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Searching for: Posts from Xangar.
Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:46 (8 Years ago)
Mienfoo for Dragon

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:45 (8 Years ago)
Aipom for LL

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:43 (8 Years ago)
Celebi for Imazoo (yep, feeling generous today xD)

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:42 (8 Years ago)
Grimer for Dragon

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:40 (8 Years ago)
Patrat for Imazoo

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:37 (8 Years ago)
Exeggcute for Dragon

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:33 (8 Years ago)
Jirachi for Imazoo (told you, I'm out of stuff you need except this one xD)

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:14 (8 Years ago)
Mareep for Imazoo

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 07:10 (8 Years ago)
Wurmple for Imazoo

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 06:56 (8 Years ago)
Amoonguss for RosetteAbyss

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 06:43 (8 Years ago)
Bergmite for Imazoo

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 06:27 (8 Years ago)
Zigzagoon for RosetteAbyss

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:56 (8 Years ago)
HootHoot for RosetteAbyss

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:48 (8 Years ago)
Oddium Wanderus (Oddish) for DragonSumedh

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:29 (8 Years ago)
Tentacruel for Ophelia

Tympole for DragonSumedh (still needs evolution)

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:27 (8 Years ago)
Paid, thanks for fixing the order :)

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:25 (8 Years ago)
Show hidden content

What about Pokemon that still need an evolution?
DragonSumedh still needs a Palpitoad, but I only have a leftover Tympole

Not gifting until I find something that would work xD

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:11 (8 Years ago)
Spinarak for DragonSumedh

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Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 05:07 (8 Years ago)
Edited cause mistake was fixed.

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Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 21:23 (8 Years ago)
B, Let's make a deal!
What I would like: All the gems (except Grass/Fighting)
How I will pay: 400 each regular Gem, 750 each Fairy, 1k each Normal, 40k each Dragon Gem. If you could send me an up-to-date list on what you'd have for me, that'd be great :D
Password: Farbeagle. (I'm not wrong, I'm really not. Check it :P)

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