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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Go_Gettem_Bon_Bon.
Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 17:56 (6 Years ago)
Added :)

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Posted: Wed, 18/04/2018 17:42 (6 Years ago)
Sure thing :)

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Posted: Tue, 17/04/2018 21:44 (6 Years ago)
Accepted :)

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Posted: Sat, 14/04/2018 17:12 (6 Years ago)
Name: ~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf
I would like to join the Contest

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Posted: Tue, 10/04/2018 22:02 (6 Years ago)
I need a Shiny!
Username: ~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf
Pokemon/s: furfrou
Payment: 3 Dragon gems and 5 fossils :)

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Posted: Sun, 08/04/2018 21:54 (6 Years ago)
Dead fish feet

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Posted: Sun, 08/04/2018 21:53 (6 Years ago)
With 15 toes

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Posted: Fri, 30/03/2018 21:26 (6 Years ago)
Ah. Ok. That worked X3 never had this problem before though XD thank you ^-^

It only worked for a minute :/

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Posted: Fri, 30/03/2018 20:28 (6 Years ago)
All day I've had a problem with opening spoilers... well... they won't open at all. Not on the about me or forums :/

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Posted: Mon, 26/03/2018 12:19 (7 Years ago)
I'm not doing gender hunts. Sorry :/

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Posted: Sun, 25/03/2018 17:07 (7 Years ago)
Added ^-^

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 17:26 (7 Years ago)
I have added all :)

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Posted: Sat, 17/03/2018 20:05 (7 Years ago)
Usernames of the contest holder(s): ~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf
Time period/overall goal of contest: until I get enough mega stones
Link to contest thread/post*: here

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Posted: Sat, 17/03/2018 19:59 (7 Years ago)
Hidden Gems

I've decided I'm going to do a mega stone giveaway... and in order to do that I need mega stones. And with your help I can get the gems to do that quicker!!

Hey peeps, dark wolf here and I'm hosting a rafffle so I can do a mega stone giveaway later on!.
Show hidden content
1. I may not be able to update straight away, please be patient.
2. All PH rules apply.

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# /250 per gem
Bug Gem 250
Flying Gem 250
Grass Gem 250
Ground Gem 250
Normal Gem 250
Poison Gem 250
Rock Gem 250
Water Gem 250
Dark Gem 250
Fire Gem 250
Ghost Gem 250
Ice Gem 250
Psychic Gem 250
Steel Gem 250
Dragon Gem 250
Fairy Gem 250
Electric 250
Fighting 250

[user]DerpyDorkDarkyWolf[/user] is hosting a contest!
Huge chances of winning huge prizes!!!
[Url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=68747&post=1938101#1938101]check out the forum for more details!!![/url]

Now... time to talk about tickets!!
How to get tickets:
Share the # = 1ticket a day
Send 20 random gems = 1 ticket
Send one Dragon gem = 5 tickets
Send a box/key = 3 tickets
Black key = 20 tickets
10k pd = 2 tickets

Just post below what you've sent and if you shared ^-^ I will add you as soon as I can!!

Hmmm..... prizes? Didn't know I had to put prizes here!!! Ah.... is that so.... hmmmm.... well I guess these can be the prizes for now will update the more I get
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1st most donated = Zapdos OR Moltres and Mega Lucario
2nd most donated = cosmog and which is left of the bird duo
3rd most donated = random mega
And 5 runners up who will each receive a random shiny!!

All this is helping go toward me getting 50 mega stones which I will give away!!!!! Youll find out more when this is over ;)

When I get 250 gems of each type I'll give out:
1- 5 mystery boxes with matching keys
2-a random mega able pokemon
3- a random shiny
4- a random mega able
5- a random shiny
6- 10 matching boxes/keys
7- 5 gold boxes
8-100k pd
9- a shiny plushie
10- 2 event pokemon
11- 5 rare candy
12- mix of 5 fossils
13- 10 rare candies
14- a random shiny eeveeloution
15- a mega
16- a mix of 15 relic items

17- a random map/summon item
18- 500k pd

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 07:41 (7 Years ago)
@Net okey XD saves me doing it XD

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Posted: Tue, 13/03/2018 07:37 (7 Years ago)
I think I have a miltank somewhere

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 20:32 (7 Years ago)
Shared and gifted 6 Dragon gems

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 13:36 (7 Years ago)
16 ghost and 34 poison sent. Also sharing now

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 19:06 (7 Years ago)
@EeveePower I'm currently hunting drampa XD will take 2 slots

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Posted: Wed, 21/02/2018 18:06 (7 Years ago)
Hey EeveePower, I would like to be a breeder/seller!
Username: ~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf
Reason to be breeder/seller: because I like helping others ^-^
Events you have: catercream. Witch vulpix/minerals. Cuddlithe. Dark ponyta. Slowyore. Gomaseal. Prof madno. Cubone. Derpatung. Toraros. Swampras. Satichu. Woopice. Spring Flaafy. Jesterig. Pumple. Shaysola. Santa bird. Rudolph. Zombeargle. Dirndltank. Larviprop. Combowsken. Festival kirlia. Super shroom. Plusle + minun Flirty. Easter slakoth. Winter numel. Ferracoal. Space spinda. Cottonblu. Gooseboarder. Frosty Kecleon. Zompet. Chocoluv. Van bagon. Lord Salamance. Tom nook. Pachurisnow. Sad Jr. Heartomb. Sugar shock. Rokkyu. Hippopotain. Gloweon. Nightmare munna. Flower girl. Snowling. Hawaiian Cubchoo. Mikofoo. Fiesta larvesta. Messenger talonflame. Flabébé sakura. Gingergoat. Dralucha
Breeder, seller or both: both
Current hunt (if applicable): Morelull (soon to be cosmog)
Owner of Ditto (yes/no): yes
Password: carebares

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