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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Purple~Celebi.
Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 18:41 (8 Years ago)
Username: KittyLove
Nickname (if you have one and prefer to be called by this way) : Pink Kitty
About how often do you get online?: just about everyday
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=211254&did=19729895
Which Flight do you like most and why?: fire because I like fire

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 17:54 (8 Years ago)
my eggs will hatch tomorrow im so happy :D

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
all you guys Dragons are very cute and pretty

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 17:26 (8 Years ago)
i hope the link works


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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 17:05 (8 Years ago)
hi good morning everybody

im selling a female Dragon for 100 gems is that to much??

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 08:45 (8 Years ago)
awesome hi everybody

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Posted: Fri, 08/01/2016 08:02 (8 Years ago)
is this where Flight Rising players chat??

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Posted: Sat, 02/01/2016 20:16 (8 Years ago)

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