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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 22:19 (7 Years ago)
"Oh. Awwww." Tau pouted.
"Hey, I could set up a barrier so sound wont reach ya kid. She wont be woken up by us then. Want me to do that?"
"I bet Howl couldn't beat me." He snickered. "... actually yeah you probably could."

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 22:14 (7 Years ago)
"Hey, i'm pretty powerful too. And you can't magically mess with cold hard TECHNOLOGY." He grinned, holding up his arm. "... In all seriousness, I know. Just jokin around! No harm intended."
Tau shined the flashlight at Howl's eyes. "'S that nothing?"

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 22:12 (7 Years ago)
"Don't worry. If i'm gonna die, i'll be sure to walk myself out so no cleanup is required." He joked. "Y'know, this place isn't that bad for a death trap. I could stand being here for a while. How exactly is this a big murderpalace?"

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 22:07 (7 Years ago)
"Oh boy, gettin' philosophical up in here. Guess that's what to expect from a bunch of guys in a murdertemple, huh?"

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 21:53 (7 Years ago)
"Man, you guys have some freaky powers. Reanimating little dead kids? Who's idea was THAT?" Tau laughed. "Still kinda cool, though. But shadows cant do anything. Watch this." The thumb of his mechanical hand retracted, and a small flashlight popped out in it's place." Light beats shadow, and that's that. Also I can use echolocation so darkness doesn't scare me."

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 03:25 (7 Years ago)
Taurus watched the two.
"How about a chugging battle with no powers included, just straight up who can chug the most alcohol? No cheating or anything."

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 00:42 (7 Years ago)
"Fire protection of Firot?" Taurus burst into laughter. "That sounds like something out of Dungeons and Dragons, but whatever floats ya boat. Anyways, nice to meet you all! 'Specially you, Howl, you're pretty... intense... but you seem cool." He grinned.

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 00:17 (7 Years ago)
"So! Ah... who are you guys? You all seem like a pretty cool bunch but I gotta know your names if I do end up dying here. Maybe we should do those old dog tag thingies." He joked.

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Posted: Thu, 20/04/2017 00:12 (7 Years ago)
Taurus sat down. "Yay, no fighting. Also sound based attacks are actually the best thing? Like it's sound perception, psychic powers, flight, echolocation, and essentially mind control if you try hard enough. It's pretty great. A lot you can do if you make a sound wave strong enough. Also, ew, rich people drinks." He made a mock disgusted face.

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 23:24 (7 Years ago)
"Ooooh, death traps. Fun." He facepalmed. "Wow, I'm an idiot."
"And hey, your sister can TRY if she DARES."
"Just kidding she sounds scary please don't kill me."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 23:14 (7 Years ago)
"I can beat a mage if I try hard enough." He pouted.
"So, like... what's this place's deal? 'Cause I just sorta came in here. I dunno what I'm getting myself into."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 22:45 (7 Years ago)
"Aw, I may not be a mage, but I can do some pretty aMAGEing stuff!" He grinned. "But I would say I'm powerful. Lots you can do with sound. Like essentially mess with people's head if you try hard enough. It's like the Force. But cooler."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 22:36 (7 Years ago)
"Hey, uh, backup HAS arrived. Hello, I exist." Tau called out to Ricky, bending the sound waves to reach him easily. "Not sure what you mean exactly by 'backup', but I can mess some dudes up with sound so I think I am pretty good at being the up of the backs. ...that sounded weird."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 21:55 (7 Years ago)
Tau listened in again, analyzing the conversations of everyone in the temple (not in dreamscapes and stuff.), no matter how far they were.
"What... what the heck is going on here?" He questioned, backing away from Aria. "This is so weird..."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 01:36 (7 Years ago)
"Sound controller? Yeah, that's me! The name's Taurus, nice to meet ya." He smiled brightly. "Professional DJ and certified annoyance, that's me."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 01:24 (7 Years ago)
"OH HOLY-" Tau quickly clamped a hand over his mouth before he said something he regretted.
"Oh. Uh. Sup." He grinned, waving. "Do you mind, ah... not... killing me? Or giving me a heart attack? That'd be appreciated."

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 01:17 (7 Years ago)
"Hello?" He called out again, amplifying the sound even more. He closed his eyes and focused, using a form of echolocation by dragging all nearby sound closer to him like a magnet.
Multiple voices, multiple conversations, very far away. "Hey," he called again, stretching the sound to reach the closest person, "can you help me?"

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 01:02 (7 Years ago)
Taurus stepped into the temple, not really knowing what he was getting himself into.
Cue catching up to the others montage!
"Hey... anyone there?" He bent the soundwaves to reach further than they normally would, hopefully reaching someone.

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Posted: Wed, 19/04/2017 00:52 (7 Years ago)
((Hi ^^ i'm new to the rp, so can I have a quick recap of important details if that's alright?))

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Posted: Tue, 18/04/2017 23:53 (7 Years ago)
Full Name: Taurus
Nickname: Tau
Age: 16
Species/Planet of Origin: Earth
Appearance: Well toned, muscular body. He's abut 5'11". He has dark brown skin, long black dreadlocks, pale green eyes, and normally wears a tank top and shorts. His left arm is cybernetic, made of pure black carbon fiber, and has basic tools implemented into the fingers he can use.
Personality: Very bright and fun-loving. He's very active, jokes around a lot, and doesn't take anything too seriously.
Extra Abilities: Very athletic, with high stamina and energy.
Special Skills: He can manipulate sound waves naturally due to radioactive mutation.
Crush/BF/GF: None (but he's gay so that's a thing)
Other: He is immune to aging- he is 16, but could live forever if he avoids getting shot or something.
Password: HeartOfGold

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