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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 04:25 (7 Years ago)
"Arent you edgy." Marius said, blushing slightly. What a cool kid. "I'm not here with travel equipment, I was going to get parts for my mother's boat shop in the next town over and was cutting through the woods. If I dont tell her where I'm gone she'll have my head." He said, turning to Fox. "None of us need to worry about sealed magic anyways, we all have it. Besides, it must have been sealed away for a reason."

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 04:22 (7 Years ago)
"David was like that last year, He'll be like that this year. Ol' Walkin sunshine he is." Logan said from where he was, still engrossed in his book. "Gwen's chill, she reads godawful teen romance novel though. Loves trash TV." He fondly remembered the last year he had spent at the camp. It was fun, just not what he had been looking for.

"Oh! Thats fun!" Ariel hopped a little in place, clapping her hands together lightly as her red hair flounced. "Is he, asleep?" She questioned, looking up at Jay. "Its only what, mid-afternoon?"

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 04:19 (7 Years ago)
"No one did tell me what the job we have to do is" Marius called after Fox. "I'll stop being dramatic when I'm dead"

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 04:12 (7 Years ago)
"Could be both bad boy Alex." Marius joked. He did genuinely find Alex's whole bad boy aesthetic pretty attractive if he was being honest. But then again he thought, that was what got him into a mess last time. Of course, maybe Alex is really just in it for the aesthetic, not because hes actually a bad person. "Well, let's see your powers in action!" Marius said, excited. "Or well, I guess just Alex's, dont have anyone around for you to heal Eliza."

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 04:09 (7 Years ago)
"Same! Well, hiking more than swimming, but they're both so fun! Photography's never been my forte, but I love seein the pictures." Ariel said, not really wanting to admit her faults, but this relationship was going to be based on trust and honesty gosh darn it. At least, that was what her fathers always said whenever they found the other cheating on their yearly diet plans. Diet plans that always fizzled out by march at the latest. "Its gonna be such a fun summer!"

Logan gave a soft hmm to show that he had heard Jay, but didnt look up from his book, quickly getting engrossed in the literature.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:57 (7 Years ago)
"Well of course, both of you, drop dead gorgeous. May my poor pan heart rest in peace." Marius said, dramatically leaning back, putting a hand on his heart and his other on his forehead, as though he felt faint.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:55 (7 Years ago)
"Very fitting for you then, figures it means beautiful." Ariel smiled. "So, what're you most excited about activities wise this summer?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation rolling. She wasnt good at it, always fearing that awkward lull in conversation.

Logan sighed as the thunder crackled at a low point in his song. He heard Jay's soft wimper somehow over the noise of the thunder. He rolled himself out of the bed and pulled his Ipod out with the earbuds, softly laying them beside Jay as an open invitation to use them. He didnt care much for conversation with people he didnt know that well. He pulled his bedding out of his bag and put his bed together, before pulling a summer reading book out and settling into that.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:44 (7 Years ago)
[center]"Ha, my parent's love the movie. And hey, if the shoe fits!" Ariel joked. "Or, hm well thats more cinderella I guess." She pondered for a moment the ridiculousness of her own joke. "What about you, Arabella? Just a gorgeous name to match your face, or there a meaning behind it?"

Logan finished his doodle and shoved the pen back in his pocket, letting himself get lost in his music for a while, pulling his sleeve down and settling into the bunk. all things considered, the camp was very good for its price-point. The beds werent old rickety cots, they were pretty nice bunk beds, with obviously worn mattresses, but mattresses all the same. He didnt want to bother dragging his bedding out of his bag yet, that'd be a task for later. He was busy looking forwards to any arts and crafts activities the camp did.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:41 (7 Years ago)
"I dont want a feud. I just, I cant handle being near fire, no matter how small." Marius said, hugging himself around the shoulders, resting his hands on the old burn scars that lay on his shoulders, continuing under his shirt. "Invisibility and Healing though, arent you two a pair." He said, ignoring Fox. He'd accidentally used his crystal once already, he didnt want to again until he knew the full effects.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:36 (7 Years ago)
"I didnt make you sign a contract! I just asked you because I cant handle being around fire, alright?!" Marius yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:31 (7 Years ago)
"Jeez how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that around me!" Marius yelped, moving to hide behind Alex and Eliza. "Its not that hard to just stop shooting flames, is it?"

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:23 (7 Years ago)
"I'm Ariel" She said, hopping off her bed and excitedly shaking Arabella's hand. "'m friends all called me Ari though." She smiled. "Its lovely to meet you Arabella." She smiled and watched as Arabella's blue eye darkened to a lilac. "It's lovely to finally match a face to the eye." Ariel didnt know if she wanted to give Arabella the ring yet or not. would it be too forward? Ariel didnt want to mess things up, Arabella seemed so cool and all, how was she supposed to keep up?

