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Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 09:51 (10 Years ago)
It was fun do draw this one :D

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Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 22:54 (10 Years ago)
I'm not pretty sure if there's enough space for a mini picture. that's why i suggested it this way. (well.. and because of the time you need to pixel every single item in a smaller version)
I'll edit the idea as far as I know more ;)
Edited the post!

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Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 22:41 (10 Years ago)
Sorry if there's already an idea like this but I didn't saw any ^^'''

I guess the most of you know the following problem/s:
You are trading a lot of items with another user and want to take the items from the traded pokemon. But you can't remember all pokemon so you have to search for it some time.
Or: You want to give some of your "new" pokemons an everstone, cuz you hatched a lot of pokemon in last time. but now you have to click at some pokemon to see if they already have an everstone or not.

A small symbol for the Items in the Storrage Boxes near the pokemon.

I made a little example:

-You can see very quickly which of your pokemon is holding an Item
-You can see which of your pokemon needs an everstone
(any more pros or maybe some cons?)

So what do you think? Do we need it or is it a waste of time?

Other suggestion:
BlueAbsol: "May I suggest something else? Not exactly an icon representing the actual item but a symbol so we know the Pokemon holds an item. Less coding, not many new mini sprites, blah blah."

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 20:56 (10 Years ago)
interacting with LucarioRiot07 :D

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 20:38 (10 Years ago)
mass-clicking Rygl ^^

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 18:11 (10 Years ago)
Hello everyone!
Here are some picture I made in the last few years! Some of you know them cuz they saw them on my DeaviantArt account.

I got now a lot PMs about commissions so I'll write down the prices I was planning on the different sizes
The prices are for a:
Small pic 20k-40k pd (like Icons, 500X500 px)
Medium one 50k-150k pd or 50-150 small nuggets (max 1500X1500px)
Big one 151k+ pd or 151+ small nuggets (nearly no limit

It's also depending on the quality of the pic.
A pic without a bg or just a simple one is cheaper than a pic with details in it.
(will update them in a few days, adding examples, etc)

Okay. The next 2 pics show some creatures I made (I will put the pics in "spoilers", cuz I have a lot of pics)

My first Charizard I ever drew :D (don't draw a lot pokemon....)

This picture shows a character from me. I took me 20-30 hours to draw this one...

You know this pic :P

The next pic shows a griffin and another creature. A lovely pic <3

Some requests I made for others

2 Wolf charas from me

A character from me as a little pup =3

One of my first anthros I made ^^

Warning! In this picture is blood and violence! Don't watch it if you don't want to see something like this!You got officiall warned

Feel free to add comments ;)

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 16:43 (10 Years ago)
Mass-Clicking blackwingneos ;)

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 16:32 (10 Years ago)
mass-clicking Lunearia :D

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 16:27 (10 Years ago)
mass-clicking viki123 ^^

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Posted: Thu, 14/08/2014 08:17 (10 Years ago)
interacting with AoTora ^^

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 13:41 (10 Years ago)
interacting with yuki_cross ;)

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 09:52 (10 Years ago)
interacting with nextname

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Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 09:46 (10 Years ago)
interacting with Mohit_Cena

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 20:05 (10 Years ago)
sending the same =3

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 19:40 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 19:36 (10 Years ago)
sending ^^

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 15:54 (10 Years ago)
Starting to interact with Toothless ^^

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 12:31 (10 Years ago)
@Shiny_Lanturn but I love to ninja :P

Interacting with Dragon236 now ;)

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 08:52 (10 Years ago)
interacting with fastrun25 :D

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Posted: Fri, 08/08/2014 08:39 (10 Years ago)
Interacting with Anubis_of_Cruelty

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