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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:46 (8 Years ago)
((Sorry I was waiting for Slyvarie to reply >_<))

Aurora looked between the people, one of them scared her a bit. It was the girl with long black hair and green eyes, who said her name was Kayoko, that wielded a sword and befriended a black, two-tailed wolf like creature. The other girl with long brown hair and eyes to match, who said her name was Paws, seemed more friendly and cheerful, someone who put Aurora more at ease with her current situation. The boy, with short black hair and a katana at his side, however, stayed silent, and she could not decide whether he would be as friendly as Paws or as scary as Kayoko.

She was about to reply to the people she had just approached, but Kayoko spoke up again before she could muster the words to say anything. Kayoko walked up to her, her smiling having faded from her face, and whispered to Aurora to not be scared, which was very ironic to the blonde because she was completely terrified of the girl in front of her.

As Kayoko finished, Aurora finally spoke up again. "Ah um sorry about that. Yes, I seem to be just like you guys, I have no recollection of anything before this place, and I met this griffin, Drake, soon after I awoke in a field over there." I am very grateful I was able to meet these people, I'm not the only one going through this strange predicament. It helps, a bit. As she thought, Kayoko spoke to her companions, saying they needed to head out soon for a cabin. Then she started to treat some wounds she attained, Aurora figured they were from one of the Ligers that was limp on the ground.

"D-do you need any help, Kayoko?" She nervously asked, hoping she was not over stepping her boundaries.

Drake stood tall, caring little about what was going on. His only concern was for Aurora, and he felt she was in no danger at the moment. The two tailed wolf creature peaked his interest, however, because of how loyal and obedident it already was to the human girl. He was surprised, and hoped he would not end up like that. For he was still a grand, marvelous griffin.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:28 (8 Years ago)
I posted the image of my creature to my form, was finally able to do it! ^_^

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:26 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:19 (8 Years ago)
Aurora groggily woke up from her deep slumber, irritated with the scientists for trying to harm her with a barrage of poison attacks. The thought made her shiver. She couldn't stand poison, the way it hurt her and continued to her hurt unlike any other attack that only hit once.

She glanced around at the other cages, noticing something was stirring within the other pokehumans, something she wanted so badly to be a part of. A girl with flowing blue hair and graceful wings had busted out of her cage, and frozen a scientist, along with a girl who had leaf-like ears and tail. The two started to unlock the other cages of pokehumans, freeing them from their imprisonment. When one of the girls unlocked her cage, she ran into the open, ready to attack anything that tried to harm her. She was fed up with the scientists and would gladly hit them with all the psychic power she had within her.

"What is the plan now? Where do we go?" Aurora called out to the articuno and leafeon pokehumans, figuring that they had a plan to get them out of the building.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:08 (8 Years ago)
((Sorry, been a bit busy and didn't notice I missed so much >_<))

"Bye Erebus! Have fun training, but don't hurt yourself! We might need you for tomorrow!" Aurora called out as the said boy made his exit, a joking tone in her voice. She was excited to be able to go on a mission with, as she deemed them, two of her closest friends at the guild. Don't get her wrong, she loved all the other members, like Sooki, but she never really was able to open up and joke around with them as easily as it was with Erebus and Collin.

As Aurora was about to make her own exit to practice on her magic, Collin decided to try and get up. She, being over protective of her friends, was at his side at once, making sure he was okay. She made sure to not touch him or be too protective, as she knew he would feel useless and weak if she tried too hard to intervene. "Already feeling like walking huh? Mr. Frost, always too cool to stay still for more than two seconds." She joked at him, hoping he wouldn't be angry at her.

Kuro's ears perked up, a sign that went unnoticed by the dual element mage. He could faintly hear a rustling down below, but could not tell what was going on. He thought, for a second, that someone was coming to visit Collin, to see how he was feeling.

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 20:32 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 28/11/2015 20:29 (8 Years ago)
Ding! The pokeball stopped shaking, the Pichu was now Aurora's. She excitedly picked up the pokeball and called out her newly caught pokemon. With a flash of bright light, the Pichu appeared and ran up to her shoulder to perch. She giggled at his antics.

"I think I'll call you Sparky! You like that?" In reply, Sparky nuzzled his head to her cheek, but by accident he shocked her. After shrinking a bit from the electricity, she reassured the pokemon that all was okay. Then, with Pichubin her shoulder and Charmander walking beside her, Aurora continued traveling down the main road, keeping an eye out for pokemon and trainers alike.

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Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 22:49 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 17:20 (8 Years ago)
"Aw! What a cutie!" Aurora hugged her new partner, who was excited to have a trainer. "I think I'll name you Prince, how does that sound?" Prince nodded in approval.

"How would you like to go and catch some pokemon?" When she heard a "Char!" they both started waking down the road in search of pokemon to battle.

After a bit of walking, they came across a Pichu walking through the forest. "Prince, use scratch!" The attack hit the unsuspecting Pichu, throwing it off balance. It quickly retorted with a Thunder Shock, zapping Prince.

