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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady.
Posted: Wed, 17/05/2017 16:56 (7 Years ago)
LF mate for my suven

female, pref coatl, wc or bogsneak
primary range: purple and blues. prefferably iri
sec and tert ice [or orca]

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Posted: Wed, 17/05/2017 16:41 (7 Years ago)
what's your conversion rate?

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 20:35 (7 Years ago)
the image is broken for me ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 19:07 (7 Years ago)
haha, i thought so
wonder if they are....functional
you know, with fliht n all. flying with your butt... XD
and thank you~!
the first piece created of this OC was called cute and creepy by many peeps

haha, thanks~!
it's a draconic shadow demon, so it better be scary XD

i think shading would help with the piece
the only thing is
lore wise, these guys do not have a shadow
because they are the shadow...?
but yeah, i should've made lines with the blue ^^

i see
i'll post a picture i took in a spoiler
like, i understand that photography of like....your pet is not really art, unless a lot of staing went into it...? i suppose?

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Posted: Mon, 15/05/2017 17:04 (7 Years ago)
that looks really pretty!
are those buttwings? they look like buttwings o3o
i wish i could draw humanoids that well haha
i'm still practising ^^

quick question
phorography can be a form of art
but is it allowed in this club?
because it always feels to me like it's somewhat on an edge in that regard

anyway, been a while since i posted soemthing
so i'll post this good ol' watercolour here
how long have i been working with it so far....1,5? 2?

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 22:46 (7 Years ago)
haha, thanks!
and....i don't know
i just, pick colours?
i wanted to draw this volcano-y thing
so yeah o3o

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2017 21:30 (7 Years ago)
it's so cute~!
i love it
i would want to hug it so much XD

oops, i haven't posted in a while, haha
got busy with labwork
i'll share my first digital background wip i ever made
i'm not good at backgrounds
but this one turned out decent [for a wip]

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2017 12:10 (7 Years ago)
oh, that's super nice!
I like how the platinum poitox has red in it

Oh guys, i need some help
So i decided to draw one of my dragons from my lair
the problem is
i can't choose who to draw
So, i set up a forum where you can say who you like most form my lair
and the one with the most votes is the one who i'll draw
PLUS i'll draw [sketch headshot] one of your dragons if the one you vote for wins [and such]
this is the forum

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 16:06 (7 Years ago)
I have an old tutorial
like, 1 and it's about drawing a dragon head
but it's super outdated style wise
oh! i do have a drawthrough though
it's not a tutorial but it shows the proces of how i drew one of my watercolours
i'll put it in a spoiler here
Show hidden content
it's clickable for if it's unreadable

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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2017 15:57 (7 Years ago)
i felt like sharinf this sketch thing i made of my OC
i'm still practising on drawing humanoids
i find them incredibly difficult to draw...

no critique requested

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2017 20:39 (7 Years ago)
aaah, thank you very much!
i worked on and off on it
it was a sketch for sun at first, haha

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2017 15:53 (7 Years ago)
*drops in*
i disappeared for a bit but i felt like sharing my most recently uploaded drawing~!

no critique requested :3

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 20:11 (7 Years ago)
seeing how we are [tooootally] still a bit on the bird theme
imma pop down the unfinished ref of my dearest demon bird

i need to finish it
i srsly need to finish it o3o
and give it more love

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 17:55 (7 Years ago)
oh i see
i only have 2 bird like OCs
and neither has a normal beak
so...eh XD

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 17:46 (7 Years ago)

Look up real birds with small beaks~!
irl refs, and refs in eneral, help a ton!
also, there are TONS of small beaks
and none are the same
so, go wild i suppose o3o

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 15:39 (7 Years ago)
That's a neat looking chil you have there!
I like the expression they haveand the blob-ness of the colours
To me, that blob-ness in the lineart is less pleasing to the eye but that might be a personal thing ^^
i'd also give the background abit of colour
Just so the drawing pops out more due to it having white as a ''colour'' as well
[the '' are there because white is technically not a colour ^^]

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 13:16 (7 Years ago)
thank you~~!
[the size chart really puts things in perspection, haha]

I have posted Azrak in the previous artclub ^^
Not so sure about Pheadrox though....
And this artclub seems really nice so far
i'll definitly try to give criticism
[though i suck at writing it, haha]

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 12:28 (7 Years ago)
They are my OC's! i'll put the refs in spoilers :3
The 12 meter tall one, which looks small in the image, is called Pheadrox

The super long one is Azrak
My dear darling od a draconic shado demon o3o

[I might post seperate posts for these later on]

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2017 11:52 (7 Years ago)
thanks for accepting me ^^

now you can welcome me X'D
and thanks, haha

So, here's a doodle i made yesterday
it's a comparison of the height of my tallest dragon and the length of my longest dragon
[My longest dragon from head to tail can reach the first floor of the eiffeltower
if you have seen it in person, then you know that thta is a loooooong way up]

anyway, my tallest dragon looks tiny oin comparison to my longest XD

[no real critique needed, was just a fast doodle ^^]

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2017 21:53 (7 Years ago)
it is!
dunno if you scrolled though
the image is quite large haha
if i'm right, you can click it ^^ -->nope, nevermind

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