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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Narcissa.
Posted: Wed, 06/07/2016 15:35 (8 Years ago)
Looking to buy 100 FD ^_^ I can offer pretty much whatever currency you want here or there, or items *mostly on Furvilla* Please PM Lovett on Furvilla if you can help, and thank you <3

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Posted: Tue, 05/07/2016 00:53 (8 Years ago)
Seeking someone who may be interested in doing a paintie for my snake ^_^ http://furvilla.com/villager/46662 I'm wanting him to have some flowers and thorns and/or herbs in the section of his body that's slightly lifted *negotiable placement*

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 05:20 (8 Years ago)
I guess that's fair =^_^= I'll just have to get Mrs. Lovett the panther back up and running when that happens, and continue my pet-domesticating

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 04:49 (8 Years ago)
I want to Join the Furvilla Fanclub!
What is your username? Narcissa
What is your Furvilla username? Lovett
Do you have any prefered nicknames/pronouns? She/Her, but not gonna be offended if called anything else
What is your favorite "villager species" out of all? Big Cat
Do you have a favorite villager of yours? If so, which? I only have one, but love her (A Panther)
Have anything else to say? My computer is having a hard time with the site, but loving it so far ^_^

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 19:24 (8 Years ago)
good luck to all ^_^
*and if anyone else is still seeking delibird, it's found on the GTS main page*

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 03:23 (8 Years ago)
I was wrong, but if you need a karrablast, I have a spare

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 18:50 (8 Years ago)

Title: just tracking progress

Water Gem (1/75)
Flying Gem (0/75)
Poison Gem (3/75)
Dragon Gem (4/75)

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Posted: Sat, 30/01/2016 01:59 (9 Years ago)
if not too late, and it's updated price, 25k on the fabulous Birb =^_^=

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Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 00:01 (9 Years ago)
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<div align="center" style="text-align:center">
<a href="http://quizrocket.com/patronus-test">Patronus Test</a> from <a href="http://www.quizrocket.com/">quizrocket.com</a>!
<br><font size="2"><a href="http://www.quibblo.com">Quizzes</a>: <a href="http://www.snapapp.com">Customer Engagement</a></font>

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Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 03:30 (9 Years ago)
list has been updated

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Posted: Thu, 31/12/2015 01:34 (9 Years ago)
I really hope this is the right forum, but I apologize if not. This is finished for the year, but really thought would be easier to make a forum for claiming/listing the prizes.

First: 9 choices can be made + Choice of shiny hunt (no legends, not shiny AND mega, and no events.)
Second: 9 Choices, made after the first place
Third: Remaining items
Fourth: 30 gems from list
Fifth: 20 gems from list

List of winners:
1. WhisperingThief
2. yuki-chan
3. CreepyJoker
4. Yuki-chan
5. Professor_Maple
Until 24 hours have passed, these are the ONLY people who can have these items, will be re-distributed if unclaimed

For 1st-3rd:
Show hidden content

Refrigerator (w/ beedrill)
Root Fossil (w/ Raticate)
Griseous orb (w/ witch)
Slowyore (no item)
Retro Togepi
RED meteorite (w/ granbull)
BLUE meteorite (w/ heracross)
Pixie Plate (w/ heracross)
DNA splicer [white] (w/ swampert)
Star Piece #4 (w/ swampert)
Washing Machine (w/ swampert)
Space Spinda
Van Bagon #1
Van Bagon #2
Sala de Menci
Plume Fossil (snover)
Armor fossil (snover)

Gems: (for fourth and/or fifth ONLY. 1st-3rd need not look)
Show hidden content

Fighting x1
Grass x15
Ground x23
Normal x28
Poison x3
Rock x16
Dark x75
Ghost x9
Ice x7
Psychic x1
Steel x136

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 17:50 (9 Years ago)
sending you a gift ^_^ hope you get something nice

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Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 20:57 (9 Years ago)
List for #CarolingWithYuki 2015
TonyPanda (interaction + entry)
Yuki-chan (interation + entry)

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 21:36 (9 Years ago)
Sorry about that, I derped ^_^ thank you for letting me know

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 20:46 (9 Years ago)
Ooops, accidently overlooked order form
Name/Number of Pokemon (Gender*) Space Spinda (1 male, 1 female) and Zompette (1 male, 1 female)
Total price/Event Pokemon for trade. 60k
sorry, I wasn't thinking cleary ^_^

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 18:40 (9 Years ago)

Title: Donators

If I find out any one reading this bothers these users, you will be permanently banned from ALL raffles I hold, and I tend to give out shiny hunts, legends, and otherwise nice things


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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 17:18 (9 Years ago)
I'd like Offer 2!
Username: Narcissa
Your offer: hm...15k?
Item's you are looking: Slowyore & Politoed
Password: Saphire
Any extra details: none (except that I can negotiate if too low)

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 03:38 (9 Years ago)
If still available, I would like to buy all of the water gems, please

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Posted: Sat, 31/10/2015 18:22 (9 Years ago)
so excited to get my Darkrai ^_^

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Posted: Sat, 31/10/2015 16:45 (9 Years ago)
so, to make sure I'm reading this correctly, we give our map/item, depending on what we have, and get the darkrai AND nuggets?

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