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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from TheKingOfBananas.
Posted: Tue, 27/01/2015 16:50 (10 Years ago)
As RS is running he comes up on a lake of dark blood ".............I have been in worst.........." says RS as he jumps into the lake

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 23:19 (10 Years ago)
Is still running from the greyed child but is getting tired "im starting to regret not going to PE" keeps running "this child is to fast!.." as the greyed child starts to catch up

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:57 (10 Years ago)
As RS is slowly walking backwards away from the greyed child "this doesn't do my pride any good..." as RS makes a growling sound the greyed child turns its head to look at RS with blacked out eyes and started to walk towards RS ".....if only I had my evoker...." grumbled RS as he turned to run as the greyed child chased him

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:36 (10 Years ago)
as he stares at the greyed out kid "this isn't a shadow.... but my persona is telling me that its evil" as RS slowly starts to walk backwards "i have no weapons... my persona is being strange.... and I have no team mates... im screwed if I stay"

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:24 (10 Years ago)
is still not near the group "if koru were here he could help sniff them out.... and my persona seems off...." as he comes up to a greyed out kid "what.... is this..."

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:21 (10 Years ago)
As RS comes to a stop "also I noticed that the land changed.... strange..."

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:19 (10 Years ago)
as RS looks around "where is everybody anyway" says RS as he makes a sort of hissing sound

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:15 (10 Years ago)
is still not near the group "whats with all this noise... I cant think straight with it"

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:09 (10 Years ago)
As RS looks around for an exit "i wonder what could do such a thing.... making me waste mmy time on these stupid beings.... what ever it is... its cruel" RS sighs again as he starts giving off a freezing aura but is still far enough away to not know whats happening

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:02 (10 Years ago)
as RS rises to his feet "it feels like were have be transported her for a reason... what that reason is.... I have yet to know..." RS says while walking around looking for clues

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 21:53 (10 Years ago)
blinks at skullkid confusingly "oh... so we aren't in are normal worlds... atleast all the annoying colors are gone" sighs and starts to stand up

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 21:48 (10 Years ago)
As RS slowly wakes up and sits with his normal foggish gaze starting to clear a bit ".... what happened... did the shadows attack or something?....." he said as he hasn't realized where he is

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 21:30 (10 Years ago)
Name: first name: RS last name: Ink
Age: 17
Gender: male
What video game are you from?: Persona 3 and persona Q
Appearance: can be seen here
Good or evil?: good
Has the virus corrupted you yet?: no
Other: he generally lacks any personality but can switch personalities at a scary rate. he tends not to trust others and likes to be around ones he trusts. he has a fondness for animals. on the outside he seems cold to the point that people feel like there freezing just being near him and can give a glare that's so cold I could almost freeze a person.
(does this work? this is my first time doing something like this =^^=)

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 02:27 (10 Years ago)

Title: sample art

sample of my art :3

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 23:38 (10 Years ago)
Hello! In this shop we(I) do Cats, Wolves and Bananas and some pokemon (for my lack or skill)
And for payment... just offer! I can accept PD/items/pokemonand plushies as payment so offer =^^=
The shop is run by:
Owner: RS/TheKingOfBananas
Co owner: Char/Char_The_Kawaii_Banana
Bodyguard: Thresh/threshfeather
Cat: Amour/Amourshipping
if you want to help work here please contact RS.
And for requesting it goes like this:
RS I (username)
Request a (animal/Banana/pokemon)
That's (color and pattern/or a reference picture)
(optional) With (any clothing)
And here is the code (the code is my deviantart username)
And that will be it.
All drawings are on deviantart by RStheCat here it is
I can only do about 1-2 pictures a day ='^^= (I have school and my family)

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Posted: Fri, 02/05/2014 22:37 (10 Years ago)
Count me in i just put one in for my best friend. c:

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