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Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 17:19 (6 Years ago) |
Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 13:43 (6 Years ago) |
Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Sat, 23/06/2018 12:00 (6 Years ago) |
Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 14:55 (6 Years ago) |
Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Fri, 22/06/2018 07:52 (6 Years ago) |
Username: Hopelin Pokemon: Chimchar Color of pencil: Brown Color of canvas background: Grey Other: Chimchar is best starter :> Password: it's totally not fury or anything They fell in love, Cynda! Username: Hopelin Pokemon 1: Alolan Raichu Pokemon 2: Gardevoir Blush on Pokemon 1: Yes Blush on Pokemon 2: Yes Eyes closed or opened on Pokemon 1: Open Eyes closed or opened on Pokemon 2: Closed How many hearts would you like: 2 What color would you like the heart(s) to be: Can you do one yellow and one green? If not, red is totally fine! Other: I really love your sprites btw Password: [Read more] |
Hopelin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 96 |
Posted: Thu, 21/06/2018 16:36 (6 Years ago) |
Thank you for your orders and everything you've done for this shop! - Hopelin Well you've come to the wrong place! Make sure you read the rules carefully before you get started. Show
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1. All Pokeheroes rules apply. 2. It may take a while for your sprite depending if I'm busy or not, so please be patient. 3. Please do credit me! It would save you the embarrassment by saying that they're mine lol. 4. Please do not use any sprites outside of the website. (Toyhouse is alright if credited) 5. Make sure to fill out your entire form. 6. One sprite per post. After I have created your sprite, you can ask for one again! 7. Do not claim any of these sprites as your own! That goes for any examples or sprites I have made for other users. 8. All sprites I make are FREE so tips are completely optional but, again, definitely appreciated! (Note: I accept PD/Nuggets/Plushies, I do not accept Pokemon.) 9. Please, do not order when the shop is closed! Orders placed before the shop closed will still be accepted, so don't worry~ 10. Keep an eye out for updated/changed rules! 11. Do not order sprites that are no longer in the shop. Show
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This isn't to start drama, just a reminder for everyone to keep updated on the rules! Thank you to everyone who has followed them. :) Warned super_rishi - Failed to follow rule 5. ~Ice_of_the_wolf~ - Ordered when shop was closed. TimeKidGlacey - Ordered again before previous sprite was created. arkidog - Ordered again before previous sprite was created. Banned Corona_Ayameko - Broke rule 6 multiple times. Show
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Recolours [color=SeaGreen]Look, different
Username: Pokemon: Colour(s): Extra: Silhouette [color=SeaGreen]Look, a shadow of a
Username: Pokemon: Colour: Extra: Gradient Silhouette [color=SeaGreen]Look, a very colourful
shadow of a Pokemon![/color]
Username: Pokemon: 2 Colours: Extra: Stencils [color=SeaGreen]Look, Pokemon
Username: Pokemon: Colour: Extra: Gradient Stencils [color=SeaGreen]Look, very colourful Pokemon
Username: Pokemon: 2 Colours: Extra: Data [color=SeaGreen]Look, 01101100 01101111
Username: Pokemon: Colour: Extra: Gradient Datas [color=SeaGreen]Look, colourful 01101100
01101111 01101100![/color]
Username: Pokemon: 2 Colours: Extra: Lineless [color=SeaGreen]Look, no lines![/color]
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Reverse Recolours [color=SeaGreen]Look, the colours are all
messed up![/color]
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Greyscale [color=SeaGreen]Look, the colours are washed
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Shadeless [color=SeaGreen]Look, where's the shading
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Show
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Basic Fusion [color=SeaGreen]Look, a crossover
Username: Base Pokemon: 2nd Pokemon: Extra: Different Typing [color=SeaGreen]Look, swapped
Username: Pokemon: New Type: Extra: Mimikyu Disguises [color=SeaGreen]Look, a fake
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Eggs [color=SeaGreen]Look, it's about to
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Evolution Disguises (Note: Put the evolved Pokemon in the "Pokemon" slot!) [color=SeaGreen]Look, it's evolving...
