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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 21/12/2018 05:01 (6 Years ago)
All done with the last Christmas specials for the season!

Whew! I'm going to be going on break for a bit, but should be back next week after Christmas, hopefully! ^ ^

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas! <3

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Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 19:26 (6 Years ago)
@Mafia: Yup, the Christmas Sale is still valid! I've added you to the slots with increased priority! ^ ^

@All: Slots are now completely full! The final three Christmas special orders will be worked on first, with the rest following in order. :3

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Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 18:54 (6 Years ago)
Let's see here...

@Buchanan: I'm very sorry! I know you have a good reason to ask for more art, but I'd like to give others the chance to obtain a slot for this batch since you've gotten art recently! ;w; You're always welcome to come back the next time I have an opening available! :3

@Rascal: What a cutie! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

@Eggroll: You made it in time! I've added you to the slots with increased priority in time for Christmas! c:

@mewtwo108: Sure! I've added you to the slots!

@Amilee: Yeah, the rule is still active! ;w; You're more than welcome to come back the next time I have an opening available; I love your characters! c:

@Rodrigoon: A new face! I've added you to the slots. Send payment when you're able to and I'll get started! (I won't pick it up until I'm completely finished and have sent you the art, if you're wondering!)

@Midnight-Fall: Sure! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

@JosieThePanda: I've added you to the slots! You've spoken to me via Palpad, so I can wait for the references just fine! ^ ^

@Mimpii: You did everything just fine! I've added you to the slots with increased priority! :3

@All: At the time of this post, there is one newcomer slot available! ^ ^

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Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 05:03 (6 Years ago)
Whew! That's a lot of art I got done, haha!

So a couple of announcements to make! A bit of bad news, I'm afraid! ;w;

The reason why I am doing this is, well, Christmas is almost here! If you waited this long, you're cutting it a little close for me to get it done in time. I understand there may be some who haven't been able to get a slot in time, so I'm offering the sale for them to get a rush order out. Disclaimer that there's still a risk of outside sources slowing me down (winter weather might make my internet go kaput, for one), so I apologize in advance if it takes me longer than a day or two.


The shop will be on semi-hiatus in 2019.
I'm not going to fully close the shop, but orders will drastically slow down for health reasons (doc's orders). Another reason is the fact I haven't had a lot of time for personal art, which is something I really miss doing (and my offsite fanbase has been getting a little antsy over not seeing any new art from me in months ;~; ). I'm sure many of you will understand! I'm very sorry if this inconveniences anyone. "orz


Slots have been reduced to 8 (4 per category). I've removed the slots I added last batch opening to help some customers grab one in time.

So the long and short of it:
-Christmas sale is over unless you haven't gotten Christmas art yet; please try to let others grab a slot if you're not wanting Christmas art right now
-There are 8 slots available (4 returning, 4 newcomer)
-Next year slots will be sporadic since I need to take care of myself more

I do believe that's it! :o

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Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 18:22 (6 Years ago)
@Amilee: Yup, you made it! ^ ^ I've added you to the slots!

@All: Slots are now completely full! I'll get things done as quickly as I'm able to! :3

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Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 17:46 (6 Years ago)
@Nymphrasis: Thanks for talking with me! I've added you to the slots. ^ ^

@Buchanan: For that much I can most certainly do my best at making a complex background! You're added to the slots! c:

@Kiibo: You made it just in time! I've added you to the slots! :3

@SensGirl25: Thank you! I've added you to the slots. ^ ^

@MetagrossPrime: Glad to see you made it! I've added you to the slots! :3

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Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 17:15 (6 Years ago)

Title: Four Pieces Done!

Opening slots mid-week to give more people a chance of grabbing one!

There are now four returning customer slots open, and I've opened an additional newcomer slot! Again, highly encouraging Christmas specials since time is running out on those! :o

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Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 22:28 (6 Years ago)
@JosieThePanda: I hope so too! ;w; I'll give you a heads up when I'll have an opening!

@meme: I've updated your reservation, thank you! ^ ^

@ChikoritaMiningYT: Yay, you made it! I've added you to the slots, and thank you for the timely payment! :3

@MetagrossPrime: Too late for a returning customer slot, I'm afraid! :c I'll give you a heads up when I have an open slot! c:

@All: Slots are now entirely full! \o/

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Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 15:21 (6 Years ago)
@Rascal: Okie dokie! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

@-Eifie: Nice to see you again! I've added you to the slots! c:

@Prof-birch*the*gecko: Hey there! I haven't drawn a Salazzle in ages, haha! I've added you to the slots! :3

@alexia99hunter: Yay! I'm glad you could grab a slot! ;w;

@CuppyTheArtist: Regarding payment, sure, since you've had so much trouble grabbing a slot, haha! I've updated your reservation! ^ ^

@All: Believe it or not, there's one newcomer slot left! Returning slots are obviously full, but I'll try to finish everything as soon as I can! :o

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Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 06:07 (6 Years ago)
@Nymphrasis: You made it! ^ ^ I'm going to take Leilathia for now (since I just did a Ninetales character and need a break on dem tails lol). For the time being, I'm doing one slot per person per slot-opening since it's a hectic season and I want to make sure everyone gets a shot at a slot. I've added you to a slot! c:

@ImperialHound: You're just in time! I've added you to a slot! :3

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Posted: Mon, 10/12/2018 05:45 (6 Years ago)

Title: Eight Pieces Done!

