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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 08:51 (6 Years ago)
Evil this time XD

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 08:47 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 08:38 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Color Line please!

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Posted: Sun, 20/01/2019 08:31 (6 Years ago)
Chaotic Good

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Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 15:45 (6 Years ago)
On DeviantArt (I’m not on it), my friend Wildcat1999 posted some fan stamps for signatures or forums. Please take credit to him! Enjoy! ;)
His page:

Fan Stamps
Thomas The Tank Engine Stamps:

Pokémon Stamps:

Pokémon Stamps 2:

Team Pokémon Stamps:

TMNT Stamps:

The Loud House Stamps:

Sonic Stamps:

Other Stamps:

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Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 11:38 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 11:13 (6 Years ago)
Chibi! My Pokemon is licking the screen!
Username: Pikochi
Pokemon: Pikachu
Shiny?: no
Tongue color:#FF0012
Background color: #9932CC
Password: Kruziik
Other: I’ll gift you the money

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Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 09:35 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/01/2019 09:22 (6 Years ago)
Welcome to my shop! Pokémon cost 100 pd each. Please read the rules and look at my shiny hunt box before ordering your Pokémon. Please also keep in mind that I may be offline, so be patient.

My box:
The babies that need a home

The Rules:
Show hidden content
1. No swearing or bullying.
2. Please be patient.
3. No more than 5 Pokémon at a time.
4. Enjoy your Pokémon!
5. I can do breeding pairs too.

The form:
Show hidden content
KitKat, the poor Pokémon need a home!
Breeding Pair?:

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Posted: Fri, 18/01/2019 17:28 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 18/01/2019 17:02 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 18/01/2019 17:00 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 17/01/2019 18:19 (6 Years ago)
Yep, I made this when i was new, sooooo nothings really happening.

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Posted: Thu, 17/01/2019 17:55 (6 Years ago)
Banned cause I like chaos

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Posted: Thu, 17/01/2019 17:53 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 17:08 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 17:07 (6 Years ago)
Espeon c:

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 16:23 (6 Years ago)
This forum page is still currenty under maintenance!

Pikochi’s Help Centre for the new members of PokéHeroes!

Hiya! Welcome to the amazing world of PokéHeroes! Are you a bit stuck and don’t know what to do? Do you only know how to go to Prof. Rowan’s lab and adopt eggs? Well, in the this article I will tell you all about PokéHeroes and what to do! If there is something you need that isn’t in this article, leave a comment and I’ll add it! Also, if any experienced members would like to add something, they can too!

Quote from Greeneyewolf2013Hello~^^ Thank You! XD I appreciate the help, thank you so much, you’re too kind :3



This is where you’ll find the latest news! New events, latest update, new Pokémon, it’s all here! You can also give an egg a hug or give a random Pokémon a free berry.


Here, you can check who’s in your party and their stats. You can also interact with them.


This section can only be unlocked by buying the V.S. Seeker from the Emera Mall Item Shop. You can change and and to your battle team to battle with other players.


This is where you can look for people to battle with. You can also pick different battle teams (if you have some more) too!


You can check what players have posted, notifications from PokéHeroes, and other things from here. You can also see your party, how many interactions you have made and recieved, and PokéHeroes’s Facebook page.


Here, you will meet Bill, a smart man who knows all about computers! You can put and take Pokémon in and out of the storage boxes. If you go to Bill’s house, you can rename, create and extend your boxes.


In your handy item bag that you carry with you everywhere, it stores all of the things you obtain. This means if you look in here, you can give Pokémon items as well!


This is where you can look at the information of Pokémon you have.
Katie’s Special Tips
You can add a cute little B.B. code to your posts! Just copy this.

Copy the square!
Replace PKDXNR by the number of the Pokémon.


Here you can see the different badges in different sets by doing various tasks to get them. Well done you!
Katie’s Special Tips
If you complete Set 3, you can get the Shiny Charm which increases your chance of hatching a shiny!


Here you can see your puzzle pieces collected by doing things, like adopting eggs at the daycare, betting on a Pokémon, setting up a trade, or sending a Dream World Plushie! These do not give you a prize, this just functions as a way to do something when you are bored or want to do something else.


This section is only unlocked by buying the Pokéradar from the Emera Mall Item Shop. This is where you can see your shiny hunt! You can check how many Pokémon you’ve hatched and your chance for hatching a shiny.


Here you can see the current event (if there is one) your wondercards, and the event shop.


A new event has come to PokéHeroes following the popular demand of more SCE (Speed Click Event): Speed Click Saturday!~ Every few Saturdays, a SC (Speed Click) is hosted. You interact with Pokémon to get SC Tokens , and spend them on Pokémon you usually can’t get, like the four Island Guardians, and Victini. You can get their Shinies to and it takes place throughout the day until midnight.



I’m sure you know this place very well. This is where you can talk to Professor Rowan and adopt eggs. The Prof. sure is nice though!~


There are four handy shops to buy from! The first one is the Item Shop, where you can buy things like Evo. Stones and Berries. The second shop is the Dream World Shop, where you can buy plushies for your friends using Dream Points ! The third shop is the Event Shop, where you can buy Pokémon form expired events using Event Points . The fourth shop, unlocked at LVL. 10, is the Salon where you can give a Pokémon a relaxing massage or style a Furfrou!


The Daycare is where you can breed a male and female of the same type to get a egg that hatches into the Pokémon you bred!


The are two natural producing farms and one Pokémon catching tree - the Honeycombs, Moomoo Ranch, and Honeytree! If you leave a Combee at the Honeycombs, it will give you honey, and if you leave a Miltank at the Moomoo Ranch, you can milk your Miltanks with the Milker from the Item Shop. The only thing you have to do is leave some berries from time to time. If you brush the Honeytree with some honey, it will lure wild Pokémon for you to catch!
Katie’s Special Tips
If you leave a shiny Combee at the Honeycombs, it will produce Super Honey which is even better for luring wild Pokémon!


The Tall Grass is the perfect spot to find eggs !


The Safari Zone is the perfect place to find wild Pokémon! You will be given forty Poffins and fifteen Poké Balls to use on your trip.
Katie’s Special Tips
You will ned a computer mouse and keyboard to play. It does not support mobile devices. Sorry iPads and iPhones!

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Posted: Sun, 13/01/2019 10:01 (6 Years ago)
Charmander and Bulba,it's shiny!Or not..
Username: Pikochi
Pokemon: Pikachu
Others: hai

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Posted: Sat, 12/01/2019 16:27 (6 Years ago)
That’s a good idea XD

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