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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 14:36 (3 Years ago)
"Woah there, necromancy? That'd be insane. Except that it wouldn't exactly be necromancy just God level healing but still insane." Mehul murmured. He overheard Tilly and Detliander's convo to some extent, and checked his silver wrist watch to track the time till training starts.

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 08:03 (3 Years ago)
Mehul quickly muttered an apology but didn't back away, seeing Binghe's welcoming stature. "Haha yeah well just hope I don't kill someone the first time I bring it out of its case. Don't even know what it looks like, though I keep imagining a burning kafana like the ones in the movies. Don't think it would actually be so though." He muttered. And about training, i'll need a lot of that.

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 04:24 (3 Years ago)
Mehul took her hand, and as gently as he could, walked her towards one of the nearest groups of people. From the introductions he recognised them as Faith and Binghe, the one with the bloody tanje and the other with the staff which he parted with, but took it back shortly. He coughed to let them know they were here, and greeted "Hello! Interesting tanje's you've got there! Need to be a bit extra careful though, with the high fatality rate of yours." He added for Faith. When he noticed they were mid conversation, he adds, "Sorry, did I interrupt your convo?"

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Posted: Fri, 23/07/2021 03:04 (3 Years ago)
Mehul smiles back warmly. "Yup, we really need to." He said, chuckling. He looked about, scouting the room, and said "Shall I guide you towards someone?" He deliberated doing a mock bow, but decided it was no use that she couldn't see him bow, so just stood as he was, while looking towards the others in the room.

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 19:59 (3 Years ago)
"And I'm sure you'll do great." Mehul says, and not sarcastically. "If I could help in any way, let me know! Also, I noticed you haven't had anything, the food's pretty good not gonna lie."

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 18:53 (3 Years ago)
That was true. Trust and teamspirit didn't necessarily go hand in hand. Mehul raised an eyebrow when Bree mentioned not being deceived by looks. No one could possibly be careful enough to never be. Then the truth dawned on him. His eyes widen a bit, and he asks, "Can you not see through your eyes?" It might be a sensitive question, he thought, but he had to know- there wasn't any eminent problems by the fact, except all the problems blindness could cause, of course, but he had heard, how being disabled of one sense honed so many others in people. So what she said made sense in a way, if it was true that she was blind.

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 17:51 (3 Years ago)
Mehul shuddered at the thought. Yes, if they were some superhero team, teamwork was something they really needed to survive. "I don't know, who can judge anyone just by a glance. Looks are deceiving at most." He gazed over the others once again, observing their actions. "Only if we knew if this tanji selection was not something totally random and based on some high tech spying or magic that deemed us worthy of it, we could just trust everyone as they are."

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 16:03 (3 Years ago)
Mehul smiles at her answer, and nods when she mentions there being a reason of him getting Grendulas. He hadn't sussed out her disability yet. At the last sentence, he grimaced, and kinda chuckled. "A war we knew nothing about until we were kinda kidnapped by total strangers because they gave us some item to choose. It's comedic yet so serious. I just hope whatever comes forth, we live through it-"

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 14:29 (3 Years ago)
"The Grendulas, yes, a sword. Specifically a katana." He mused. "I'm still not sure why I picked it, but it just, attracted me. None of the other items out there felt like it could belong to me, but he did. Even though I've never owned a sword before per say." He chuckled. "I thought I would just pick anything random and just return it later, but now that I think, this particular...tanji, as they say, did have a specific pull towards me. Overmore, I've been deeply interested in Japanese culture since I was a child, so gimme a gun and a katana, and I'll choose the katana anyday. Despite having no training, though that's not very wise when I think it through." He laughed. "What about you? Like rings much?"

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 11:18 (3 Years ago)
"Oh?" Mehul didn't know what to expect, but amongst other things he heard today, this didn't surprize him much. He silently backed off to the tables and finally gave a closer glance to the table. To his stupor, the food did look unique to extents. He picked up a plum-like orange fruit and gave it a bite. It had an... interesting taste. It was sort of spicy, sort of sweet. He liked it. He finished it swiftly and took a loaf of bread with the sparkly butter. That, wasn't as tasty. But he finished it nevertheless. He didn't like throwing food half eaten. He supposed if he was to train with the others in this room and "save the world" along with them, as if they were the part of a big superhero team, he should probably get to knowing them all. So he approached the girl, the one with the ring, Bree. "Hey there, that ring you got, incredulous!"

