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Posted: Sun, 17/03/2024 03:36 (3 Months ago)

It was 80/26 in the house (60/15 outside) (Converted for your convenience). We don't turn on the AC part of the unit until about mid-April, so I had to open my window. This hasn't helped at all, but that's beside the point.

After an hour of the window being open, Noctis, my black cat, noticed the open window. He has spent the last ten minutes doing the following:

crawl out
run around the yard and then inside
sits at the window for a few seconds
chirps and crawls out again

It's so freaking hilarious. None of my cats have ever done this before. He didn't even do it last summer. This is new behavior for him. Though my guess is, he keeps seeing something outside and wants it.

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Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 03:13 (3 Months ago)
*squeals and cries happily* Ahh! I love her so freaking much!

My darling Rhoslyn has her first art piece! Technically fourth, but the other three were drawn by me, so I don't count them.
She is my first and oldest OC at 13 years this November. Her skin is lavender because she is a Keshiri from Star Wars.
One of the artists I follow on Facebook opened up two Custom Adopt slots for $10 each. I snagged one and paid $15.
If anyone is curious, I requested the dress to be in the style of Rosetta from Tinkerbelle.

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Posted: Fri, 15/03/2024 03:08 (3 Months ago)
My mom just came in to complain about how she's being cut off from Medical because she makes too much. She said she wishes it would go back to the way it was during Covid, when she was getting 300 a month in food stamps for two people.

What's her reasoning behind being cut off from Medical and the food stamps being lowered? According to her, it's because of all the immigrants coming and getting all the medical and food aid with a snap of their fingers while people like her struggle.

She also believed that she couldn't ever get a job down in Cali because everywhere was owned by Muslims, and they only hired family. Not true, but kind of. I mean, practically every gas station I remember was owned by Spanish or Muslim. But we lived in low-rent areas because we were poor.

I still can't wrap my mind around how my parents regularly make racist remarks (my mom far more so than my dad). And yet, I, who educated myself, changed my views, and broke the cycle, is somehow still a racist. -_-

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Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 01:23 (3 Months ago)
So. I knew not to expect a takeoff in streaming, but after nine months--six of which with a consistent schedule--I kind of expected to have 2 to 5 people watching each stream and interacting with me. To see only one each time has been very disheartening.

I was told the best way to put myself out there was by interacting with other streamers and being social. But just the thought shuts me down. And as much as I enjoyed streaming, I always had some anxiety each time, wondering, "What am I going to do IF an active person joins and starts chatting with me?" Worse. "What if one of THEM joins to cause problems?"

If you're in my Discord group, feel free to leave. It's been dead since I started it because I never had the attention span and energy to keep it updated and active. I'll delete it soon, but I just wanted to give a heads-up.

I'll still be social here. But you can also find me as SakuraWolf23 on Discord and Samantha Bishop on Facebook. I'm far more active on Facebook, though.

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 23:59 (3 Months ago)
Gods, I enjoy Neil Newbon's streams so much. I'm almost always laughing or smiling. I participated in the chat multiple times today and even asked what mocap meant. Motion Capture. Oh, and FeliciaDay raided the stream! <3

I got another 400 words in for Angel of the Shadows yesterday. Still early on in the chapter. I'm stuck because it's a filler chapter, so nothing is really happening in it. And relaxing, wholesome, fluffy bits apparently aren't my thing. But as soon as I finish it, I'm going to get started on the first chapter of my Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic! ^.^

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Posted: Sun, 03/03/2024 21:54 (3 Months ago)
D: I made a post mentioning nomming on tail, and I thought of comm'ing a pic of Wildfyre doing so, but now I'm crying because it hit me that her tail is made of flames, so she can't do that.

Maybe I can do something like, if she gets it wet it turns to floof until it dries. All I know is that, like all good doggos, she must know the joy of nomming her tail. Even if it's only once.

But the question now is how to accomplish such a feat while keeping it in the realms of possibility.

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Posted: Sun, 03/03/2024 20:58 (3 Months ago)
Ugh. I want to write so badly, but I have no clue which project to work on.

I'm torn between Vampiric Embrace and Guardians of Sanctuary.

