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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Midnight_Rein.
Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 13:31 (8 Years ago)
So this is a thing.
She's got a pretty much full stock of some really pretty dragons ^_^
I've sent along a couple of donations that she can't accept yet, since her orphanage is full. I might end up doing something like this myself. Everything there is free too, so if you need something there's a place to go.

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 01:43 (8 Years ago)
It's 100% DED for me.

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 00:54 (8 Years ago)
I found a mate for little Elsa <3
Meet Phantom, another XXX Ice ^_^

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
Oh, that's awesome.
I'm going to see if I can't get the time to do art for my couples.

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 19:23 (9 Years ago)
I feel most proud of this guy's Bio.

I worked really hard on it and I think it really catches what his personality would be ;D
I really can't even write that without giggling.

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 17:14 (9 Years ago)
Thank you Kurumi ^_^

Just as a note towards the Giggle Fest that was the What if coatl had no leg forum

There are 4 of the accents on the Auc House right now xD I just checked. Search "What If", they're 400 Gems a pop.

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 16:48 (9 Years ago)
So, out of curiosity, is there a site or a code list that you guys use to make your Bios for your dergs?
A lot of people's are incredibly complex and pretty looking :3

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 11:46 (9 Years ago)
I believed I payed 10k, but whatever you think is fair.
I can't really negotiate well right now, because I'm in class and we're testing soon.

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 11:21 (9 Years ago)
They're gone! Sorry!

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Posted: Fri, 25/09/2015 02:12 (9 Years ago)
They're gone! Sorry!

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 16:03 (9 Years ago)
I am deeply concerned for the folks of the internet.

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 15:05 (9 Years ago)
I mean like, lore wise. Being incredibly curious and being able to act upon that curiosity. They just seem to be the kind to have a brilliant adventure, you know? :3

Yeah, I was talking about the lore xD
He screams quite a lot, and while that's funny, I'd be tempted to scream back. I'm not a leader, by any means, and I don't listen to authority unless they give me a reason to respect and obey completely. The Bossman's office would be stirred quite a bit if I ever set foot there.

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 14:35 (9 Years ago)
Oh for sure I'm going to hold off for now.
I don't want to loose the gathering turns or anything. I've seen a couple Earth members around the forums and they do seem like quite nice folks.

I joined Arcane because it seemed most like me, and it seemed the least restrictive and incredibly Free. GODS KNOW I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR THE LIGHTNING FLIGHT. I don't take authority well or getting bossed around well. No offense to the Flight itself, me and the Lore of the place just don'e get along

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 14:24 (9 Years ago)
It's a very Earthy Brown:
I can understand them being proud of those numbers acheiving what they do, but still.
They have a quarter of what most of the other flights do.
Arcane sits at a pretty 23k, so I don't think my dergs will be missed.

Ahh, ok. I didn't know exactly how that worked, but I can see how that works now.

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 14:18 (9 Years ago)
Waitwaitwait. Am I reading this right?

Five thousand Dergs?
How does the Earth Flight ever get anything done? Is there something I'm missing? I like, feel genuinely bad for them </3 I'm tempted to change my flight now.
Everyone else is at at least 10k Population, so unless they had an incredible dominance push that didn't really net them any ground, they're very scarce group.

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 13:24 (9 Years ago)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's been the same.
Maybe you only needed 2x more of each and are miss-remembering?

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 01:28 (9 Years ago)
@Lupa Ahh, ok. Thanks, didn't know that. I like the excitement of opening a box though myself, even if I know what's gonna be in it.
I actually kinda got my hopes up on the Enchanted Drake skin. I was hoping that the white areas would be where the dragon's skin showed up but, no such luck.

I gotta stop getting over excited about things XD

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 01:23 (9 Years ago)
Literally the next battle I found this one:

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Posted: Thu, 24/09/2015 01:16 (9 Years ago)
I found my first event chest OwO I found it in the Scorched Forest.
Now, admittedly, I liked this dragon's colors before, but I wasn't gonna cover anyone else's up for it, and I feel almost obligated to use any skins I come across.

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Posted: Wed, 23/09/2015 17:20 (9 Years ago)
I have a couple of hatchlings from this morning for sale/trade as well! I'm in school right now, so send a CR with a fair offer if you're interested:

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