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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 02:54 (1 Year ago)

Title: Chapter 3

The food placed in front of them on the table looked simply divine. Caviar, truffles, creme brulee, Clauncher bisque, a large chicken cooked and seasoned with various spices, and several other dishes were placed on the table, the scent overwhelming. They even had tea for those who wanted it.

Giri noticed Mistia’s mouth watering. As much as they wanted to eat, they had to wait for everyone else to arrive. Giri seemed to be doing alright, but Mistia was… struggling.

“Just one tiny nibble-”
“C’mon, please?”

Mistia pouted, “Fine.” Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long for the others to arrive. Knowing the drill, she sat down in her designated seat, waiting as patiently as she could. Giri was seated to Mistia’s right, probably an attempt to get her to socialize.

Though, maybe she could try it. Mistia did seem innocent enough, and was well known by Fortree’s citizens as simply a ball of positivity who put a smile on everyone’s faces, and made their days better.

Skywalker had been seated next to Giri, with Master Zor seated to Mistia’s left. Firma and Abyss were seated on opposite sides of Azure.

When everything was set, they were allowed to eat. Firma had filled his plate with as much as he was allowed, and was conversing with Anakin.

“... and there was a time where Abyss and I hated each other’s guts.”
“And warred over whether there’d be more land or sea?”
“Yep! Of course, Azure stopped us before they’d get worse. One time, this kid with a Pikachu stopped the fight. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten the details.”

Abyss added, “And back then, that fight was caused by these two groups calling themselves Team Magma and Team Aqua. Nowadays, they’re in charge of keeping both land and sea clean, fighting pollution and such.”

“Which is wonderful, since there’s still some wild Pokemon and other wildlife around today. Not as many Pokemon as there were back in the day, but hopefully this changes that,” Azure chimed in before he took a bite of his truffle.

Mistia grinned, “I got to help them one time! They’re super cool.”

“Ah yes, that was when we were invited to Faraway Island. There used to be a rare Pokemon who resided there. It might return one day,” Zor said.

“If it does, it will have to be protected,” Giri said, taking a sip from her tea. Mistia turned her grin towards her, and she could just feel the positivity radiating off her, so much that she couldn’t help but smile. She added, replacing the smile with a straight face “Unfortunately, people will take the chance to poach Pokemon, whether they be wild or not.”

“That’s why we got Skylanders and groups just like them!”

I swear she’s more optimistic than Tucker, she thought, the little drow hybrid child who followed Cat around constantly coming to her mind. That kid was sweet, and one would think that Cat had adopted him (which she probably would).


She noticed Anakin quickly casting a glance at her before going back into a conversation with Firma. He looked a little proud that she decided to socialize for once.

Well, maybe socializing isn’t that bad.

“And Cat’s a part-time Skylander. Wouldn’t want to cross her in a fight.”

“Cat’s with you, right Master Skywalker?” Zor asked.

“Yep. We fought together in the Clone Wars. Afterwards, my wife and I adopted her.”
“How old was she when she fought?”
“Isn’t that a little young?”
“Well, before the war, she didn’t have cybernetics. They were forced onto her by someone.”
“Ah, I see. And she made the conscious decision to fight, regardless of her age?”
“Yes. And she was loyal to the core. Should’ve seen her in her first battle. The droids didn’t stand a chance.”

Mistia shot up, “I want to meet her!” All eyes turned to her, and Mistia sat back down in her chair, rubbing the back of her head.


Anakin chuckled, “I’m sure you’ll meet her one day.”

“Actually,” Master Zor said, “we could probably make an arrangement for you. You live in Sinn’oh, correct?”

He nodded.

“We can send Mistia with you and Giri on your way back, and Cat could come along as an escort and guard.”

Anakin thought about it for a moment. “That’s… actually not a bad idea. You might also meet a Skylander as well, most likely Scratch.”

Mistia looked like she was practically vibrating in her seat with excitement.

When they had all finished the main course (and had the first dessert, the creme brulee), Master Zor smiled, “I had the cooks prepare a dessert that’s come to be our favorite here.”

The door opened, and a trolley was wheeled in. Giri couldn’t help but stare with her mouth gaped open. A medium-sized cake was settled on top of the trolley, decorated with slices of Watmel, Pinap, Sitrus, and Mago berries. The frosting, which was a mix of purple and pink color, swirled in mesmerizing patterns.

“That… looks pretty good.”

“It’s amazing!” Mistia replied, and Giri decided to take her word for it.

They were each given their own slice of the cake, and the ones who had the cake before were already eating their slices. Giri placed a small piece of the cake on her fork, and lifted it into her mouth. The sweetness exploded in her mouth, and she found herself wanting more, and she took another piece, bigger than the last, and promptly ate it.

Anakin seemed to have the same reaction. He turned to Master Zor, “Would it be alright if I brought a few slices with me? I’m sure Cat and my wife would love this.” The elder nodded in approval, and gestured to the chef, who got several slices prepared for travel.

Mistia and Giri approached Master Zor after dessert. Anakin, Azure, Abyss, and Firma had already gone ahead.

“M-master Zor,” Mistia said softly.

“Yes, Mistia?”

“I thought I would let you know. Um… Earlier today, when heading back here from shopping, I thought I saw the shadow of some sort of dragon fly overhead. However, no one else saw it.”

Giri added, “Then on our way to dinner, I saw a small, pink light outside one of the windows, and no one else saw it either.”

