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Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 20:39 (8 Years ago)
"Okay let's go, hurry I have no time to whaste!" he waited a bit for his maister to walk next to him and started walking to class with him."So... Which klass are you hoping to get in? I don't really care but my bro is shooting for EAT." "He's the smartass of our family." They turned the corner and spotted Nao on the other side of the hallway reading the same book he was reading while waiting for other students to arrive.

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Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 19:06 (8 Years ago)
Luke halted and was still holding Magnus's hand tightly and held him in place "phew your quite a fast runner. I guess your sister really whipped you into shape. I hate to say it but you lost ...my brother is now only a few meters from the class. I am impressed tough... I will trust you for now but don't expect me to tansform whenever you please"he looked sternly at him then blushed and turned his head away immediately. He crossed his arms and walked away looking as tough and intimidating as possible. The truth is he can't completely transform yet but only his brother knows about that...
"His brother reached the classroom door and looked behind him. He chose to wait outside for his brother and maister to arrive. He felt bad for playing dirty but his brother forced him to.

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Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 18:45 (8 Years ago)
"Well I'm not sure, maybe I can demonstrate and you judge my skill" She smiled and taught to herself "I guess I'll give my skills a try I don't really remember how good I was. And that king dosent seem as bad as I taught."

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Posted: Sat, 27/08/2016 08:41 (8 Years ago)
"I sencery apologize...but I can't seem to remember anything.Like my memory was whiped. I am also sorry for trespassing you territory when I still had my memory..." She lightly smiled at the king "so how may I repay you my foolishness?"

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 19:33 (8 Years ago)
One of the brothers changed into a half of a bladed bo and Luke threw him 35m down the hallway. As the bo transformed back it was still about 20m ahead of the others and Nao ran a bit and then turned the corner .
Luke grinned and grabbed Magnus by the hand.He piked up his speed even more.

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 19:18 (8 Years ago)
"Alright then,your first thest..." said the brother in unison. They looked at each other then at Magnus. "Race you to the class!".They grabbed eachothers hands and in a second they were off.

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 18:24 (8 Years ago)
"What do you think Luke? This is a quite good opportunity to get a great partner"Nao looked at the boy and then Luke "No, we can do we'll enough alone " frowned Luke. "Please, you know we need a meister and he looks like he is quite strong to weild and control us both" Nao cept staring at nao and repeated "Please". "Fine but you will repay me later" He looked at Nao with an annoyed face and then turned to Magnus "we are counting on your future skills. I hope you fulfill our expectations." he gave him the lightest hint of a smile and turned around "well this is settled...now let's get to our classroom or do you want to see our weapon form?"

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 02:20 (8 Years ago)
"Nah not yet" we've been waiting for more people to arrive"anwsered Nao "Those people sitting on the middle of the stairs won't budge and he's been reading a book all this time so I've been bored as hell" complained Luke pointing first at the people on the stairs and then at his brother "Stop complaining you'll get nowhere with that attitude besides you might as well go down there if you want" "No thanks"

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 01:52 (8 Years ago)
"Oh my name is Nao and this is my twin brother Luke. Were both weapons." Anwsered Nao." Come on Nao! I'm so bored let's do something productive already!" "Yeez wait can't you see someone is talking to you?" "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want."he anwsered rolling his eyes

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 00:22 (8 Years ago)
"Okay... As you wish. I guess I did trespass on someone elses property so I will get what's coming to me " She gave a sign she was ready to follow him.

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 00:13 (8 Years ago)
"Nice to meet you Jordan! My name is Niomi I think... and I'm not really sure who I am tho... I can't seem to remember for the life of me" She looked at him with a bit of a worried smile this time but she tried to hide it as best as she could.

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Posted: Fri, 26/08/2016 00:03 (8 Years ago)
"Me, I don't know. You be the judge" she smiled again "May you anwser my question now?"

