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Posted: Sun, 12/04/2015 11:13 (9 Years ago)
I'll see how this will be useful, but what will happen to the 'Take Item' option in the full Pokemon profile? Will it remain or will it be replaced by this?

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Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 04:20 (9 Years ago)
Does borrowing Pokemon mean that you will only borrow it for breeding purposes? You cannot use it for any other purpose?

If I can use it for rumbling, I can borrow a high-level fire Pokemon just to finish my Terra map.

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Posted: Fri, 03/04/2015 11:06 (9 Years ago)
This olde' post needs sum refinin' ya laddies! Bumpy!

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 17:15 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 16:59 (10 Years ago)
Can you take a photo with your camera or something? It may help us understand better.

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Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 17:03 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 19/02/2015 16:58 (10 Years ago)
Then this is already implemented? You can search for people in the Userlist with old usernames before 15* days has been passed, right?

[EDIT: Sorry, I put 122 instead of 15 :P]

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 19:38 (10 Years ago)
I do not understand this..

And I agree to what vanillite said, this is a kids game not an adult game (though some adults do enjoy such games, it's still considered a kids game) and if we put a Casino in this game and make it very similar to the realistic Casinos, it would encourage children/teens to visit Casinos themselves. We do not want the young generation to get spoiled, am I right?

So, if Riako were to add a Casino, it should be different from the real Casinos we know and it should be named differently so that the youngsters wont know about them much in real life.

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 12:01 (10 Years ago)

I'm just a Book.
No hate please D:

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Posted: Fri, 06/02/2015 07:13 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 25/01/2015 06:48 (10 Years ago)
No support.

We already have Avatars (Profile pictures) and there is no meaning to have our own Trainer Avatar, because this site is an interaction-based site, where mostly everything you need to do is from interacting. Battling is not the 'main' thing here anyway.

Then you say that Kalos and ORAS won't be included because it's 3D, even though every other Pokemon game in the future will also be 3D, which makes Kanto to Black & White the only option for us to use for choosing a Trainer, which also makes no sense because, what if we liked the Kalos avatars more than Kanto or Hoenn? What will they do?

Anyways, I really think this Trainer-thing is unneeded and a waste of time. Just make your own Trainer card and put it in your signature, if you like it.

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Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 19:16 (10 Years ago)
I like Anime, but I used to hate them in the past (complicated long story... sarcasm).

Currently watching:

One Piece
Naruto Shippuden
Fairy Tale (rarely)
Bleach (rarely)
Servant x Service (rarely)
Kuroko no Basket Season 3
Free! ISC (rarely)
Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road (Season 2)
Detective Conan (rarely.. I cannot finish 700 episodes easily, are you mad?)
SAO II (rarely)
Btooom! (almost done.. I think)
Fullmetal Alchemist and FMA:B (rarely)
Hajime no Ippo (rarely)
Beelzebub (rarely)
Death Note (rarely)
Nozo x Kimi (don't watch it)
and the final is of course... Pokemon XY (Sub) :P

I finished watching:

Hunter x Hunter (Season 2 coming soon.. maybe)
Black Bullet
Terra Formars (I truly recommend this. It has everything you need, unless you have Entomophobia)
Shingeki no Kyojin
Akame Ga Kill
Haikyuu! (Hopefully season 2 comes out, great volleyball anime)
Mirai Nikki

and a few more I forgot :3

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Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 13:12 (10 Years ago)
I fully support this. Every suggestion will have it's chance to show up; the new ones, old ones, most voted, least voted, etc.

A lot of websites use the filter option where you can see the most popular threads, newest threads, oldest threads, and it would make it fair for every suggestion.

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Posted: Sat, 17/01/2015 05:51 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 17/01/2015 05:47 (10 Years ago)
I don't know if this is in every browser, but in Google Chrome you have the ability to allow them to translate the page of any site for you in any language.

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Posted: Thu, 15/01/2015 13:22 (10 Years ago)
Humpty Dumpty Bumpty Bump.

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Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 04:20 (10 Years ago)
I don't understand why we would really need this. It's more expensive to get the item because it is held by a Pokemon, and sometimes the owner of the item wants something back (extra PD, a different item, etc)

You can just buy the item you want from Forum Shops. They usually sell items without the increased price of an extra Pokemon (unless you're looking for the Pokemon AND the item he's holding, then it would make sense to have this).

I am neutral with this. Sometimes the item the Pokemon is holding is rarely found in shops, so it would be nice to have this, but most items are usually sold cheaper at shops than with an extra Pokemon.

(P.S. I cannot see why you would get an item you want from the auction. It can be cheap if no-one bids on it much or if the starting price is low, but if people bid on it then it will be expensive. And a lot of people make the starting prices too high :b.)

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Posted: Sun, 04/01/2015 19:07 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 02/12/2014 06:15 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 01/12/2014 11:13 (10 Years ago)
"Don't judge a book by it's cover. The same applies here. Now, attack!" - Said Book

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