Trixie, so why bother?

If one was a natural disaster and the other was a human being. It was natural that they couldn't understand each other. There's always a limit on how much they could understand ones desire to destroy.

So why bother wasting time on something he couldn't understand in the first place?

Ayran tries any signs of apprehension on his face. It wasn't hard, he was used to controlling how he was actually feeling anyways.

Instead, he tries to appear calm. Maybe if he acts calm enough, it'll actually calm himself down.

"Let's.. have a deal."

Can you even make a deal with a monster?

"I wasn't lying when I said I had an urgent matter regarding Lady Scarlet. So how about this, I'll... Indulge you for 20 minutes. Surely thats enough time for you to play around and let things get old for you right?"

Ayran hoped

He hoped for a lot of things as a child.

It was something he always knew how to do.

...it was what he knew best.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 01:08 (3 Months ago)

As if his head were doused with a bucket of ice cold water, Ayran suddenly understood all of the inconsistencies that has been strangely occuring over the last hour.

The difference in mannerisms.

The new face that he didn't recognize.

The room.

Suddenly it clicked.

"The one lurking in the bathroom right now is Lady Bliss isn't it?"

Ayran looked at Lydia, now Trixie with with newfound confusion in his eyes. Why was this girl doing all this for? It couldn't be just for shits and giggles.

Who in their craziest mind would go and change through three identities in one day just to trap a person? Especially someone like him?

Ayran tried to logically find even a single reason why.

But he couldn't.

Afterall, he was just a human in front of a dangerous wildfire.

How could you emphasize with someone that wasn't human in the first place?

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 00:52 (3 Months ago)
Ayran widens his eyes slightly.

Now this wasn't the type of story he was expecting from the prissy young lady in front of him. But what shocked him further was her following words, describing the appearance of a vividly familiar person.

This sent chills down his spine.

Was it a coincidence?

But too many strange things has happened today, so what were the chances that this was just a coincidence as well?

All of the sudden warning bells rang in his head again, almost instinctively his eyes moved towards the locked door a few steps away from him.

He looked back at the laid back Lady Lydia with caution in his eyes and laughed along nervously.

"...I think we may have different values of interesting. Say.. Lady Lydia can you perhaps pass a word onto Lady Mona for me? I remembered I had an urgent matter to discuss with Lady Scarlet that I forgot to mention.."

He took a step towards the door and smiled apologetically.

"Tell her I'm sincerely sorry okay?"

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 00:41 (3 Months ago)
"Well I wouldn't call your brother ordinary."

Ayran sighs at Lydia's nonchalant attitude. What was he here for in the first place? He was only hear to judge upon Lady Mona's dress, so why is he now standing in a unfamiliar room talking to an unfamiliar person?

He could only hope that Lady Mona hurries up.

"Plus, I'm sure Lady Lydia has her own little eccentricities that she's unwilling to tell anyone. And just like you, I do too."

Meaning I won't push further as long as you don't push.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 23:41 (3 Months ago)
Ayran chuckles dryly as he pretend he didn't here her mutterings.

"You remind me of someone I've known for a long time Lady Lydia.. though she did become quite the character after she grew up "

Meaning both of y'all are as pushy as an ox would charge seeing red.

"While I do have some stories, it wouldn't be fair for a guest to share first right? What about you Lady Lydia? How was your childhood if you don't mind me asking."

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 23:20 (3 Months ago)
Ayran paused and thought for a moment. His life after he was adopted by the noble family was uneventful to say the least. He has more than enough to wear and spend. He no longer needed to carefully ration his food for the month.. and most importantly, he'll soon have enough power to free himself and repay his debts.

But there's no need to tell the young lady in front of him that information.

Ayran smiled gently and shook his head.

"Unfortunately I don't have any interesting stories that Lady Lydia may like. Afterall, I am just an ordinary young lad."

Ayran paused and looked at Lydia with a thoughtful expression.

"...I doubt you'll be interested in such mundane person like me anyways."

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 22:57 (3 Months ago)
Ayran raised an eyebrow in question.

"...What do you want to know?"

Ayran narrowed his eyes slightly. Why did he feel trapped?

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