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Posted: Sun, 07/05/2023 03:50 (1 Year ago)
Username: Starchasm Nyx

Name of Character: Mad hatter

Character Age: 420 years old, 23 in body.

Faction: (Legion of Alice / Le Monde Rouge)

Legion of Alice

Personality: "C'mon old chap, put a smile on that face! As long as I'm here for you, which'll always be the case, you can count on me to do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want! We were friends in wonderland after all, weren't we?"

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human). Humnlike with pale skin and a mask made of cards, specifically the 2 of clubs, the 2 of hearts, the 2 of diamonds, the 2 of spades and the ace of hearts, which covers the top right half of his face. He wears a white top hat with gold and green threads interwoven into it, along with a fine white cloak with purple stars shining inside. Carries with him a staff that can act as both a quarterstaff in battle and a spear/polearm. Blonde, with bright green eyes.

Backstory: Loyal companion of Alice and magician extraordinaire, the mad hatter has never revealed his true name to anybody, only appearing in a grove now come to be known as "the eternal tea party" to have tea, he never seems to age physically, staying in his prime and continuing his tea party, refusing to leave the grove. When Alice came to wonderland, the hatter was intruiged by her and offered her tea. When Alice left, mad and distressed, the hatter followed her out of concern for her safety, and tried to nurse her back to health unsuccessfully. The hatter was glad when she found rest in Elysium, though that was short lived. To the human world she went, and to Elysium she returned to, the mad hatter followed her and took her orders. To tell the truth he was rather infatuated by the veryr concept of Alice, she was like a goddess to him...till she became a true god. Even now as he's seemingly cast aside by Alice in favour of her army of lost souls, the mad hatter still smiles and tries his best to keep the humanity in Alice alive.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:

Veridiens - Citrine - Illusion magic, enchantment magic and elemental control.

Weapons, if any: Top hat that when spun counter clockwise becomes a mercury tipped bladed hat the hatter can throw like a boomerang, and when spun three times it explodes after 7 seconds, throwing mercury as shrapnel.

Quarterstaff/polearm/spear self explainatory

Card mask can be detatched and thrown like a throwing knife into the heads of enemies, also helps him to concentrate with aiming when covering his right eye. Would make him a great sniper.

Cloak: when opened allowes him to make portals anywhere within 30 meters, and allows him to throw anything the size of an average adult human male through it.

Sexuality: bisexual

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like: yee

Other: naw

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 18:08 (1 Year ago)
Kira broke through the vines Kusa made, and though slowed down, he was still hurtling fast enough to cause a small crater in the earth upon crashing. The riot shield began to heat up and turn red.

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 17:48 (1 Year ago)
Fortevera failed miserably. The thorns broke against the shield, surprisingly enough. Bad news, Kir slipped out, and picked up speed, zooming towards Chris's direction directly. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 17:38 (1 Year ago)
"DEAR LAWRDDDDDDD- MAMA, I'M SORRYYYYYY-" Kira was screaming and praying in every language known to him,(alot) shaking and crying as he was flung through the air. It was said in his future chronicals that he developed a fear of heights then and there. As his body hurtled towards Chris's hallway, he pulled himself together and spawned in a steel reinforced riot shield to tank the brunt of the slam.

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 17:26 (1 Year ago)
"GAH- You better not do what i think you're about to do-" Kira grabbed onto Fortevera tightly, saying a prayer to any god in the skies that still loved him. A few dozen Kira spawned in on the ground and helped to beat back the soliders trying to get to them. "I can't hold them for long, please hurry-"

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Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 13:20 (1 Year ago)
Kira gazed down at his body, now slowly reappearing as he stood in the garden. "Ah bloody hell." Somewhere in the castle, Illura who had been searching for Chris disappeared from the spot, and Kira started to look around in panic, before spotting Fortevera, Paiyoon and Kusa climbing a tree. "Yo dude wait for me-" Kira scrambled after them, tucking the shovel as a makeshift weapon behind their back to climb the tree expertly, he once had to climb trees to avoid deadly predators in the forest at night that couldn't climb trees for many months, thus his expertise at it. "Anyone got a plan on what to do? Those guys don't seem friendly."

