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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from KittyTheCharizard.
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 15:18 (9 Years ago)
Well, 11 more days until my B-Day. I hope the Shiny hatches by then. Becides that, I barely got to go on the Internet and forgot about the Bug-Hatching Contest. But I have a Pokémon that got me up a few levels. Hopefully it's good enough(I know it isn't .3.).

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Posted: Sat, 04/07/2015 14:45 (9 Years ago)
Well, Happy 4th of July! Now anyways, my Combee Chain is at Chain 50. I hope a Shiny Male hatches, because apparently the Honeycombs only accept Males.

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Posted: Sun, 28/06/2015 16:02 (9 Years ago)
Yes, I know it's been a while since I made a post.. again. But anyways, stuff happened, like getting a Sapphire after fighting Kyogre (I got the Marine Cave Map). And I just found a Cold Rock a minute ago. I might as well should freak out because I have so much summoning items. o3o

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Posted: Sat, 27/06/2015 15:42 (9 Years ago)
"[wiping floor intensifies]"

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Posted: Fri, 26/06/2015 00:07 (9 Years ago)
"What.. is that?"

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Posted: Thu, 25/06/2015 16:10 (9 Years ago)
Posting it in the feeds, so sign me up!

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Posted: Thu, 25/06/2015 00:09 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 24/06/2015 18:54 (9 Years ago)
10 Packs and 5 Card Machines, Please :3

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 17:04 (9 Years ago)
Exactly. I feel like I'm making things awkward. So I'm gonna leave the group in a few hours.

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 16:59 (9 Years ago)
I got 2 diamonds from Daily Spin.. o,o And it feels like I'm being pushed around a bit because I'm not involved in what you're doing :i

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 14:46 (9 Years ago)
"What.. the.. heck..."

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 14:40 (9 Years ago)
"The power levels for their fighting are... OVER 9000!!"

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 23:12 (9 Years ago)
KittyTheCharizard is currently hunting Combee.
Hunt started: 21/06/2015

Chain: 8
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)
Oh boy.

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:59 (9 Years ago)
But I'm okay with it, because I have some rares from older years.

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:58 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:57 (9 Years ago)
I wish it was like back then, where you could get everything.

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:46 (9 Years ago)
DANG IT. It's for Members.. AGAIN. *Goes to AJHQ and hits 'em with a newspaper* >:I

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:43 (9 Years ago)
Almost forgot, today is Rare Item Monday. *runs to shop*

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Posted: Sun, 21/06/2015 23:38 (9 Years ago)
"*Insert epic battling sounds here*"

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Posted: Sat, 20/06/2015 19:24 (9 Years ago)
6.20.15 (Part 2 .3.)
One of your eggs hatched into Landorus!

..Well, Oh my God, this is awesome. I have the 28th On-Site Landorus. Here he is:

And.. You gave Landorus the item Reveal Glass.
Your Landorus changed it's forme to Landorus (Therian Forme)!


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