Vampiric Embrace already has 8 pages in Word of game tracking progress. I want to say I have about 30 chapters worth right now. I just defended Halsin's Portal, so likely going to end around 50-75. I'm nervous about this one though because BG3 is my first DnD experience, and I don't want to get the characters wrong. The biggest draw to this one is all the chapters with Astarion. Mostly just bonding until he's ready to accept more. ❤

Arcanum Magicka is a possibility, but I don't have any real clue what I'm doing with that storyline. XD I just wanted to write out the ending we weren't given. The ability to side with Lillith. So it could have anywhere from 50-500 chapters, depending. I'll likely find the Main Quest order and loosely follow it while the sisters do their personal quest.

Guardians of Sanctuary is the journey of the first time I made it to Guardian Rank in Diablo 3. There are 85 Tasks for the Seasonal Journey, so I'd planned on it having around 100 chapters.

And Angel of the Shadows, well...I'm stupid and wanted to do at least one chapter per Shadow Pokemon (2-5 for the Legends), so I'm looking at 1500+ chapters. Because of how long I'd planned on it being, I know I'd feel more accomplished focusing primarily on one of the others.

Overall, I think I'll do one chapter each for the three current ones and then go in the following order
Vampiric Embrace
Guardians of Sanctuary
Arcanum Magicka
Angel of the Shadows

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Posted: Sat, 02/03/2024 20:05 (3 Months ago)
Whether it's Shiny Mega Hunting here or Melan Hunting on PFQ of new Pokemon...
I wish some people would NOT go for the Pokemon when they're consistently lucky on it.

Thankfully, PFQ doesn't give FoS specials to the Artist who designs them.
Like. Yes, you deserve the SM without having to hunt it.
But part of the joy of a new Pokemon for the community is the rush for the FoS, and you take that away by claiming it first.

And when it comes to Melans. I understand the RNG behind it and that you don't always get the FoS.
But that's the thing. Don't always. Your luck is too consistently good.
Though we tell you "Congrats", I guarantee many others are like myself, and, deep down, hate you for it.
One person in particular, I've hated long before they gave me a legit reason to because of that.

Seriously, though?
It's not going to hurt you to take a step back. Especially since, odds are, you don't like every one that comes out.
So hunting them all just to get the FoS, actually comes across as extremely rude and jerkish behavior.

Why do I sometimes type like this instead of putting them in a paragraph?
Does it make it easier for my mind to comprehend what I'm saying?
I want to say yes, considering right now, I feel so freaking sick.
Woke up at 11.30 am. Latest I've ever slept in in a long while.

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Posted: Sat, 02/03/2024 04:54 (3 Months ago)
Yay! I completed and submitted my short story to the Contest with 10 minutes left!
Warning! The last two paragraphs may be triggering due to mention of gore and physical violence.

Breaking Point

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Posted: Fri, 01/03/2024 17:00 (3 Months ago)
My Brother-in-law came by with his friend yesterday so they could finish getting two of the units rentable. His friend was warned that dad and I love making inappropriate comments and making people uncomfortable.

Well. Apparently, I went overboard while having fun embarrassing my brother-in-law. His friend came into my room at 2 in the morning, asking if I still wanted to do something I never even remotely implied aside from the excessive comments toward everyone. He proceeded to try to beg me to get up to play games with him because he was bored, couldn't sleep, and was the only one awake.

I took the first chance I got to head into dad's room and told him what happened. Then spent the next six hours trying to sleep in dad's room in a ball of nausea and anxiety. Surely, even if the misunderstanding is cleared up, the friend won't be allowed back.

What kind of guest in a stranger's house just up and goes into another person's room and wakes them up at 2 in the morning out of boredom?

So... Nothing is being said because I was hinting that I wanted it to happen by my joking. And because his cognitive abilities were impaired.

But the cause of the behavior last night is being addressed. With if they want to impair themselves like that again, they must sleep at the apartments.

This guy has a girlfriend, too, but yes. Let's sweep this incident under the rug. I got lucky, but next person might not. /s

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Posted: Fri, 01/03/2024 00:04 (3 Months ago)
I spent most of the last few hours working on a prompt to submit to Reedsy's Weekly Contest, and I forgot about the Maze until the last 15 minutes.

Found two Stickers.
Found and Took Exit.
Found Sticker.
Found and Ignored Exit.
Found Last Sticker.
I couldn't find Exit again in time.

I could have done it had I not had to deal with a potential renter wanting an application. :( Oh well. Only missed out on 25. And life comes first.

