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Posted: Tue, 15/10/2024 18:59 (3 Months ago)
Trade done!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 15:29 (3 Months ago)
@Spamton trade’s up!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 12:59 (3 Months ago)
@thatswampertguy trade’s up!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 12:55 (3 Months ago)
Missing plush to cookiefriend_jhey please :3

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 11:38 (3 Months ago)
@spiritwolfy setting up trade!
also Hattrem has been bought already
here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
3x pokemon from UFT1: 300pd
Castform: 1k pd
2x everstone: 400 pd
Total: 1.7k pd

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2024 11:13 (3 Months ago)
all pokemon in UFT1 are on sale for 100pd each (i need space but in case any is needed for a dex i don't want to release yet)
everstone still is 200 pd

I'll bump again when the sale ends!
now i'm going to update/check the stock

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Posted: Sun, 29/09/2024 08:48 (4 Months ago)
Hiii, I trade/sell items and Pokémon
Items mostly evolve items or valuable items like star pieces, nebula stones, ect (there are a couple lists on the first thread)
And regular Pokémon and event/Emera Pokémon

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Posted: Sat, 28/09/2024 07:38 (4 Months ago)
@That_One_Guy_1 setting up trade now!
Here’s your receipt:
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2x Charmeleon: 2.5k
Lycanroc (Dusk): 1.5k pd
Total:4k pd
Note: the tip would be much appreciated!

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Posted: Fri, 27/09/2024 14:46 (4 Months ago)
@WolfyTreePops thats fine, i aldeady put op the trade so offer when youre ready
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Galar Zigzagoon (easy): 200pd
Miltank (hard): 600 pd

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Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 17:38 (4 Months ago)
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Sproutlett: 6k pd
Keggleon: 5k pd
Hawaiian Beartic: 10k pd
2x Fiesta Larvesta: 14k pd
Total:35k pd

@Yummy~ DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Machamp (medium): 400pd
Total: 400pd

@WhatsBonkin DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Onitiricity (Club): 25k pd
Total:25k pd
2 ice gems = 6k pd
1 ghost gem = 1.5k pd
remaining pd: 17.5k pd

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Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 20:02 (4 Months ago)
pls send missing to cookiefriend_jhey

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 19:18 (4 Months ago)
pls send missing to cookiefriend_jhey

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 14:11 (4 Months ago)
pls send missing to cookiefriend_jhey

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Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 12:30 (4 Months ago)
no longer looking for flying gems! (if I can borrow a Zapdos to claim an egg from collector.. yes please)
now I'll be collecting ice and ghost gems for Glastrier and Spectrier

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Posted: Mon, 23/09/2024 05:19 (4 Months ago)
@TheMagicalHoneyBee setting up trade! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Vulpix(rare): 800 pd
Psyduck (medium): 400 pd
everstone: 200 pd
Slowpoke (hard): 600 pd
everstone: 200 pd
Kingler (medium): 400 pd
Tauros (hard): 600 pd
Total: 3.2k pd

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Posted: Sun, 22/09/2024 15:50 (4 Months ago)
@ouppies trade is up! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
4x Red box
6x brown key
7x dark blue key
Total: 227,2k pd
227k = 227 flying gems
Remaining: 200 pd

@Yuki-chan trade is up! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
6x Star Pieces: 120k pd
Total: 120k pd
120k = 120 flying gems

@-ShiningRayquaza- trade is up! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Mind Plate
Total: 5k pd
5k = 5 flying gems

@Rue_ trade is up! DONE
Here’s your receipt:
Show hidden content
Jesterig: 10k pd
Total: 10k pd
10k = 10 flying gems

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Posted: Sat, 21/09/2024 16:49 (4 Months ago)
@Yummy~ trade is up! DONE

@evrondc trade is up! DONE
Here's your receipt:
Show hidden content
Zangoose (hard): 600 pd
everstone: 200 pd
Shuppet(medium): 400 pd
Dusclops(hard): 600 pd
Total:1.8k pd

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Posted: Fri, 13/09/2024 09:29 (4 Months ago)
the "stock update" isnt for the whole stock anymore
instead I put them seperately on every type of item so hopefully it helps with the accuracy of the stock of each itemtype (and pokemon boxes)

@Espy2015 thanks for placing an order, but Gingergoat was sold already and I forgot to update.
Sorryy xx

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2024 04:59 (4 Months ago)
Naruchu is 40k pd (see list)

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 20:43 (5 Months ago)
setting up trade!
here's your receipt:
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Gligar(hard): 600 pd
Nuzleaf(medium): 400 pd
Lickilicky(hard): 600 pd
total:1.6k pd

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