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Show
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Li'l Walkies Style 1 Style 2 (Maximum of 10 Pokemon please!) [color=SeaGreen]Look, a tiny
Username: Style: Pokemon: (gen 1-4 only) Facing what way?: Extra: PMD Style Mugshots (Note: For Gen 5-6 Pokemon, I will use their 3DS mugshots.) [color=SeaGreen]Look, my Pokemon's super
Username: Pokemon: Number: Extra: Pokesonas/Pokemon OCs (Character belongs to Drox) [color=SeaGreen]Look, and donut
Username: Your Pokesona/OC description/reference: Extra: Devamps [color=SeaGreen]Look, let's get
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Revamps [color=SeaGreen]Look, let's
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Berrymon [color=SeaGreen]Look, my 'mon is
Username: Pokemon: Berry: Extra: Charms [color=SeaGreen]Look, a lucky
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Cosmics [color=SeaGreen]Look, a galaxy
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Shadow Pokemon With aura: Without aura: [color=SeaGreen]Look, my Pokemon needs
Username: Pokemon: Aura? (Y/N): Extra: Animated Icons Type 1: Type 2: Type 3: Type 4: [color=SeaGreen]Look, icon 'mon![/color]
Username: Pokemon: Type: No. of sparkles: (leave blank if type 1) Colour of sparkles: (leave blank if type 1) Extra: Dittomon [color=SeaGreen]Look, Ditto used
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Popsicles (Flavours from top left: Strawberry, Orange, Lemon, Lime, Bubblegum, Blueberry, Grape, Raspberry) [color=SeaGreen]Look, my Pokemon is super
Username: Pokemon: Flavour: Extra: Parties (Only want 1-5 Pokemon? Leave the rest blank!) [color=SeaGreen]Look, let's go, my
Username: Trainer: (or just male/female) Pokemon 1: Pokemon 2: Pokemon 3: Pokemon 4: Pokemon 5: Pokemon 6: Extra: Shinies Show
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Shiny Flashes [color=SeaGreen]Look, is it even
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Half Shiny [color=SeaGreen]Look, half and
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Shiny Splashed [color=SeaGreen]Look, my 'mon is covered in
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Special / Events Show
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Frostbitten [color=SeaGreen]Look, my 'mon is super
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Surprise Bag! Can't decide what kind of sprite you want? Name your Pokemon and see what you get! [color=SeaGreen]Look, it's a
Username: Pokemon: Extra: Show
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* If you want a shiny/gender different/specific generation sprite, please state so in the "Extra" part! * Think your sprite's a little "off"? PM/PalPad me and tell me and I'll try to fix it! * I have a right to decline your offer for any reason, but I will usually try to make your sprite if you followed all rules correctly, though. * Got any tips on how I can make my shop look a little more... organised? Cool? Anything? Or got a question about the rules? Or just wanna say hi? Shoot me a message! I promise I won't bite! Show
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It's a tip for jars! ...Wait... PD Tipped 492,490 Nuggets Tipped 150 Plushies Tipped 12 Shiny Plushies Tipped 1 Gems Tipped (This is all the added non-dragon gems in total, otherwise it would be a pain to calculate them all individually lol) 199 Miscellaneous Items Tipped 9 Show
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arki's small sprite shop Error's Sprites Charmander & Bulba's Sprite Shop T0xic's Sprites The Celestial Plain Sprite Shop Wanna advertise me?
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Where do you get your sprites/what program do you use? I get my sprites from Pokestadium (main sprites, overworld sprites, icons), The Spriters Resource (PMD mugshots, trainers, items, others) and The Gen. 7 GBA Sprite Repository (Gen 7 sprites, as said below) I use Windows 10 MS Paint and Piskel to edit them. I also use Piskel to upload them! How come you don't a V.I.P section? It's more of the fact that I think everyone should have a chance to order the same amount at a time. But maybe I'll add one in a future, who knows? What happens if I am warned? Nothing! Well, nothing drastic, you'll just be added to the warned list. It's more or less a reminder to keep in check of the rules. Feel free to order next time though. What happens if I am banned? You'll be added to the banned list, and won't be able to order from here again. I'll only ban people for constant rule breaking or if any of the PokéHeroes rules have been broken. How many orders do you take? One per person, and usually about 9-15 orders in total. I don't have slots (that may change in the future) but I'll close shop when I believe I've got enough orders to take. Once I've completed them and posted them, I usually reopen. Remember! More orders in total = Longer time that it takes for completion. Thank you for reading the Q & A! [Read more] |