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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Imbored.
Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 14:06 (9 Months ago)
There's something in the wind
... ...
... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... *sigh*

Oh, hi Imbored.
1. What's the matter?
2. Bye!


I chose 1.

There's something in the wind
... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... *sigh*

Nothing... it's just-...
1. Tell me!
2. Okay, bye then

Chose 1

There's something in the wind
... ... ... Hm, alright. I guess talking might help.

Well, you know the Daycare Owner, right? He's a very good friend of mine and-... Well. He used to be a good friend of mine.

1. Why? What happened?


There's something in the wind
I don't know! That is the problem.
Since a couple of days the daycare owner is ignoring me completely. We always meet on Tuesday and Friday for lunch, but he didn't visit me last time! And he's also not responding to my letters...
I'm also not sure if I should just visit him. I feel like he's mad at me for some reason.

1. I'll talk to him!
2. You're writing... letters?!


There's something in the wind
Yeah, why not? What's wrong with letters?
1. Nevermind, I'll talk to him


There's something in the wind
Really?! Woah, that'd be great!
Thank you, Imbored! I hope you can find something out. ... But don't tell him that I sent you!

At the daycare:
Trouble with Rowan
1. Anybody there?
2. I want to talk about Prof. Rowan


Trouble with Rowan
Hi, Imbored! What's the matter?
Are my prices to high? Hahaha!
1. I want to talk about Prof. Rowan


Trouble with Rowan
Uff, can this wait? I'm really busy right now.

Welp, that's it for now, reloading gives me this:
Trouble with Rowan
The Daycare Owner is ignoring you.
Come back later again

Reloading in lab:
There's something in the wind
Thanks for taking care of this, Imbored! I knew I could trust you.
Please talk to the daycare owner to find out if he's mad at me.

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 09:28 (9 Months ago)
Date I don't want to be killed by a blue mew

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 07:21 (9 Months ago)
clicking! :)

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 06:04 (9 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 05:31 (9 Months ago)
found today's and yesterday's, yesterday's in moomoo ranch and today's in game center

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Posted: Tue, 26/03/2024 09:38 (10 Months ago)
Ekfriedchickenbucket has been banned. You won't get your shadows unfortunately

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Posted: Tue, 26/03/2024 09:36 (10 Months ago)
cheri berry or bluk. I fim not not wrong lvl ones only take 3 min to grow, so it should be a shorter time between harvests

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Posted: Sun, 24/03/2024 08:31 (10 Months ago)
The contest of the Profs (Part 2)
Hey Imbored! Guess what?
I won in the contest against Professor Oak! Yeah, I totally proved to that old dude, that I am the best prof in this world! ... No, in the entire universe!
*cough* Thanks to you, obviously. Thanks a lot! I knew I could trust you.

Obviously, I will reward you with something great! Let's see...

Oh, a few days ago, I found this weird egg near my Daycare! Maybe a rare Pokémon hatches out of it.
1. Thanks Sir!

The contest of the Profs (Part 2)
Take good care of it!

Oh, and before I forget: I made a new Golden Poké Ball! I have so many by now, and I don't know what to do with them...
Maybe they are somehow related to this mysterious egg?
Anyway, I think you should take it! These Poké Balls look fancy and maybe you'll find a use for them one day.
Golden Poké Ball obtained!

It hatched

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Posted: Sat, 23/03/2024 07:36 (10 Months ago)
ignore this
eternatus, ice, ss, tyranitar, toxicroak, salamence

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Posted: Sat, 23/03/2024 00:12 (10 Months ago)
Ignore this, just for another game

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Posted: Thu, 21/03/2024 08:28 (10 Months ago)
Turn my Pokémon into a dragon type!
User: imbored
Pokémon: castform
What Type: dragons
Tips?: 1000 pd
Thank you!~
Turn my Pokémon into a bug type!
User: imbored
Pokémon: rayquaza
What Type: bug
Tips?: 1000 PD
Thank you!~
Turn my Pokémon into a grass type!
User: imbored
Pokémon: palkia
What Type: grass
Tips?: 1k pd
Thank you!~
3300 pd total

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 15:23 (10 Months ago)
Oh np! Just take everything, an extra tip!

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 14:24 (10 Months ago)
The contest of the Profs (Part 2)
Hey Imbored!
Listen, this is urgent!
Pokémon-Professor Oak from Ruby Valley challenged me for another duel! I have to level this Magikarp as fast as possible, so it reaches a higher Level than Prof. Oak's Pokémon until this Sunday.
He sounded pretty serious and it really seems like he wants to win this time (I even feel like he's going to cheat with Rare Candies!). ... But I can't lose! What should I do?
1. I'll help you!
2. Good luck!
(Not when I have to hatch tadbulbs ;-;

The contest of the Profs (Part 2)
Thanks a lot!
I'm counting on you, Imbored! Please take good care of it.

And don't worry about giving me the Pokémon back. I'll visit you this Sunday at 8 AM and reclaim my Pokémon.

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 14:08 (10 Months ago)
Palkia or dialga orgin

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 13:21 (10 Months ago)
Turn my Pokémon into a ghost type!
User: Imbored
Pokémon: Spheal
What Type: ghost
Tips?: 5k pd
Thank you!~
Turn my Pokémon into a fire type!
User: Imbored
Pokémon: Wooper
What Type: fire
Tips?: -
Thank you!~
Turn my Pokémon into a fairy type!
User: Imbored
Pokémon: Bellibolt
What Type: fairy
Tips?: -
Thank you!~
Should be 5300 pd in total right? Sorry if i did something wrong!

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Posted: Tue, 19/03/2024 06:14 (10 Months ago)
Unlocked at lvl 35*

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 14:22 (10 Months ago)
Goomy, or appletun

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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 13:42 (10 Months ago)
You get them by completing the beauty contest quests. You need the fashion case first tho, which can be obtained from the special section in the item shop (not item market)

Also, you are really lucky to get a zapfos from rowan's lab, good job!

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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 11:48 (10 Months ago)
Hi CatLady! Still want the retro cyndaquil, but may I know who will get it? Since both of us inquired

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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 04:21 (10 Months ago)
Hey, soarercat, I need your meow (help)!
Pokémon: Tepig
Places to edit: The orange part of the pig, and the sphere on the tail
Colours: Light blue (around sky blue colour) for both parts
Payment: 10k pd+Fishleon
Tips: some gems
Others? Thanks!

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