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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Snowwdrop.
Posted: Sat, 18/05/2019 01:35 (5 Years ago)
So I still have Sigilyph from the Reshiram Quest,its level 51 now, what level does Sigilph med to be?? Like how is it still weak?!

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Posted: Fri, 17/05/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago)


The shop has now been re-opened! Apparently I had to cancel a few people's requests cause I was tired and busy all week. So yeah, and 3 or 2 people can post a message at a time, I don't want a ton of requests piling up on me cause that just stresses things on me. :/
And also because I got lots of things I have to check and do like school and other things, I deleted a few social medias so I wouldn't be distracted.

Hope yall understand!

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2019 22:02 (5 Years ago)
wish granted, but now you do. (Y)

I wish bullies never existed

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2019 13:50 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, but it's time for school :)

I wish my sister wasn't so annoying

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Posted: Thu, 16/05/2019 01:24 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, but you accidentally make them furries.

I wish I wasn't called in the class "the DRAWER" as in artist.

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2019 22:56 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, when you become small your friends accidentally step on you.

I wish corrupting wishes didn't make me sad that people corrupt my wishes.

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2019 22:51 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, but then when you get the game it's so leggy it crashed and then it broke the game.

I wish mew was real and was my best friend.

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Posted: Wed, 15/05/2019 22:02 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, but then it releases out in a different place.

I wish that I could be alone, talking to my friends and being with them for the rest of my life.

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2019 21:08 (5 Years ago)
Oh ok

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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2019 21:02 (5 Years ago)
Um, so I got shiny espurr from another user weeks ago and it was holding the everstone. The level was above 25 but then I forgot to take out the everstone after level 25. Now I took out the everstone, shouldn't it be evolving by now?

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Posted: Sat, 11/05/2019 18:57 (5 Years ago)
Wish granted, but memes will become more funnier so you kept watching them.

I wish I wasn't so selfish at school.

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Posted: Sun, 05/05/2019 02:11 (5 Years ago)
How do you get pokemon vouchers?

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Posted: Sun, 05/05/2019 02:06 (5 Years ago)
The wiki says that pokemon will mega evo at level 50. My Maganium from the event distribution is past level 50. It's like level 73 now. I'm been check in it over and over if it has mega evolved. But for some reason it's not evolving. This mega meganium was from event and when I got meganium it gave me the mega stone wih it. It didnt put the mega stone in my bag it was just with meganium when I got it as an egg. Anyway, its past level 50, it has the mega stone icon in its summary but it's just not evolving! I also checked at another forum that has the same problem but when they got anwsered I was confused at what they said. They said to give it a mega stone.

Pls help!

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Posted: Sun, 05/05/2019 01:54 (5 Years ago)

All of these are for purrtrick!

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Posted: Tue, 30/04/2019 14:20 (5 Years ago)
Here, it will help. It has all the things that give you trainer points. (sorry I dont actually know how to get the actual link.) (Just copy and paste it)


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Posted: Sun, 28/04/2019 15:02 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 17:30 (5 Years ago)
probably good

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 14:53 (5 Years ago)
You're banned for selling dark gems

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 14:44 (5 Years ago)
You're ban me because too many people has hugged you

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2019 14:42 (5 Years ago)
VVERY good

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