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MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 04:48 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 01:01 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 18:21 (8 Years ago) |
My reasoning for the gem amount is boxes are usually 10k, ground gems are 500, so a box would be 20 gems, 3 boxes would be 60 gems. A key is usually 7k which is 14 ground gems, and a helix fossil is usually 15k which would be 30 gems. Prices are negotiable if you're intrestred! Sorry it took so long to get back to you, my kindle is being a pain today [Read more] |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 13:17 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 13:06 (8 Years ago) |
P.s.I'll buy as many shinies and as much stuff from you as you'll let me. I love gathering gems and watching the numbers hit the hundreds, makes me feel accomplished. [Read more] |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 12:54 (8 Years ago) |
Currently have 153 gems, I'm coming for that cutiepie lopunny next. [Read more] |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 11:17 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 10:45 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 10:33 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 05:55 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 05:35 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 20:40 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 10:32 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 06:08 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 03:11 (8 Years ago) |
Pokemon/Item(s) Buying: 20 rock gems Item(s) Selling: Payment: a gold key? Other Comments: I messaged you and you said to post, so I hope this is okay? [Read more] |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 06:54 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 06:49 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 23:39 (8 Years ago) |
MikaSkye OFFLINE Forum Posts: 130 |
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago) |
Well if you're reading this, I guess you really want to know about me, huh? Well, fine. Okay. Real Name: Lexy Age:18 Birthday:May 23rd Music : Pretty much everything. Shows: Doctor Who, Grimm, Walking Dead. Food:Ramen, pizza, ice cream. NOTES TO SELF - Shinies - Skuntank Bastiodon Ramparados Metagross Lapras Chespin Rapidash Umbreon pancham furret delcatty zigzagzoon minun plusle latios latias lunatone duskull scoliopede archeops zoaraok Boufoulant Virizon Mega Shinies Mawile Ampharos Lopunny Houndoom Metagross Ampharoz Megas Houndoom Lopunny Ampharos [Read more] |