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 10:11 (1 Year ago)
Username: starchasm Nyx (why do we have names here?)

Name of Character: Arachne

Character Age: 2081 physically 7

Personality: unhappy with her life, always unsatisfied with what she has. Likes being fonded over, like being petted on the head, but tries not to show it. Makes a small fist around her thumb when hiding something, squeezing it super hard. Is an extremely talented artist, mainly with tapestry.

Appearance: (Your character's physical form must be human) a young girl with 8 cute bright red eyes, looks cute till you get close up and realise her dress isn't just made out of webs, but also with millions of spider children she commands. She uses her childlike form to trick prey into getting close, then her true form is revealed, large spider legs springing out of her back to impale the enemy and fangs sliding out of her wrists to inject poison.

Backstory: Arachnes greek myth blah blah blah, skip forward, when alice came recruiting lost souls she agreed to sign the contract and sold her soul for a chance to live.

Constellation, Gemstone, and Magical Specialty:
Serpens aeternus, are we allowed to have more than 1 gemstone? If so, i'd like all 3 under the serpens constellation, i just feel they all fit under arachne so well ;-; if not, emerald. They specialise in poisons, trap and buffer magic, prefering to send her minions to do the job for her instead of having to go into danger. Extremely dangerous due to her speed.
Weapons, if any: poison stingers,
Steel sharp spider leg stabbers

Sexuality: ambiguous

Palpad? You will be added into the group palpad, but you may leave whenever you like: yee

Other: nope! Tell me if there's anything to fix, or if u need a clarification on which version of arachnes tale.

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 05:22 (1 Year ago)
Thnks, i'll be sure to res when round 4 comes around!

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 05:06 (1 Year ago)
My rage issues are getting out of hand, ineed to clam down

*Sees a differing opinion*


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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 05:04 (1 Year ago)
Heya, I was checking out this rp in hopes of playing in round 4 when it starts, when i realised i coudn't see what the form is saying,it just shows up as a bunch of x's in a rectangle. What does the form say?

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 04:48 (1 Year ago)
??? What's wrong with my form?

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 04:47 (1 Year ago)
Aw man, uhhhh lemme seee..

"I'm dissapointed, I thought you would put up a good fight at the very least. What a bother-"

Name: Sofphia von karma (Name is selled intentionally like that)
Age(14-19): 16
Description: a uptight looking young lady, with streaks of ice blue in her short blonde hair, her eyes are the colour of a grizzly bears fur, which matches her temperment well. Wears glasses, the sharp ones you normally see stereotypically worn by strict headmasters.
Personality: Condescending, has a form of dry humor you'd associate with dry ice. Prefers not to be in the spotlight but will do what she needs to to fulfil her goals. Likes to forge good relationships and make fair trades.
House: Frost dragon
Magic Type: Weapons infused with magic. She fuses and makes her own weapons. Likes using short swords.
Class List: Weaponry, Spells, Alchemy, Dueling(Optional), Forging(Optional), Merchantry(Optional), Leadership(Optional).
Backstory: She was borne into a prestigious family with wealth and was taught the proper ways to be a proper successor, never toe the line, wear only these clothes. Order after order. She eventually became the perfect specimen, but became a controlled pupet at the same time. It was as if she had no soul left. Her parents got worried and tried every way to cure her, to no avail. Eventually a travelling merchant found their way to her house and offered a cure, a mysterious potion he just called "An obecalp" her arents immediately administered the potion, and Sofphia got better, slowly regaining her senses. The merchant despite pulling off a feat multiple doctors failed to cure only asked to stay at their house for a few weeks to rest their tired bones, along with food. In private Sofphia confronted him about this, and the merchant revealed to them the medicine was merely a placebo, and he'd made sure Sofphia was within hearing distance when he spoke of its wonderous effects. Sofphia, shocked by this asked the merchant to become their mentor, and the merchant agreed. Over the course of the merchants stay, he thought her everything he knew, and she became skilled in many things essential to a merchant, like bargaining, trading and valuing, along with survival and slight combat skills. That was years ago, yet Sofphia still ractices everything the merchant had taught her.
Other: Sofphia is a human with ice dragon blood in her veins from centuries ago. This gives her a boost in ice magic and an extremely small boost for strength, to the point sofphia can easily arm wrestle a boy of her age. She uses this to put more force behind her strikes in both combat and forging.

