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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ace666.
Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 12:30 (8 Years ago)

THIS SHOP IS OPEN if you want more then 10 pokemon pal pad me

palpad me if you want a quicker response

friends who work for me
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each person gets 3k each Saturday

Ashriot - event breeder
ace666 - collecting milk and honey
ace666 - cooking

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fire 20/21 1500 pd
leaf 15/15 1500 pd
water 18/18 1500 pd
electric 27/27 1500 pd
oval 12/12 1500 pd
sun 4/4 1500 pd
dawn 5/5 1600 pd
dusk 9/9 1600 pd
moon 23/23 1500 pd DNA Splicer (Black) 1/1

rare candy 27/27 5500 pd

pokemon in my sell boxes
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Easy - 100 pd
Medium - 250 pd
Hard - 500 pd
Rare - 1000 - pd or 1 normal gem
Special - 2500 pd 0r 2 normal gems
Events - 5,000-80,000 pd 5-80 normal gems
Unown - 10,000 pd 10 normal gems
Starters - 1500 pd 1 normal gem
retro- 3000- 60,000 3-60 normal gems
shiny- 40,000-200,000 pd OUT OF STOCK
mega able 50,000-200,000 pd OUT OF STOCK
mega able event 100,000- 300,000 pd OUT OF STOCK
legends 20,000- 1,500,000 pd OUT OF STOCK

I do shiny hunts if you want to buy a shiny in my current hunt pal pad me how many max of 2 pokemon per person per hunt
payments pd items gems or other shiny

hunts I'm doing how much and how many shiny I'm going to hatch (less if not many people want them )

shiny ponyta 50k each (1/10)
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ashriot -1 - paid delivered
pinkskye - 2 - paid

hunts to do
oddish 60k each (0/12)

Zigzagoon 60k each (0/10)

Rhyhorn 70k each (0/10)

Tangela 80k each (0/10)

Growlithe 90k each (0/10)

thank you all for trading and please come again and have a nice day

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 21:49 (8 Years ago)
a few times I have clicked on a egg in the lab and it says The chosen egg was placed in your party! Take good care of it. but when I got to my party it is not there

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Posted: Mon, 26/10/2015 18:17 (8 Years ago)
sorry about wording not that good at writing my ideas down :,(

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Posted: Fri, 23/10/2015 21:27 (8 Years ago)
I think It would be good to be able to sell or trade more pokemon at the same time and be able to sell from your boxes.
same way as you move more then one pokemon from one box to another you could move more then one pokemon to the sell page
when you are on the auction page and it say witch pokemon to trade you should be able to click a few you want to sell at the same price and put them up.
if someone want to buy 20 pokemon of you you can click the pokemon they want and put there name on instead of doing it one by one

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Posted: Wed, 21/10/2015 17:42 (8 Years ago)
please send me one

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