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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 17:11 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 17:04 (8 Years ago)
Cornelia's eyes bulge Deed's mouth movements and what they were quite obviously meaning and nudges Allistair with a fierce and sharp action of her elbow. "I recommend we get out, it's not worth getting captured or taken in for just standing around and not realising that this is a damn set-up." Quite selfishly, she looked around before starting to make her way downstairs swiftly, even without the confirmation of the others.

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 12:33 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 12:30 (8 Years ago)
(Mind if I start off? I'll delete this post if ya don't want to! ^^')

Mudstrike emerged from her den and sat down licking a paw and drawing it over her battered and ragged muzzle. She kept her head high and eyes open despite some lingering tiredness, keeping an eye out for other members that would soon emerge from the dens. She wanted to take a border patrol out as soon as possible, for prey was quite plentiful but that didn't mean that they should loosen their security with LeafClan.

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 08:56 (8 Years ago)

I've seen ya in the forum game threads a bit but don't think we've ever spoken! ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 16:50 (8 Years ago)
Cornelia went bright red, "Well, uh." She stumbled and looked for the proper words before returning with a glare, "Ya'll say such bad things about me I jumped to that damn conclusion!" she shook her blonde hair over her shoulder again and watched Deed wander over before looking over her shoulder to Allistair. "What now then? What if this Mc-awesome, or whatever his name is, doesn't fall for it?" she folded her arms and added, "I'm still confused as to why we're following this punk-emo kid but I guess it's your decision." her last words were quite drawn out and cynical in tone as she once again stood on her tip-toes to look at this new stranger with Deed.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 15:41 (8 Years ago)
Brunhilde was bending back down again, hoping to carry the prey over her back instead of dragging it, that would just be, more unsanitary. She looked up at Ghembo's arrival, "Yeah, sure." she added, she gave a brief nod again to Sheera, quite thankful that she had described the human's actions as 'perfect' when in reality, Brunhilde knew that was far from the truth. Although she kept a neutral tone on her face. Can't look too damn happy. The guy might want to make me stay longer here.

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 15:38 (8 Years ago)
Cornelia felt her mouth drop. "Excuse me?" she hissed, her teeth fastened like a vicious dog growling. "I do not have Caked make up on my face. It's a simple look okay?" eyeing Allistair with a horrible glower, she added, "And believe me, I do not fancy any guy here. They're all.. ugh.." she finished, wrinkling her nose as she looked around, almost pretending to smell something foul. "I bet I could damn well distract her! I'll act all nice and that stuff, then ya'll can come over and.. I don't know, attract her or something and then take her out." Eyeing them up and down, she added bitterly, "Although I don't know how in the hell any of you could do that."

Flicking her hair, her eyes seemed to brighten as if a sudden lightbulb went over her head in a stereotypical 'eureka' moment, "Wait, who's McAwesomehair?" she added, looking around on her tip-toes, before turning around to give the others a questioning look.

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 15:33 (8 Years ago)

Idk.. xD

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 15:29 (8 Years ago)
Cornelia made her way out but unfortunately felt her heart drop slightly when she saw the woman frantically looking through her purse. Damn it. frantically looking around she saw past the man she was hanging around with earlier and saw Deed just ending a phone call and cautiously made her way over quickly. "Gotta go now." she said briskly and pushed him in the other direction. "Now where the hell is Allistair? Shouldn't he be hanging around?"

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 13:39 (8 Years ago)
Magmortar, Lava Plume!

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 13:35 (8 Years ago)
Well I'm glad that's over. She couldn't help but feel some sympathy for the gazelle, she had killed of course in the past but it was better to kill something quick and painless rather than for it to die in agonising turmoil and pain. Giving a brief nod in return to the lions, she get back on her two legs and offered to carry the prey back to camp through a simple hand gesture.

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 14:43 (8 Years ago)
Pathetic. Although she was giggling and flirting away with a man at her table, in her head she was cynical and judging, clearly not appreciating his boasting and bragging. This is why I can't stand most men. Flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder, she brought up her glass of wine and drank it carefully, keeping an eye on her surroundings. Her blue eyes widened when she caught sight of a woman sitting at a nearby table, but it wasn't the woman she was looking at. That bag.. ugh, it's beautiful! Like a magpie, her eyes darted to anything shiny or exquisite. Gracefully excusing herself to the bathroom, she walked past the other table and pretended to drop her clutch bag. "Oh-my-gosh! I'm so sorry!" she said, her voice high and quick. The woman looked over her shoulder and glowered at her but went back to talking with her husband or whatever the other guy was.

And this is why I hate most other ladies. As she fumbled and grabbed her clutch, she quickly darted her hand into the woman's bag and grabbed the first thing she could hold. A phone? Sweet, looks like a new model as well. Shoving it in her clutch bag she continued walking towards the bathroom, unable to hide the smirk that remained on her face as she walked.

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 08:47 (8 Years ago)
Iteach (Scottish Gaelic)

What is "Night" in your language?

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 08:10 (8 Years ago)
Mothtanach (Scottish Gaelic)

What is "flower" in your language?

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 08:01 (8 Years ago)
Thanks! I was kinda wondering that too Homu! xD
I'll send over the nuggets asap! c:

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 07:32 (8 Years ago)
Really? Jeez. she knew that look. The gazelle was now smelling the air and picking up on scents. With no firm breeze or wind in place to take the scents elsewhere and confuse the creature, it would pick up on the lions and her in probably less than a minute. Tempted to use her gun, she shot a foul look at the two of them. Can't use weapons, can't be normal and stand up, if they complain about this, I'm going back to the village, end of. Leaping from her hiding space, she hit the gazelle at a side-angle, making it turn towards the other two lions. I don't have any claws or teeth! she thought bitterly, as all she could do while it was turning was to deliver a quick and painful punch to the herbivore's stomach. They could catch the prey now.

Zaire remained on lookout. He had taken the duty from a smaller earth elemental croc, after the recent deaths, there didn't seem to be much motivation to survive in the bask and certainly every member was feeling grief. Similar to that of a pack or pride, everyone had their place and to lose someone was like to lose some of your lifestyle, your family. Zaire growled and angrily pushed his weight on his front, scaled feet, leaving an imprint of his partially webbed front feet. He lifted his head for any intruders but slowly slipped into the river with no noise, a skill in which he had acquired over his many years as dominant leader. If a creature saw the imprint, they'd know to stay away, he was giving a warning at least, something in which he rarely did, but sought to do so to stop any member of his group getting hurt again, or worse yet, killed.

(No problem Space! Glad to see ya back! ^^)

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Posted: Fri, 29/04/2016 07:28 (8 Years ago)
Alright - gotta admit I was a bit confused with some other posts! ^^'
Can we just begin rp-ing when we want on the other ones, or do you want to start us off? c:

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 18:43 (8 Years ago)
Harsh Strike

The user will have to charge up power for two moves before launching out a massive strike out at the opponent with powerful strength. It also has the possibility of making the enemy flinch.

Type: Normal
Power: 100
Accuracy: 80

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 17:41 (8 Years ago)
Mudstrike came from her nest stretching and bristling out her ragged fur, enjoying the cool morning breeze. "With all due respect Bumblestar," she began, padding up towards the leader, "May I have permission to go on a border patrol?" she flicked her tail and twitched her whiskers, almost impatiently. "I think given the good weather and more prey available we should still be wary of predators in the area, foxes or badgers might come out with the warm days."

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