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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Palkia10.
Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 13:14 (8 Years ago)
can I buy your Yorebro or is that for FrenchVulpix?
if yes can I have your regular slowbro for 200pd?

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Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 13:06 (8 Years ago)
no one is actually buying anything...

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Posted: Wed, 27/04/2016 19:08 (8 Years ago)

Palkia10's Scyther shop!


All PH rules apply
Do not rush me.(likely that's going to happen)
I will palpad you when I am ready

To see the Scythers click the Unown. (click the Unown for box 1 (100 Scythers) and Mega Gyarados for Other Scythers)

A Scyther=200pd/5 bug or flying gems Available
Mega ables=100k not available

SHINY=150Knot available

Well I hope you have read the rules and would desperately want to buy one. Happy Buying!

Pet's name: blue
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

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Posted: Wed, 27/04/2016 18:56 (8 Years ago)
i'd also like to buy your Cold Castform for 5k

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Posted: Wed, 27/04/2016 18:49 (8 Years ago)
so your going to sell celebi, hmm i'll buy it for 4000-5000 if you want more pd for it palpad me.

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Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 18:04 (8 Years ago)
hey! can I buy a Dodrio for 2-3k?

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2016 19:15 (8 Years ago)
hi i'm selling a red box right now so do you want to buy it?

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2016 19:13 (8 Years ago)
hi I :) 'd like to but your Cacturne for 3k if possible

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2016 18:04 (8 Years ago)

Xstarhero I want Frost Pokemons
Which Pokemon:palkia
Did u pay 5k:doing it right now

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Posted: Wed, 13/04/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
Xstarhero I want Rainbow Pokemons
Which Pokemon:Scyther
Did u pay 5k:doing it right now

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Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 12:50 (8 Years ago)
wish granted!
I wish for either pd or a hoen pokemon that I haven't got

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Posted: Sun, 27/03/2016 09:02 (8 Years ago)
wish granted! your Flabébé (Orange) is on the GTS

I wish for some pd

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Posted: Wed, 16/03/2016 20:35 (8 Years ago)
Wish granted!( sorry I only have 1) I wish for any gems any amount...

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 17:22 (9 Years ago)
wish granted I wish for any gems any amount

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 15:13 (9 Years ago)
wish granted! I wish for any gems any amount

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Posted: Fri, 29/01/2016 20:02 (9 Years ago)
I could wish for something else

ok then I wish for a red key

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Posted: Fri, 29/01/2016 19:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: sending

sending! I wish for a dragon gem

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Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 14:17 (9 Years ago)

Title: sending

your combee is in gts now... I wish for a dragon gem

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Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 12:24 (9 Years ago)
sending... I wish a plushie that I havn't got

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Posted: Sun, 20/12/2015 12:55 (9 Years ago)
sending, I wish for a Christmas present or two...

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