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Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 01:06 (9 Years ago)
Username: NepetuLeijon
Nickname: Nep mainly, accepts any nickname :U
Favorite character: Nepeta Leijon
Title:Rogue of Breath
Land:Land of Gravity and Ore

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Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 23:59 (9 Years ago)
Hm, I'm a bit on-the-fence with this suggestion, but I'm leaning towards support. This would definitely help people who don't want to risk installing something that might cause viruses, and helps people who don't know English too well or who are not good at spelling. I saw something like this on a forum website once, and I think it would be great for our forums.

The one I saw had a button above next to the 'post' button, and when you clicked it it would check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Something similar should be with PH, but it should be under the options menu we have that says 'hide my signature for this post'.

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Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 00:27 (9 Years ago)
Congrats to the winners! :3

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Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 00:10 (9 Years ago)
Hello i would like to join raffle
Username: NepetuLeijon
How much requirements you completed: All 4
Number: 30
Other: Happy birthday Dokku! I hope it's an amazing day man!

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 22:03 (9 Years ago)
Di, I did not mean like actual age, I meant how long you've had the account xD

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 21:58 (9 Years ago)

*points to the post I made up there*

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Posted: Sat, 11/04/2015 21:51 (9 Years ago)
I support greatly. A lot of users seem to not realize what PH is, and thus making the stupidest suggestions. Good for laughs, but still annoying to see. A user level limit would definitely help, so that they have time to understand what PH is and what it offers before they make ridiculous suggestions.

But, I also think there should be a account age limit, like a few weeks. Because people can easily get to level 15 in a few days if they really wanted to, and still not get PH and thus still get some stupid suggestions. So maybe a limit of two weeks of existing on PH before posting a suggestion would also be beneficial. :3

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Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 05:40 (9 Years ago)
Happy birthday you slightly-older-delinquent :V

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Posted: Fri, 20/03/2015 13:42 (9 Years ago)
My favorite starter overall is probably Totodile!

Water: Totodile
Fire: Cyndaquil
Grass: Treecko

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