I haven't cleared out the entire batch yet (just have one left!) but I figured I'd make a post! ^ ^

Whew! Slots are now open again! Keep in mind that this next batch might experience a bit of delay because I'll be playing a ton of Smash but I'll do my best to keep everything timely! :o

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Posted: Fri, 07/12/2018 19:34 (6 Years ago)
First Pokemon Ever: Dratini (plush toy from KFC; it was the first time I ever saw Pokemon anywhere)

Trading Card: I want to say it was Meowth? Not sure. One of my very first cards was the special "gold-border" Meowth card from a fruit snack promotion but I believe I had the regular card beforehand.

Starter Pokemon: Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow (the genius child I was named him Tentomon DX). And because I wanted to be "just like Ash," my first caught Pokemon ever was a Caterpie (which was my favorite Pokemon for most of my childhood).

Generations-wise, my first-chosen starters were:
Bulbasaur (RB), Chikorita (GSC), Torchic (RSE), Bulbasaur (FRLG), Turtwig (DP), Chikorita (HGSS), Snivy (BW/BW2), Fennekin (XY), Torchic (ORAS), Popplio (SM), Litten (USUM)

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Posted: Wed, 05/12/2018 05:52 (6 Years ago)
@Eggroll: It seems like it fills up more quickly every time! DX I wonder how many slots would fill if I opened "unlimited slots" for ten minutes?

@Nymphrasis: I hope you can snag one next time! D:

@CuppyTheArtist: Please don't rage quit the game! My art shop isn't worth that, haha! I've made attempts to make it easier for a variety of people to get slots with the recent change to the rules. I can try to give you a head's up, but please keep in mind that I'm very forgetful. I would suggest subscribing to the thread (at least while you're waiting for a slot to open), and if for some reason you can't grab a slot during the next big queue clear, I'll reserve a slot for you (I am aware I said I wouldn't do this again earlier in the week, but I feel that anyone could see this is a special case).

@f1owercrown: Not to worry! I haven't seen you around (in here) for quite some time! I've updated your reservation. ^ ^

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Posted: Wed, 05/12/2018 02:18 (6 Years ago)
@SissyFox: Yay! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

@Nymphrasis: Too late for a returning customer slot, I'm afraid! :c The slots should be open again near the end of the week, though!

@ONIKITSUNE: Okie dokie! Seems you've snagged the last slot I had available! :3

@All: SLOTS ARE NOW COMPLETELY FULL! Given I can work on everything without interruption, new slots should open up at the end of the week!

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Posted: Wed, 05/12/2018 01:34 (6 Years ago)
@Ropets123: Since the last art you bought was a gift, I've added you to the slots! c:

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Posted: Wed, 05/12/2018 01:31 (6 Years ago)
@20GayTeen: Okie dokie! I'll add you to the slots! Nice to see you again! ^ ^

@Meatball: I've added you to the slots! Thank you very much! c:

@Ralsei: Yo! I'll add you to the slots! :3

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Posted: Wed, 05/12/2018 01:15 (6 Years ago)
Slots are now open! Be sure to read this post!

I'm tweaking the shop just a little bit! After a number of users have contacted me, I'm making a change to Rule 7.

Previously, it read: "7. You CAN take multiple slots for completely different characters/pieces, but to be fair to people who ordered single pieces, I'll work on yours one at a time. If you want one of them faster than the other, let me know; if not, I'll just work on them in the order you listed them!"

When this shop was first opened, orders came in relatively slowly and I was more than happy to take as many orders from one person as they liked. As the shop has grown in popularity, grabbing multiple slots at a time has been deemed unfair by those not fast enough to make it to the shop in time, since they "sell out" within a few hours.

Rule 7 now reads "7. Please try to give others a chance to obtain an open art slot if you have requested art from the shop in the last ten days! If no one has claimed the slot within 12 hours, you are free to claim it!"

This is a bit of a test run (this is my first time running an art shop, after all), so please excuse me if there are any problems that may arise! I don't want to make anyone upset, so your cooperation is greatly appreciated! ;w;

Again, on an unrelated note, I'm encouraging Christmas special art! There's only a few more weeks until Christmas, and I'll be ending the sale shortly before the big day, so if you want a holiday-themed avatar and full-body, this is the best time to grab one! :o

EDIT: Of course, if you are buying art for others who would otherwise be unable to, the "one slot per person" thing does not apply. c:

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Posted: Sun, 02/12/2018 06:08 (6 Years ago)

Title: Nine Pieces Done!

@DicloniusPony: I've cleared the queue today, so I'll put you on the slots! ^ ^

Otherwise, we'll start having the backed-up queue problem and/or people will get upset and I really don't want that to happen! ;w;

Anyway, here's the finished pieces!

Going on break for just a little bit! I kind of want to complete Let's Go! before Smash Bros comes out. ;w;

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Posted: Fri, 30/11/2018 16:28 (6 Years ago)
In regards to reserving slots, I've kind of made it a case-by-case basis as of late. However, as I was telling someone else earlier, I would consider starting to take reservations as a regular thing, but I think that would be a band-aid solution to the limited-slots problem; the queue would get backed up for weeks, and people would be waiting on their art for way too long (not to mention the fact I'd get stressed out from having so many people waiting and getting impatient ;~;).

I can try to start varying my slot opening times? Maybe that'll help people who have way different time zones than I do. I think lately I either open slots early in the morning or in the evening, so maybe I'll start opening slots later at night or in the middle of the day at random.

Just this once, I'll put both of you on the slots as reserved. I'm doing a full queue-clear, so the slots will be open next week! ^ ^

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Posted: Thu, 29/11/2018 23:49 (6 Years ago)
That's great to hear! I've added you to the slots! ^ ^

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