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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from *Alejandra*.
Posted: Tue, 28/05/2019 18:09 (5 Years ago)
Done! :D

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2019 18:03 (5 Years ago)


Do not worry, I also work and study.

• If it is a pixel art, only one order per person.

• If it's a signature, you can also ask for the avatar.

Payment is made after I accept the order.

• Please use the form below.

• You are not allowed to take anything I made unless you ordered it.

• I have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Be kind.

Be grateful.

• You can pay what you think my job is worth, and you can also give yourself what you can, I do not force myself to large sums of PD/NG/ETC •


‣[b]I Want:[/b] [Signature, avatar, pixelart]
‣[b]I Pay:[/b] [PokeDollars, Nuggets, Gems, Mistery Items, Dex Entries]
‣[b]Character:[/b] [What character would you like to be placed in the signature or this in the pixel art? if you have a link, you can place it]
‣[b]Text:[/b] [If you want me to have a text or your nickname]
‣[b]Comment:[/b] [Something extra do you want, text, etc... If possible, describe what you want in your order]


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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 18:34 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 17:23 (5 Years ago)
Llevo entendido que si van a sacar mas pero creo que serán tipo secuela de esta pelicula... Igual quisiera que sacaran mas pero tipo... Pokemon Origins donde se mostraba tipo juego pero a la vez como anime dando vida a toda la historia de los juegos! *-*

Hola! :D Hay mas hispanos! Vamos a revivir esta comunidad que es tan grande!

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 15:05 (5 Years ago)
Detective Pikachu:
QUE PELÍCULA TAN BUENA! Yo realmente no me espere ese tipo de final aunque si te pones a analizar la película, tiene sentido... Lastima que solo apareció el atrapar un pokemon una sola vez... O incluso las batallas... Si hay una segunda película, que incluyan al menos los gimnasios o las batallas pokemon :/

Ahora, para quien no haya visto la película, aquí el mejor meme :v

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 02:15 (5 Years ago)
Hola! Que bien que hay mas gente que habla español!
Lastima que esto esta inactivo, hay que ponernos activos! VIVAN LOS HISPANOS! xD

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Posted: Mon, 27/05/2019 02:03 (5 Years ago)
Done! :D

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 20:50 (5 Years ago)

I'm looking for a ditto

What I can exchange is:

Any pokemon/s from this box

50.000 PD

50 // 50 // 50 // 50 // 50 // 2 // 5 // 1 // 1
1 // 2 // 1 // 1 // 3

You can choose one specific or several

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 16:52 (5 Years ago)
Oh... Too bad... Thanks you :D

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 04:13 (5 Years ago)
Done! :D

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 04:07 (5 Years ago)
My question is simple but for now nobody has answered me ... The Event Ditto "Santa Birb" is like a normal Ditto? D:

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2019 00:29 (5 Years ago)
Sending c:

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Posted: Sat, 25/05/2019 02:46 (5 Years ago)
Wow... So hard... They are all my favorites ... But most of all I think it would be Sylveon

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Posted: Fri, 24/05/2019 00:06 (5 Years ago)
I win! ;:v

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Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 18:36 (5 Years ago)
Sending! c:

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Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 18:26 (5 Years ago)
Mega Gardevoir Shiny c:

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Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 17:49 (5 Years ago)
Halo :D

Username: *Alejandra*
What are you sending: 9000 PD
Whats your favorite Pokemon: Eevee!

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Posted: Thu, 23/05/2019 00:55 (5 Years ago)
I win! I WIN!!!

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Posted: Wed, 22/05/2019 02:39 (5 Years ago)
I love both but I really love... ... DOGS!!!

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Posted: Sat, 25/04/2015 15:15 (9 Years ago)
Hello i would like to join raffle
Username: Amandy
How much requirements you completed: 4/4
Number: 94
Other: ♪It's your birthday party, a very special day♪ :D Nice day!!

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