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 04:12 (1 Year ago)

Name: Kira Namatora
Age(14-19) 17
Description: a red haired student, buff in his own right, wears his uniform the wrong way due to being a sloppy person overall.
Personality: explosive. He's sloppy with tidyness though, and has a lack of regard for life.
House: Phoenix
Magic Type: fireball, duh/j in all seriousness, large scale spells with huge damage and range. Would be perfect as a kamikaze unit in a war due to lack of regard for his own life.
Class List: Weaponry, Alchemy, Spells, Dueling(Optional), Poisons(Optional), Leadership(Optional)
Backstory: a transfer student from japan, father is a influencial businessman with ties into the mafia. Magically gifted in large explosive aoe spells like fireball, poison bomb, crashing wave and such, having the ability to cast most elemental type magic with few exceptions.

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 12:55 (1 Year ago)
Accepted! Also:

Show hidden content
Name: Melinöe
Gender (Can be male, but'll still be called a flower girl): female
Appearance: a pale skinned female with long black hair, her eyes have a haunted feel to them. Wears a blue dress
Associated flower: Poppy
Personality: Dead inside, listless and moody.
Powers (1-2 each, must be flower related):

Visual bind, frayed nerves: Upon being seen by her, you're binded to the spot, unable to be moved, as long as your full body is in view and she doesn't blink.

Parade of the dead: This ability allows one to ressurect dead bodies around her to become soulless husks that follow her every order, jerking around like puppets on a string.

Weapons: dual sickles
Backstory (Must be related to associated flower): Was born and raised into a Yakuza family as the only child of the third in command. Mother turns out to be a spy from the goverment and is eventually caught, with Melinöe and her dad being thrown into the torture chamber with her as well due to suspicions of all of them being spies. Eventually Melinöe's parents died from the constant buse on their bodies, and Melinöe was the last survivor. The guards decided to toy with her and see how fast they coud break her mentally, feeding her drugs constantly and getting her addicted to them(specifically poppies since they dull pain) and beating her daily. Eventually when she broke, she was taken out to be used as a test subject for the yakuzas poppy labs, and she became a quite assistant that was force fed drugs on every turn. Eventually, the back dog from the gardener came and promised her salvation and a wish as long as she became a flower girl. Agreeing to their conditions, they released an energy wave so powerful they wied out the entire yakuza base in a single blast, turning all the members into shadows burnt onto the walls. She exited as a newly minted flower girl, with a sole mission to eradicate pain with the power given to her.
Age (16-18): 14
Other (Put wish of character here): She wished to have enough power to fulfil her goals one day.
Palpad?: yee
Password: When the time comes that what is green turns red, a woman clad in blue shall mark the dawn of mankind and an age of hunger.

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 02:52 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

|◁ II ▷|

Rosa cocked her head. "MFG? What's that stand for? And no, the gardener doesn't contact us, we just do our job and try our best to save people from the plagues." Rosa suddenly looked interested. "Tell me, when was the last time you consumed a seed of suffering?"

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 23:21 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 17:24 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

|◁ II ▷|

Rosa raised an eyebrow questioningly at Emika. "You don't know of the territory system? How long have you been a flower girl? Typical of the gardener to send more newbies at this point in time, how irritating." Rosa eyed Emika for a bit before disengaging. "I'll trust you this once, be careful not to stumble into the territory of other flower girls, or to spy. Other flower girls out there might not be as courteous as i am."

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 17:18 (1 Year ago)
I'm taking the kids with me, you can have the house

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 16:17 (1 Year ago)
Marry the ploosh

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 15:31 (1 Year ago)
Marry the floor

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