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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from GyroZeppeli.
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 01:07 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *sighs in relief* Thanks, I owe you one that you keep it for yourself *giggles*

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 01:01 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *blushes redder than his fur* Yeah, I have a crush on her… but please don't tell her! And it's fine that you asked me this question, hehe

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 00:44 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *follows after them*

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 00:35 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *nods* Yeah, let's go *smiles*

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 00:31 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: I'm also glad that you're ok…

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 00:14 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *nods* Thats ok, not everyone want to talk about everything *goofy smile*

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Posted: Sun, 22/03/2020 00:04 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Hey Quilly, may I asked who bandaged you? You don't need to answer if you don't want, but I doubt that you've done it yourself

*somewhere near*

Kyuki: *sniffs the air* I know that someone's hurt… but where?

Luna: *falls over in exhausting* Gyaaaah, when is it time to eat?

Kyuki: *sweat drop but doesn't answer*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 23:46 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Hello Quilly, nice to meet you too! The name's Kurama, but Dark just told you, so you already know, haha. *smiles*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 23:39 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *sees Dark and Snow standing by a Eevee Cyndaquil fusion* So, this is Quilly? *Comes closer but not too close*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 23:29 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *searches with Dark and Snow for Quilly*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 23:24 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Come on Snowy, we still need to search for Quilly *smiles*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 23:00 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *blushes* You're welcome *close eyed smile*
*looks at Dark and nods*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 22:45 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *nuzzles Snow* I never had any friends before too, but… don't worry too much about that Snowy! You now have friends, right? So just leave the past behind and focus on the future! *wipes the tears away and smiles brightly*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 22:22 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *sparkly eyes* That's amazing! You could help literally every Pokemon who's in danger if your rings glow.
Hey Snowy, how is it to have a friend like Dark?

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 22:07 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *still follows* I'm a little interested in how you know that Quilly is in danger. Do you feel when someone close to you is in danger? Or is it something else?

*somewhere else in the forest*

Kyuki: *keeps running*

Luna: *still runs after him* //Where is he going?//

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 21:39 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *walks beside Snow*

*somewhere in the city*

Kyuki: Somehow I got the feeling that there's something really wrong…

Luna: *nods in agreement* Me too…

Kyuki: *runs into forest*

Luna: W-wait for me! *runs as fast as possible behind Kyuki*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 21:31 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Coming! *follows behind*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 21:20 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: *blushes slightly and tries to hide it* I don't might know whats wrong with her, but I'm determined to help her! *nods to himself*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 21:07 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Oh, well nothing do to about that… *hangs ears low*

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Posted: Sat, 21/03/2020 21:02 (4 Years ago)
Kurama: Woah, how cool! I want to meet her, if possible.

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