"Are you okay?" Prince nodded his head. "Alright use scratch again! And if it attacks, dodge!" The Charmander did as he was told and scratched the Pichu again, making it fall onto its back. Aurora took that chance to throw a Pokeball at it, hoping the dinging would stop and signal that she had caught the Pichu.

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Posted: Fri, 27/11/2015 06:29 (8 Years ago)
Aurora and Drake were just getting used to one another when a mysterious creature, that appeared to be a horse with a couple more limbs, ran down to them, dropped off an object that she couldn't quite place what it was, and ran off again. Aurora, to say the least, was dumbfounded, but still she picked up the item and was determined to find out its use, if it had one.

"Well that was weird...Should we follow that creature, or just look around? I bet you know this area a lot better than I do..." As Aurora questioned the bird like creature, he knelt down and offered her his back, intent on her traveling through the air with him to get a better idea of what they should do. After a moment, Aurors understood what he meant and gently hopped on his back. Once she was securely, as much as one could be riding a griffin, he flapped his giant wings and took off, quickly gaining momentum.

Looking down at the land below, which was some feet below them, they quickly spotted a group of three people and a wolf like animal with them. She gestured for Drake to go down to them, hoping they were good and would help her.

Once they landed, Aurora spoke up, "Hello! My name is Aurora, and I was wondering if you could help me?" She was rather nervous at approaching some strangers, especially in her condition- not being able to remember her memories or how she even ended up in that field in this mysterious land. Please be able to help me, I have no idea what I should be doing or where I should go...

((Serena, what was the thing your character dropped in front of mine? XD))

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 21:28 (8 Years ago)
Aurora enjoyed watching the two boys chat, their joking style always fun to watch. She was fine either way, but knew that it would be in Collin's best interest to sleep a full night before he went out again, especially to a mountain (although they all knew that neither of them would be cold because of their ice magic).

Kuro wagged his tail, happy that Collin finally noticed him. He quietly barked his response to Collin, and Aurora again translated for him. "I've been great, Collin! Master gave me this bone, and it's delicious. How are you doing Collin?" Kuro then went back to knawing on his bone, glad that Collin was able to talk and joke.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 21:00 (8 Years ago)
"Aurora! Did you sleep through your alarm?" A motherly voice called out from the bottom of the stairs. Inside a bedroom, a young girl was frantically running around her room in an attempt to get ready as fast as she could.

"I did! I'm hurrying!" The girl, Aurora, yelled back to her mother. I can't believe I slept through my alarm on such an important day! I hope he still has a pokemon for me! She thought as she finished putting on her clothes for the day.

Aurora ran down the stairs, a red bag on her shoulder with the essential necessities any trainer needs. "Bye mom, I'm going to the lab! I'm going to be the best pokemon master there ever was!"

And with that, she left her house and traveled down the road to the professors lab, hopeful that he left her a pokemon.

"Dear Aurora, in this bag are five pokeballs and premier balls, five of all berries and medicine, a soothe bell, and your starter, a Charmnader. I am sorry I could not be here, I had to go run an errand. Good luck on your pokemon journey, make lots of friends, and grow closer with your pokemon! Sincerely, The Professor." Aurora read aloud a note that was attached to a bag outside of the laboratory.

After transferring all the items into her own bag, she called our her starter. With a flash of bright light, a red dragon like pokemon popped out. It proudly shouted out "Charmander Char!"

((Sorry if this post is too long >_<))

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 19:20 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 19:13 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 06:05 (8 Years ago)
Goodnight, we shall chat and rp later! :)

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 06:03 (8 Years ago)
"Haha oh you know, Master Virginia did. I know they are normally weak, but I believed her when she said they were actually strong. Now that I think about it, she was probably just saying that to get me to go."

Aurora straightened the paper out so she could read it. There were few words written in the page as she read, "In snow village, which lies near the Bearing Mountains, there is a rumor going around that some of the villagers have been going missing without a trace." Now this sounds like a fun mission, I wonder what creature is "making people disappear"! She excitedly thought. Mysteries were her fortay, and she always loved to solve them.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:53 (8 Years ago)
Haha I was just making sure! I didn't want to rp anything wrong XD

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:50 (8 Years ago)
Okay, sounds good! Is it just Collin going on the mission or...?

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:49 (8 Years ago)
She chuckled at the mention of her mission, remembering how simplistic and easy it had been. "It was an easy mission, so I could have had more fun if it had been a bit more challenging. We had to take out some bandits that were terrorizing a town. They turned out to be weak, class c ranked wizards, instead of class a, as the mission had said." She knew Collin would understand how boring a mission like that could be, when you are expecting a challenge and get something completely different.

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Posted: Thu, 26/11/2015 05:41 (8 Years ago)
Question: am I to rp what the "assignment is", and if so, what should I make it be? I have no clue what to do on that part xD

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