Logan pulled his Ipod out of his pocket and put earbuds in, trying to drown out the sound of the storm. He didnt care for thunder, but he liked the rain well enough. He played the loud music that he'd downloaded for the purpose of tuning everything out as he pulled a pen out of his pocket. on one hand, he could grab his notebook out of his backpack, but why bother. He started doodling some stars and space symbols along his inner arm, doing all of the planets out as he went up his arm. He made sure it wasnt noticeable to his cabin mates, not wanting them to think him weird for bothering to draw on his arm when he probably had a heterochromia soulmate.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 03:01 (7 Years ago)
"Heeeello Cabin seven!" Ariel shouted as she opened the door to the cabin, dragging her suitcase behind her. She took the last open top bunk, hoping whoever'd yet to arrive wouldnt mind any. She fluffed her hair up a little, to get it out of her eyes. "Lovely to be here on this beautiful summer's day, and every consecutive summer day until this program lets out!" She cheered, placing her belongings at the end of the bed before hoping up and looking across to Jay first, before her eyes alighted upon Arabella. She'd seen those eyes before, or well, half of those eyes. "You've the most beautiful lilac eyes." She said, giving a goofy lovestruck grin. "They seem awfully familiar iffin i'm being honest"

Logan dragged his belongings out of the back of his car and brought a manilla folder full of the paperwork necessary for him to be able to keep his car on site up to the counsellors cabin before making his way down to cabin seven. He trudged in loudly opening the door, ruining any type of tension that could have been building up due to a quick founding of ones soulmate. He pulled his sweatshirt over tighter, hiding the myriad of random doodles that littered his arms as he took the last remaining bunk and shoved his stuff under it, rolling onto the bed and curling up facing the wall, tired from the drive. His hair was sticking up a bit, curling around his ears and the nape of his neck. He had a large cowlick in the center of his head that he never managed to get to lay flat.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 02:31 (7 Years ago)
character name: Marius
age: 17
height: 6'5
weight: 180
eye color: Blue
crystal: Blue
hair color: Blonde naturally, dyed blue
clothes: Loose low-cut tank top, baggy linen pants, no shoes
character's life(past): Has been a nomad for a while, has lots of misc scars littering his body, has big burn scars on his back and shoulders from an incident he doesnt like to talk about.
personality:Sarcastic, snappy, will either do his own thing adamantly, or relax and go with the flow.
More information- Has very strong control over his power.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 01:22 (7 Years ago)
Ariel had spent the whole bus ride jabbering to those around her about everything she'd learned about the camp from the activities to the flora and fauna found in the woods. She cackled when the bus launched her in the air, higher because she was in the back. She twisted and turned the spinner ring that her dad's had gotten her before she left, with its match in her backpack in case she found her soulmate. Hers had cute bits of seaweed on it, and its match had cattails and lavender sprigs engraved on it. Ariel was glad to have taken the bus, it let her meet all of the others who were going to the camp early. She'd not found anyone in her cabin yet, cabin seven but was excited to!

Logan got out of his car, a little disgruntled that his mother had made him do the drive down himself. On the bright side, if he had to leave early all it'd take was a call home and a chat with the counsellors. He wasnt glad to be at the camp the second year in a row, not having found his soulmate the year before kinda soured the mood for him. He'd be in cabin seven, so that wasnt too bad. Maybe he'd finally find his soulmate and have normal coloured eyes.

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 01:16 (7 Years ago)
"Oh! Hello" Marius said, wringing his hair out as he looked at the two newcomers. "Welcome to this merry band of misfits, where the elements are at our sway. I'm Marius." He held his hand out to Alex first, "Love the bad boy aesthetic" Marius winked.

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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2017 00:48 (7 Years ago)
Name: Ariel Lesley
Age: 16
Looks: Short choppy red hair true to her namesake (Parents were BIG little mermaid fans) and a face full of freckles which shine against her darker skin. Cute snub nose and big blue eyes (Well, one blue one deep lilac). She loves wearing tanktops shorts and hiking boots. Loves all things out doors, doesnt mind crafts but its obvious she'd rather be climbing a big rock or swimming when shes doing them.
Personality: Happy, excitable, jumpy. Has tried falling in love with those who arent her soul mate and it always ended well but quickly.
Soulmate Type: Heterochromia.
Favourite camp activity: Swimming, Hiking, All things outside!
Misc : Loves seashells

Name: Logan Anderson
Age: 17
Looks: On the taller side, with fluffy black hair that curls around his ears. Tends towards tight fitting v necks, skinny jeans and converse even during the summer. He tends to get cold as soon as the sun goes down so he keeps a myriad of sweatshirts around his tent or in his day bag. Has a long straight nose and piercing amber and hazel eyes. Has his ears pierced with two black studs in them. His arms are always covered in doodles as he keeps a pen on him at all times.
Personality: Keeps to himself, quietly doing whatever the activity is. can be drawn out of his shell by others.
Soulmate Type: Drawing
Favourite Camp Activity: any and all crafts.
Misc : Firmly believes that he's a heterochromia type soulmate, never noticing the extra doodles that appear on his arms.

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2017 23:37 (7 Years ago)
"I would very much mind actually!" Marius said, letting go of the hold he had on the water and letting it wash over him. "If you didnt hear me the past three times I said it, I want nothing to do with your darn fire crystal!"

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2017 02:39 (7 Years ago)
Marius snarled, an almost inhuman sound, flinging his arms out in front of him. As he did, a thin wall of water came up between himself and Fox. "I dont care for fire none, almost killed me a few years back iffin you dont mind." He said, keeping the wall up as his pendant glowed a little.

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2017 02:23 (7 Years ago)
"Jeeze, reeeal trustin folks, aint 'cha." Marius said, relaxing slightly but still staring at Fox warily. "I've still not decided if I trust y'all anyways. for all I know this is just some weird dream."

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