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 08:25 (3 Years ago)
Mehul shuddered when the cut healed so quick in the ring's vicinity. Whatever all this was, it was no joke, no random play that random teens got to be a part of. This was serious stuff. And if what the lady said was true, his tanji, his sword, was a really really powerful weapon. He wondered if he could even come to use its might. And the lady said he could test it shortly. It just made Mehul all the more excited yet wary. Though he might not have listen to the first speech quite well, he paid attention carefully to this one. Each of them had magical weapons- no, items, he had a katana but the other items looked nothing more than a common household item. Well, a magical item is no less of a weapon. If this was all real, which he started to believe, he could be in great danger. But he was in. If the world needed help, and if he was selected to do so, even if by some random weirdos who gave teens magical items without any warnings, he wouldn't back out. When he saw the food drop, he didn't pay it much attention. The back of his mind thought it was just some magic trick, but all he was thinking then was how hungry he was. When he had been beckoned into the room, he was just returning home from his piano classes. That made him wonder how his mother would be worried about him. He forgot the food, and went approached Tilly, "If you say we are to save the world, and that we are to train and stuff, what about our family? My mum would be waiting for me-"

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Posted: Thu, 22/07/2021 03:06 (3 Years ago)
"The Grendulas. Explodes anything I touch." Mehul pondered if the words could actually be true. He had seen a lot of movies, and many of them started this way. So either this was all a big hoax and made up, or that he had gotten himself in serious trouble. He saw how the man, Binghe had just returned it. He wanted to, evermore so now that it was acclaimed to do something not physically possible, but something in his mind told him it was true, and told him that this weapon was for him, it was his. He wanted it. He was really curious, he wanted to unsheathe it, see it, his sword. But the women had warned him against it, and if he wanted to find out the truth he'd better wait than have em all killed. Still he looked at the katana through its sheathe, trying to memorize it's shape, it's hilt, and its sheathe, which was supposedly made of a rare material called obsidues!

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Posted: Wed, 21/07/2021 14:07 (3 Years ago)
Mehul was skeptic enough about all this when he was dragged into the room by the man named Detliander, being handed a sword which he wasn't even allowed to unsheath, and now all this nonsense about magical items and portals and all... He faced the others like him in the room, particularly to Bree, and asked, "Come on, you'll believe all this crap?"

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Posted: Sun, 18/07/2021 03:52 (3 Years ago)
He nodded, but then raised an eyebrow at the next statement, "Didn't you just say we have different skills? And now you're saying we should train together?" He did wanna get to know her more, and training together would be the perfect way for it, but he still wasn't sure if he did wanna make friends out here. Friends who would either die with him, leave without him, or the worst, die while he leaves.

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Posted: Thu, 15/07/2021 10:44 (3 Years ago)
"I can chop. Swing an axe. But I have never used one on anything but wood." He omitted the woodworking skill. It won't be useful in the arena anyways. No one needed him to make a chair from scratch out there. He finally decided he should actually eat something. He might as well enjoy as much as possible before he was slaughtered finally, in the arena.

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 05:01 (3 Years ago)
He gulped. "A forest fire- I- I could never-" but he stopped. Of course she hated doing so too. It was just a survival instinct- an instinct that haunts her to the very day. "I can't do it I couldn't do it- killing to survive- its inhumane, even if we're being forced into it. Yes, others won't think so, but I can't make myself-" thats when he remembered about Amber. There was another tribute sitting right next to him, and he was going on blabbering away all his weaknesses. If anything, he knew who her first target in the arena would be now. He had screwed himself for sure.

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 04:31 (3 Years ago)
Suvansh nodded, then shook his head. Of course he wanted to survive. He wanted to go back home, see his parents again. But that meant sacrificing everyone else to the arena. Would his parents even want to see him after that? They would, but he won't wanna look at himself ever again. "How did you do it? Survive, I mean."

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 03:40 (3 Years ago)
Upon hearing June say these things, he just felt bad. Terribly bad, for the things he said to her. He hung his head and muttered, "I'm sorry- it's just, I never wanted to come here- I'm not a fighter, I've never killed a thing! How could I possibly kill people?" He shook his head and felt tears form under his eyes.

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 03:07 (3 Years ago)
Suvansh looked from Margaret to June, and looking at their mentor, he decided they were good as dead. "Hey Margie, hey J-June. You know, when the person who's meant to guide you through a death warrant looks like a pulp-" he started, but he shook his head. It wasn't June's fault, that he got reaped. All he knew, she didn't even wanna be hear, mentoring another pair of kids through quite certain death. He looked at Amber then, for the first time since the short glimpse he got from the reaping. He felt like introducing, but socializing wasn't his strong suit really. Then just the fact that they'll be in an arena hunting for each other not a long time later just made it worse for him. Yes, he needed allies to survive, but he couldn't approach anyone, not with the conscience in mind that he would have to betray them someday.

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Posted: Wed, 14/07/2021 02:56 (3 Years ago)
Mehul just crossed his arms while the two argued. He still thought the city had the words bad idea written all over it, but he had to hung around. In his slight-nervousness, he just put his bow out of watch form and started tightening the bowstrings, even though it was enchanted to always be perfect.

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