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago)
Luke grows so impatient that he grabs his brother and drags him to the edge of the stairway and forces Nao to sit down next to him. "Hey why did you do that?"asked Nao with a confused face. "I want to observe the new people that's all. There seems to be a few at the gate and on the stairs" said Luke with a rare smile "people are interesting don't you think?" "Well maybe...I'm not that found of talking to them but observing them is very interesting."Nao anwsered with raised shoulders"Hey! You down there! You gonna move or not?!" Yelled Luke. "Please excuse my prother he is very arrogant" his brother apologized in a lower voice but still loud enough to hear. "How dare you?" Luke grinned a bit and punched his brother lightly on the upper arm.This time Nao grabbed Luke from the arm and dragged him away." You don't need to make a scene on the first day you know."

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 23:05 (8 Years ago)
"Bwaah! Sorry I didn't see you there. I can't seem to remember anything...oh well.Who are you and what's your name?"she smiled at her

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Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 22:45 (8 Years ago)
"Um, h-hello may I know where I a-am?"asked Niomi with a shivering voice . "Is this a joke anyone?" She looked around "What is that?" She saw some light coming from a distance."Hello!"

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Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 19:47 (8 Years ago)
Species/Pokemon:Shiny zorua
Looks:she has one red and one blue eye and wears a gemstone necklace
Personality:cheerful and positive as well as very smart but tends to hold to herself

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Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 04:58 (8 Years ago)
Nao and Luke were already in front of the entrence leaning against a wall and waiting for other students.
Luke had his hands in his pokets and was muttering something about how he could have done other things instead of arriving early. Nao who was next to him however, was reading a science book. He raised his head and checked if anyone had arrived yet. But couldn't see anyone. And continued reading...

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Posted: Sun, 21/08/2016 08:48 (8 Years ago)

Title: Is this allowed?

Name:Luke and Nao

Age: 17,17
Soul appearance:one has a blazing red soul with the engraved words of "sky above me,earth below me, fire within me" and the other has a calm flowing blue soul with the engraved words of "become like water,a peaceful yet powerful force"
Kind of weapon:A detachable bo staff with blades on each side to use as swords if needed something like this with a design simisar to thiseach of the twins creates one half of the staff
Personality:the blue eyed twin,Nao is a calm and smart person who likes to study and stay to himself or be with his brother he's a great stradegist and always plans ahead. He enjoys peace and silece. He loves the night for some reason and likes to sit on his roof and stare at the starry sky for hours. The red eyed twin however is arrogant and speaks his mind he always seems to be in a hurry and dosent like other people exept his brother.He loves to take risks and likes doing dangerous stunts.He is a bit afraid of women and he dosen't trust them.
Partner:Magnus Wolf
Other: They are very attached to eachother and stay away from other people. Its a very special occasion when they let another person close to them especially in Lukes case

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Posted: Sun, 21/08/2016 06:08 (8 Years ago)
Thank you ^^
I spent quite a while on them accually but it was fun creating a backstory to my caracters

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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2016 21:07 (8 Years ago)
•RP Name•flowerbreeze
•Age•41 moons
•Appearance• [x]
•Personality•She is a bit shy but she loves to help everyone and everywhere she can. She always puts everyone before her so she sometimes ends up overly tired and run down herself. She is a very caring and loving cat but she is a bit insecure about herself and weather she is good or helpful enough. Or even weather she is accually a bother to others.
She dosent like violence but if it's necessary to protect the clan then she is very fierce and her personality changes totally to a ruthless and unforgiving cat. But she sometimes trust and forgives too easily and that's a very big flaw in her eyes to but she can't help it...
•Rank•Medicine cat
•Kin•(mother/deceased)-sugarberry (father//deceased)-lunargaze (grandmother/alive)-Twilightray (aunt/deceased)-lightgaze (uncle/unknown/disappeared)-fargaze
•Extra Info• Her parents and aunt died protecting their only living kitten from a huge heartless eagle and letting her escape with her grandmother. Flowerbreeze barely remembers them. She lived with her grandma in shadow until they joined the clan

•RP Name•Twilightray
•Age•91 moons
•Appearance• [x]
•Personality•she loves kittens and taking care of them whenever possible. Her old bones ristricts her from battleing anymore but she tries to compensate by helping in the other responsibilities in the clan. She sometimes overdoes things and constantly asks weather anymore needs help or needs aiding
•Rank•elderly, retired medicime cat
•Kin•(grand daughter/alive)-flowerbreeze
•Extra Info•She is an insomniac and she almost never sleeps.Most of her family inherits odd-eyes

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