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 17:19 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 17:19 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 17:19 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 17:12 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 22:18 (3 Months ago)
*squeals* My Meredith Gentry set by Laurell K Hamilton, came in! Looking forward to rereading this series. Especially Sholto's chapters. I would share a picture, but I don't think the covers, however "tame", would be allowed.

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Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 01:49 (3 Months ago)
I turned on Recent Visitors even though I knew it would stress me out. Had a gut feeling to do so and a reason behind it. I told myself that if I did it, I might be able to catch a stalker or two who had me blocked and add them to my block list.

Found one. Based on Journal content, I am 99% certain they are not only one of the four I have blocked on PFQ but the one I have the worst stress and anxiety over. I'm currently shaking and nauseous now that I know this person is in what I consider one of my safest places. Yes, even with those who stalk my Journal and Feeds. Because I feel seen and heard here.

Now, to figure out how to use CSS to remove feeds and comments from individuals. Or better yet, erase them from existence as best as possible. Even if not 100% blocked, it would go a long way to help me feel safe until a viable block feature is implemented here.

Seriously, though? How many people's mental/emotional health must be severely damaged before a full block is implemented?

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Posted: Tue, 27/02/2024 23:42 (3 Months ago)
Dad and I know each other's passwords for practically everything. This has been the way since I moved in with him 9 1/2 years ago. We regularly access each other's accounts for various games and websites with permission. And while we're inside, we only do things that were asked of us and nothing more. Messages and other social aspects remained private unless it was felt that I was trying to hide something or life/death worthy to do so. I went with this for the longest time because I believed trust equated to sharing passwords and open and honest communication.

My vent group learned of this about a month ago and was upset. They told me there was a difference between being handed an unlocked device and having access to that device at all times. Your partner or parent should trust that you would come to them if there were a problem or that you wouldn't do anything seen as a betrayal. As someone who doesn't like having conversations unless I have the energy to do so or being touched even in a hug unless I initiate or am asked and given permission, I understood this. My terms and privacy do not equate to hiding something, and I'm entitled to my personal, private space where I can relax, breathe, and feel safe.

I'm in the process of making efforts to better myself. We finally found someone to fix our apartments, so I will have a guaranteed income of close to $10k a month for the rest of my life. All I have to do is show more initiative and responsibility, though I still plan on applying for a job at my local library when it reopens in its new location and bigger building this fall. Tired of feeling and being told I'm worthless, so I want to make something more of myself. It's not much, but it's progress. By the end of this year, I hope to be capable of taking the next big step and living on my own. Not likely, but *shrugs* we'll see.

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Posted: Tue, 27/02/2024 00:42 (3 Months ago)
Posting recent posts here to clean up profile.

Oh! In addition to gifting you with my lovely presence again, I present:
Jasmine with a tongue blep from being caught cleaning herself. <3


Currently having so much fun watching Neil (Astarion) play BG3.
OMG. I don't know who's with him, but these two are hilarious.
And Neil freaked out the cutest way when he found some Charming Little Egg on top of Last Light Inn.
I'm still in the Creche, so they're in areas I've not been to yet, but I'm having fun watching them.

You know. I thought myself smart for learning how to code the basics of CSS for Templates and Abouts on PFQ (Even though there are still many basics I don't know yet). But combining it with HTML to build a website is a whole 'nother level of knowledge that I'm not entirely sure I'm capable of absorbing.

Having a friend code two specific things for it that neither dad nor I have figured out how to do. Reading the how-to's on CSS doesn't help me. I'm a combination of the learning techniques. I can teach myself if I can play around with the code instead of just seeing it.

At least, though, I'm able to teach myself. I might never deal with the hundreds of thousands to billions of lines of code that Gaming Programmers do, but at least I'm among the Coders who can learn from their mistakes. For if I stumble across something really stubborn. I'll write down what the problem was and how I fixed it just in case I come across it again in the future. ^.^

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Posted: Mon, 26/02/2024 07:20 (3 Months ago)
The hardest part about having so many games is deciding which one to stream. I try to focus on ones that can be completed and ones that I need to play over ones that I want to.

I think I'll focus on Final Fantasy 16 for Streams since I really seem to like that one the most of the FFs I've played so far, and Baldur's Gate 3 for fun.

Know that I should focus on ones other people like watching if I want to grow my channel, but I want to do what makes me happy. Spent so many years doing things to please and seek others approval. Finally living for myself now, and I feel so much better.

SakuraWolf23 on Twitch
M/W/F nights at 5.30-7.30 pm PST

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