Zor sighed, a hand stroking his chin, “That’s strange… Usually when people without Pokemon forms see these, it’s a sign that they, or someone they’re tied to, are going to receive a Pokemon form in the near future. But, there’s also the rare chance that what you saw could’ve been an entity that might want to do harm.”

Mistia frowned, “I hope it’s the former and not the latter.”

Zor placed a hand on her shoulder, “I assure you, if it ends up being the latter, we are more than capable of defending ourselves. You do not have to worry.”

He turned to Giri. “The same goes for you, too. When you leave to go back to Sinn’oh, you’ll have Skylanders escorting you. No one would dare try to attack.”

Mistia smiled, the frown disappearing instantly, “Right. Forgot about that. Come on, Giri! We leave in a few days, so I can show you around the city tomorrow.”

She then grabbed her hand, and dragged Giri down the hallway again. This time, Giri was more inclined to follow.

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Posted: Mon, 20/06/2022 21:26 (2 Years ago)
I want to join!

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Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 03:43 (2 Years ago)
Username: CrystalBorf_aDORKable
Pokemon: Magby
No. of slots: 1

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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2022 00:37 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 30/04/2022 21:56 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2022 23:36 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2022 17:23 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2022 14:12 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 17/04/2022 19:15 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 16/04/2022 01:08 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 14/04/2022 13:49 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2022 22:30 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 04/04/2022 03:55 (2 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 2

The guests looked nothing alike. One was a male that looked to be in his thirties while the other was a female who seemed to be in her teens. Both waited to be invited inside.

“Master Skywalker, miss Giri. Please! Come on in,” Master Zor gestured. Mistia shifted out of the way as the two walked in. She noticed that Giri had cast a quick glance her way, but looked away when Mistia met it. Weird… she thought. She assumed that Giri was a little shy. When they reached the main hall, they stopped to formally introduce each other.

Skywalker went first, “Thank you for having us here. I am Anakin Skywalker, and this is my Pada- er, I mean my student, Giri.”

Giri nodded in acknowledgement. It was then Zor and Mistia’s turn. “The pleasure is all ours. I am Master Zor, and this is my pupil, Mistia,” he replied, and it was Mistia’s turn to answer. Except her mind almost went blank. “I er- uh… it’s nice to meet you.”

Darn me and my unprofessionalism!

Whether it was luck, or they just didn’t care if she just embarrassed herself, they continued on to show them where they would be sleeping. Master Zor nodded to Mistia, letting her know that she and Giri could break off from the group. She smiled at Giri and proceeded to almost drag her down the hallway.

Giri didn’t want to socialize at the moment. It wasn’t her idea, either.

“Make new friends! Maybe talk a little more,” Skywalker told her. She scoffed, “Waste of time. I could be training, instead.”

When they had walked into the structure, she noticed something… familiar about the girl. Almost as if she had seen her before. Giri never met her before in her life, so this just has to be some sort of deja vu, right?

When their eyes met, she saw something, but didn’t stare too long, simply because she didn’t want to look like she was staring. By the time they got to know where they were going to sleep, she found herself being half-dragged by Mistia. “We’re gonna have lots of fun! I got some video games we can play, there’s my balcony where you can have a GREAT view of the sunset at the end of each day, and the beds are so comfy that the moment you lay down, you fall right to sleep!” Giri chose to respond with “mhm.” If only Cat were here to help and change the subject to something else, like her war stories. Mistia seemed to notice her shyness (if you’d call it that), so she backed off her approach.

“Sorry if I seem like a lot to handle at once. I’m just excited to meet you.”

Giri took a moment to analyze the sincerity of her statement, then looked at Mistia, “Just, try not to force me into any unnecessary situations, got it?” Mistia simply nodded, her smile somewhat increasing.

She could tell that Mistia would probably force her into something in the future.

The rest of the day went by as her and Mistia conversed. Well, Mistia was the one mostly talking, with Giri adding in her opinions here and there.

“So anyways, I hear that Cat works with the Skylanders?”

Giri nodded, “As a part-time job, yeah. She used to be part of a military outside of Skylands, and fought in a war.” That seemed to catch her attention swiftly. “Does she tell cool war stories? How many battles was she in?” Giri held her hands up. “Only Cat could tell you,” she replied. “Besides, some of these stories are long. She likes to add a lot of details.” That didn’t seem to deter Mistia though. However, before Mistia could ask more questions, one of the bells next to the door rang.

“Oh! Must be time for dinner. Come on!”

This time, she did not drag Giri. Instead, she waited for her to get ready. Once she was ready, they exited the room and walked down the hallway.

Halfway in the hallway, Giri felt like she was being watched. She turned her gaze to the open window to her right. It was evening, the setting sun giving everything a brilliant orange hue. But for some reason, she saw something… pink? It was almost transparent, but she was sure that the pink light was an entity of some sort. She blinked, and the mirage had disappeared.

“What’s odd?”

She had said that out loud, had she?

She turned to Mistia, “I thought I saw something. It was transparent, but some sort of being was definitely watching us.” Mistia tilted her head slightly to the side, “Did it in any way look dragon-like?” She shook her head. “It was pink, small, and glowing.” Mistia stopped walking, giving the description some thought. Then she gestured down the hall, “I can tell Master Zor about this, if it gives you any sense of security.”

“... Thank you, Mistia.”

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Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 03:06 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 02:45 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 02:38 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 02:27 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 15:58 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2022 13:06 (2 Years ago)
a sad/disappointed child

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Posted: Mon, 28/02/2022 20:55 (2 Years ago)
Fuecoco (x)

Team Aqua (x)

Team Magma (x)

Quaxly (x)

Horned Lark (x)

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